The future is here

in #life6 years ago

Yesterday I met a friend of mine, after about 5 years gap. We talked about many things, life updates, where-have-you-been, what-did-you-see, etc.

We talked about technology (we're sysadmins), work, exchanged battle stories, jokes and gossips.

We talked about economy, money, blockchain, hierarchies, organisations management, self-organisation and emergent properties of complex systems.

We mentioned Ukrainian hackers providing US farmers software so they can fix their John Deere tractors. About hardware hacking in China (recommended book: Hardware Hacker by Andrew Huang). About waves of progress and transhumanism. We talked about space.

Throughout the meeting I just couldn't shake off the feeling of the future being all around, happening as we spoke, as described, hinted at, envisioned in science-fiction literature - it was like hearing a little background whisper of cogwheels turning, of threads of what is possible being woven into an immense tapestry of the past created by the loom of NOW(); - funny feeling, scary and liberating at the same time.

And the sky above the pub, initially blue, turned into the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.


many of people talk about the same topics as u mentioned.. if friend is good for talking otherwise not