Steemit Gold!

in #life7 years ago


There is a huge influx of new users and there are many thousands of posts being created advising how to succeed on the Steemit platform. Most of these are being created by people who have been here ten minutes and are using vote bots to get into trending. Which made me think I would chip my two cents in.

The following is certified Steemit Gold.

Be wary those that follow the advice below. Pure unadulterated success will undoubtedly be yours for the taking and for the unprepared this can often smell like old men's farts and they may not be ready to take a deep sniff.

Are you ready? Yes? Then let us begin...


Trawl the hot tab and comment on all of the posts there, the higher the rep of the author the better. Do not bother reading or voting on any of them, just blabber something generic to get their attention. Something flattering like -

Wow, I can't believe I am only just finding you. Amazing post, so imaginative. Following you now for more of this.

Make sure to never vote or comment on anything they do ever again.


Some authors may have replied to your flattering comment from Advisement 1. Awesome! Engage them in idle chit-chat before hitting them with Ulfred's Hammer.


What? You aren't aware of Ulfred's Hammer? That is because I made it up. But that makes it no less valuable a weapon in your Steemit Gold arsenal.

Ulfred's Hammer is the term we shall use to describe when you ask a high rep author for help or support. For example:

@thingmybob, I need your support so I can help the platform grow.

Note, when you say help the platform grow what you actually mean is, Upvote me like a madman so I can horse all my SBD's and Steem out to Bittrex and remain a minnow forever.


Contact a high rep steemian in chat. Ask them if they can tell you how to obtain a Steem Power delegation. You need this because you want to support your local artists/countrymen/writers whatever with a higher vote.

Of course, what you actually mean is, so I can upvote myself and my two friends (one of which is also me) all day long and sod everyone else.

When the high rep Steemian points you toward Blocktrades or Minnowbooster be very careful not to laugh in their face.


Instead thank them profusely, before asking them if there are any other ways of getting it. They may need a little prodding. Ultimately what you want is for them to throw some of their hard earned Steem Power at you, for free.

After all, what could they possibly want with all of those thousands of Steem Power? It's not as if it's fair that they have so much when you have none, is it?


Make sure in any comment replies you write, to put your username, like so -

Wow, these pictures are amazing? Was this truly your Grandmothers funeral? @SpamFarmer. Feel free to check out my poetry @SpamFarmer

This is very important because Steemians who have been around for a while are entirely incapable of finding your profile without it. In fact, you might be best to get a gigantic banner and make that a hyperlink to your profile.

Don't worry, that doesn't piss anyone off.


Make sure you call these meal tickets high rep Steemians Sir or Madam at all times, even if they ask you not to. Soon your respect will wear them down to a tired old nub and they will be putty in your hands.

And that my friends is your Steemit Gold ticket to success! It cannot possibly fail. In fact, remember me when you are MASSIVE and helping the platform to grow!!!

Please note, this post is ever so slightly satirical and is not really to be followed.


Sir, meester sir, monsieur,

this was good advice.

However, you forgot Advisement #6:

Always never miss to tell them "thanks for sharing" and "keep it up", especially if you have been on Steemit for two weeks and they have posted every day for 2 years!

And do not worry if you make spelling mistakes such as "thnks for shearing" (where is the sheep?), nobody will care.

Also, put their username in your comment. Again, nobody will care if you make a spelling mistake:

Thanx four cheering, @masterboum

Did you hear the story of the guy who had a sailing boat, but he missed her boom?

Hahaha. Oh yes, that is a very good Advisement #6!!

I have lost count of the number of times I have been told to keep it up! Also a very good point, there is simply not enough usernames in comments. Your own, theirs, perhaps a friend. It all adds up

He missed her boom!!

Thanks for chairing @velcier - keep it up ;O)

It was being told to keep it up, or be persistent, or some such insulting twaddle, that led to me losing it on one occasion and being far ruder than was called for. I didn't realise they were all doing it!

Oh they are! It's motivational for us long termers! :0)

Can I really @keep up” with that mute button?

great advice i will surely like to follow them.


So well said my man, As a still very new user I have tried to work hard to engage with the community through "actual" reading of posts and giving comments that are relevant and thought out. I see all of the different things you are talking about all the time. ONe of my favourite is when people use the @soandso in hopes that you will be notified that they are in your blog. One frustration is how little engagement you have with followers. I have almost 200 followers now and I bet you maybe 40 have actually read one of my posts. Arghhhh.

Nothing in life worth having comes free and good things come to those who work hard!!!

