How to effectively lose weight

in #life7 years ago

As we improve our standard of living, our diet and quality of life have increased, so there is the emergence of over-nutrition and obesity symptoms, in real life, we almost see 10 individuals who are fat, or We can see everyone has a small belly, rhino buttocks and other forms we think ugly, was ridiculed in the company, was made fun of school students, in short, obesity is a phenomenon we do not want to see, but do not want to have a Fat figure, can not buy beautiful clothes, today I put a few tips to lose weight to tell you, I hope everyone can help Oh ...

Diet diet:

Of course, diet is not as we usually dietempt diet, this method of weight loss is to enable us to develop good eating habits, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss, then what kind of diet to develop it? First of all, you have to make your own recipe for a week, and then formulate three meals a day, the best reference to the next heat map, so you can better nutrition diet; followed is to control the food intake per meal, the most important thing is breakfast Must eat, dinner can eat or not eat, this is the most important; Finally, the home put an electronic said that each week to measure their weight, you will have unexpected delivery, provided that you have to develop a reasonable recipe , A reasonable diet, from a day to a week, from a week to January, from January to a year, so over time to control their own diet, to form their own diet, you can achieve the purpose of weight loss, fast weight loss methods which Seven days effective, slow is effective in January.

In addition, between the time of each meal, we can eat some of the fruits and vegetables beneficial to the stomach and intestine, such as bananas, cucumbers, oranges and other fruits, these fruits can clear the gut flora and to promote intestinal and stomach Digestion has an important role, while the other is rich in fruit nutrition, so that our body indispensable nutrition, so that you can achieve nutritional supplements, but also to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Exercise diet:

Exercise is not the so-called you go out to play basketball, playing badminton, running, so if you blindly insist on exercise will be counterproductive, sports diet is about science, adhere to the exercise method, first morning you have to get up early, and then under the first activities of their bones , You may start running now when the whole body begins to get a little feverish. Running is not suitable for running in big steps. It is not suitable for running. You need to jog because jogging can consume the fat left in your body for a long time. Sprint, run only to make their own muscle respiration produce lactic acid, not only difficult to digest, but can not achieve the purpose of consumption of fat, so jogging must be running. Similar to playing basketball, playing badminton and other sports must adhere to, you can set a reasonable time, every afternoon or every day in the morning up these types of sports, exercise time left to run for a long time, not standing still waiting for basketball Or badminton, to take the initiative to exercise, so insisted will be better to lose weight, I insisted on basketball for three years, from the original will not play to the last precision shot, are my own efforts, so exercise is a long-term weight loss The process, so after you lose weight must continue to adhere to, otherwise it will be a serious rebound, like NBA star, playing basketball with the devil's muscle figure, once retired do not insist on exercise, it is easy to gain weight, stature.

When running we remember to jogging, not to pursue running how fast, we want to pursue running time, each run is best for more than 40 minutes for the best, not only exercise, but also can eliminate fat.

Play basketball: the main usual exercise-based, you can exercise strength and flexibility of exercise, exercise muscles, push-ups and other sports, are necessary to exercise basketball sports, in order to lay a good basketball on the first exercise, so Not only can basketball play great, you can exercise, burn fat.

Playing badminton: playing badminton is also takes a long time, do not beat a few beats, pause to stop playing, playing badminton for a long time can exercise the body's coordination and vital capacity, the other left run right can also achieve the fat burning Purpose, the last successful weight loss.

Assisted diet:

Assisted diet is of course to drink diet pills, eat slimming capsules, the weight loss rate is very fast, because when you drink medicine you will feel tummy to the bathroom, and then clean your gut, no one knows people Of the intestine is including the large intestine, small intestine, rectum, duodenum, etc., in our body is a tortuous folded growth, then in the usual digestion process will inevitably have stool, garbage, dust will be attached to the intestine Above the wall, over time will produce weight, so be sure to clean up the intestine, and auxiliary diet pills is a quick way to clean the intestine, but in the choice of the time to choose a big brand, manufacturers have promised drugs, Otherwise just buy a diet pills not only fail to achieve the purpose of weight loss, but will have serious side effects.

Chinese massage diet:

Now we can always see slimming slimming advertisements in our life, but there are indeed some regular slimming institutions, which will have Chinese massage slimming method, Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and our acupuncture points and the function of each acupuncture point are well known, so Regular massage can achieve the effect of weight loss, of course, choose to lose weight when the other must be optimistic about the business license, etc., after all, weight loss is safe, do not go to the informal place to lose weight massage treatment.

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