BRINGING LOVE TO STEEMIT! How to keep a HAPPY relationship.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemers!

Let's talk LOVE

I believe that there is a huge misconception about love which causes many happy relationships to end horribly. People seem to have this idea that falling in love is as simple as meeting Prince Charming or Cinderella, it being love at first sight and everything being a rainbow of love and laughs. Now, Im not saying that it can't be like this during many points throughout the relationship BUT what people forget is that love takes WORK. Lots and lots of hard WORK.

This brings me to those SACRIFICES that I mentioned in my previous blog. When you first meet a person of interest, it is very likely that you and that person may be very compatible. This gets things off to a good start because science shows that OPPOSITES DO NOT ATTRACT (of course there are always individual differences). BUT, just because you are compatible with someone in many ways doesn't mean you won't have disagreements, because YOU WILL.

Here are THREE tips on how we can deal with some of these differences in our relationships AND keep a happy love life.


Pay attention to the little things that you do that makes your partner happy and try to do them, but pay even closer attention to the things that your he/she complains about. It helps to take notes on the things that your lover complains about each day. Try doing this for two weeks without your partner knowing. At the end of those two weeks see if you can get a general idea of what is really bothering him/her. Example: if he/she has been complaining a lot about you not taking the trash out, this is probably a clue that you could be more helpful overall around the house. If you want to make your spouse happy try making an effort to do some of these things on the list.


There are many times when we are frustrated and we take it out on our significant other. Sometimes it has nothing to do with them but whatever it is that is bugging you is making EVERYTHING your lover does bother you even more. In these cases we may be on the giving or receiving end of this problem. The best way to handle a frustrated partner is to be patient and show them love. Of course it is best that we try not to take our frustrations out on our lover BUT if you do end up on the receiving end of an annoyed partner, bite your tongue, take some deep breaths and LET IT GO. Just say "I'm sorry you feel this way babe" and let them vent. Then you can go do something by yourself until they cool off. When you love someone sometimes you have to bite the bullet and let them have their angry moment. Once he/she is feeling better you might even get an apology. BUT even if you don't at least you didn't get into an argument over something stupid.


Sometimes when you have been with the same person for a long time you get into a routine and it's almost like your love life is on autopilot. You probably eat at the same places, participate in the same activities and even have the same sexual intercourse routine. If your relationship starts getting to this point you may start to ponder about the single life....and/or start finding yourself bored with your loved one. You will probably find yourself saying "Well, I really love her but she just doesn't excite me anymore." To prevent this it is good to have date nights periodically. Try new restaurants or activities whenever you get the opportunity. Also, try to keep the love life 'steemy' (pun intended lol) by researching new positions or trying new ideas in the bedroom. Maybe even role play! lol. Simply stated, go out of your way to try new things whenever you can.

I hope this helps somebody!

Stay tuned for more love posts :)


Being forgiving and forgetful doesn't hurt either!

No that definitely doesn't hurt. And once you forgive you can't throw it back in their face later lol. You actually have to forget.

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