Education is not the key
For many years at school i was told education was they key. Somehow this didn't resonate with me, i know a lot of well educated people who havent had the greatest life. Suddenly i had a lightbulb moment and everything started to make sense.
Education is not the key it can't be, education is the source the information so technically its the lock. In order to open the lock you must have the what does that make the key?
APPLICATION i must APPLY the just like when i open a door i must put pressure be active to open the door to get to my destination. If i dont apply pressure the door it wont open. So in other words i am the key because only i can find the lock (information) and use it. Im the key because i can go anywhere in the world just like our actual keys can do
So to simplify i believe education is the lock its the source that opens the doors to anything however the key is us to apply and get into that lock (information) to open the doors for us