Is it really truth?!

in #life7 years ago


Let’s talk about truth.

Not your truth, not what is proven to be true, but this concept of truth.

Is it another word millennials use to hide behind? Like vibes, like hold on to your own truth, and like the earth is flat, there are certain truths we hold that have been in place for some time. I wonder, why do we call it our truth? I read this post and the writer talks about struggles they experience. This writer desires basic decency even if others disagrees with their truth. It was this thought that triggered me to think about truths. You see like religion, like political positions, like you and me there are truths we believe to be absolute truths.

Many have compared it to science, to math, to faith. To whatever makes sense to them. All that to say, my previous boss worked in sales and had a saying I found a lot of truth in.

”Change is the only constant.

Change is the only constant we can count on, change is the only predictable move, change is the only consistent “insert your truth here.” Similarly, my faith states that my God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. My faith is my truth. My truth is the only constant that doesn’t change. The people that believe in it change. The people that represent my faith change, but my God is constant. People that believe in it change the constant. Therefore, constant truth and people change. I think that makes sense.

Is it true that constant is truth and people are change? Not do people change, but people are change.

With that logic, would it make sense if I stated that constant isn’t the variable? Nor is change the variable. Or maybe it is. What I'm trying to say is change is the perception of the truth which isn't always constant. Have I lost you? I think I lost myself. Let’s see if I can make sense of my nonsense. If the world is the same, the “same” is constant change, and if people are also the same, then the same change is constant. I think we’ve gone full circle. We’ve established that change is constant, truth is constant, and every combination of the word is true too.

Maybe we can’t trust our feelings and thoughts because like I said our truth is based on people who are constantly changing. All that to say, you’re entitled to your opinion, to your faith, and to your truth. Just remember as your feelings, perceptions, and understandings change it is the constant you can count on. What is your constant? What is your ever-changing, never-changing truth? What is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow that you can count on never changing?

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I see truth and perspective as much of the same thing. Just because something is true to us today doesn't mean that will always be the case. "Our truth" is a way to recognize that we all have a different perspective and truth and that none of us have the "whole truth" as that would require us to be "God" or the collective consciousness of all things. The only truth that we can ever know is the truth we know when we know it and like you say, change is constant, so our truth is not constant as it expands just like our perspective and consciousness. This is why I try not to get too fixated on my own beliefs as I know that over time I will question them and change them. I find that "religious people" or anyone that firmly holds on to ideas that were taught or learned via external input often feel personally attacked by questions that make them reconsider their own beliefs, but part of consciousness and self awareness leads to questioning and breaking down our own beliefs in search of our ultimate truth (at least from my perspective...) and the more willing we are to let go of "learned" or "taught" beliefs and discover what we personally believe based on our own experiences, the easier time we have with change.

Hopefully more will learn to be less offended and more so encouraged to challenge their knowledge. True faith should be challenged and questioned so, as you said, it becomes their own.

I believe that truth never changes. What humans believe to be true and how they perceive or intrepret the truth is what changes.

I agree, people change and attempt to change the truth along with them.

Yet God never changes - and he is the most constant in existence... :D

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You try to twist and retwist my imagination and understanding about the word change and what it's stands for. Well to me as a human and to all human understanding change is the only thing that is constant, as life and things changes on a daily basis.

But if I look at it as a Christian the word change does not exist, because as you said our God is the same today, tomorrow and for ever more. That canter the word change in mere human world.

Change is human. I agree with that statement.

People ARE change. I like that so much!! :D

Your truth, and someone else's truths can be completely different things. But once a truth is identified, it always exists in one way or another. As a person, what we perceive as the truth can change over time as we gain more information, or as experiences unfold.

The truth itself (fact/information) itself doesn't change!

I change sides, and my mind all the time. But it doesn't mean the truths are less true, as much as them being true/applicable to me.

Kubbs, you make perfect sense to me, but what a difficult concept to grasp. WOW my head!! <3

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