Is "political correctness" correct?

in #life7 years ago

Political correctness: the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalise, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Often times people get attacked by activists trying to fix the world by forcing political correctness down their throats. The movement has a noble cause in terms of what it is trying to achieve. However, how would people become more sympathetic and less judgemental overnight? The majority of people if not all people have preconceived ideas about certain groups of people regardless if these ideas are founded or unfounded. Sometimes these people who judge others based on these preconceived ideas cause harm and sometimes it is unintentional due to lack of wisdom for instance. Compassion starts deep within and it has to be voluntary and not forced only then people would embrace it.


People get political correctness confused with human decency a lot these days. No one can be nice these days without being called a panderer. smh

Unfortunately yes. Anything that has political in the label or action tend to ruin the spirit of the movement. A good gentle society can't be achieved by forcing people to adhere to certain standards of politeness. It has to be an educational movement for it to have any hope of causing a good healthy change.