The @soandso is quite irritating. I remember when notifications were workingI had to turn them off because I was going through a popular time and was just getting bombarded!

Actual reading of posts is such a rarity. It stands people in such good stead though. I know I like actually answering to someone who knows what I have said and you will be the same!

ITs the hard work bit that people just want to avoid!

Ooh, I thought it would be less valluable but this amazed me...Actually, My mind told me that I must not do at any manner all this because, if the other side is beside me, I will get nice box
and extra make up will be placed on my face...

I hate letter "N", No, is the word of the devil, but this is definitely what MUST NOT BE DONE if You don't need Extra Beauty on Your face😲😲😲...

You are so right!! This must definitely NOT be done!!

My tongue was firmly in cheek hehe!! :O)


My eyes are getting better... honest!!

Oooh 😎 I told you. You passed even better than Hitler and his SS divizion that also got stuck in Russia and You not only came back home but even wrote 2 Blogs also 🙏

Hehe, yes. You have quite the flair for war history! :0)

World crushed, mind blown 🤯
You mean these folks are after my upvotes when they lavish praise upon me?
Next you're going to tell me Santa isn't real...
Happy 1 Year Anniversary (or so) from our brief conversation on my admiration for your awesome lion face on your handle.
Thanks for your support back then - couldn't have made it here without those little hits of dopamine that have brought it to this:
THANK YOU @mrboom!
Seriously, cheers brother.
You made a difference on here for me.

Hehe, splendid stuff dude!

I am afraid that yes, it hurt for me to accept that I was not quite the golden god my commenters and approachers in chat were making me out to be. Ultimately it was not my handsome looks so proudly displayed but instead my wallet which was equally as public!

Nice to see these advisements make a return!! Aww man, I missed these! For a second there I thought you had finally created the official spamfarmer profile!! I especially like it when they swing around Ulfred's Hammer making it seem as if we're the ones who should be thanking them for helping them. Oh spammers... can't live with them, can't... wait to live without them!

All good fun, badabingbada! My jaws are tired from laughing from start to finish. This post really is gold!!

You just gave me the brilliant idea to create the spamfarmer profile just to come here and comment absolute crap.

So that was you!! Hahahaha! I was about to ask the boomdawg if it was him haha!

Lol, that would be hilarious!

And it has been double @jedau'd!! That makes it even more gold!!

Ah they do indeed have a way is making us feel bad that we have earned anything or been here for a while!

Ugh! I just now realized that I missed a golden opportunity there! Instead of "badabingbada" I should've used badabingbrotha... because well, BOOM.

Well boom indeed! Hehe

Hello I am new and it's my first day but I start tomorrow. You will vote for my post, sir. Do it now. It's for everyone and everyone knows that. I'd like 4000 SP delegation as of now as well. It is to grow potatoes for my neighbor who does not have potatoes at this time. How dare you not support such a good cause today, yes? Sir, are you hearing this? Hello? Well fuck you then.

I was just about to delegate that 4000 when I got to the sheer profanity! I cannot countenance such dreadful language. Were you born in s sewer young man?

A sewer, yes. This is why I now require 5000 SP. It is true. I am sewage and now I'd like to come clean. So that's 6000 SP, yes?

You were born for this game! I couldn't give you any less than 7000?

Do we have a deal?

No deal. It is 8000 or I refuse to vote for your next post.

This is getting tricky. I only have 8600 SP. How about I offer you...


I must refuse. 10000 or I say the f-word again.

Fuckity!! Alright, you have me at eleven. What more could you want... My shoes?

Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

So enjoy reading a bit of humour on this subject.....we can wax eloquent on it but it is really a lovely bit of fun that sets it right. At least one can have a good laugh. ^__^

Wishing you and yours all the best.


A pleasure to spread some light hearted nonsense about the subject.

Oh how relentless it can be but to laugh definitely takes the sting out of it all.

All the best to you and you must be due a post up soon, I would presume?

Thank you for your kind reply and query @meesterboom.

You have that the moment it seems relentless.

As for your should be able to see at this very moment.... ^__^


And indeed I did! Splendid stuff! :O)

awesome post!
nice post!
hahahah ^ ^
upvote? is there such a thing? hahahaha ^ ^

NAh, no-one upvotes no more. That is so 2017!!!! :OD

Sir. nice post..Greatly lik.e pls.check my blog sirthanks..

Consider it done!!!

Hahaha Don't teach them the wrong things! ;P

I am slightly worried now given the lack of proper reading that goes on I might have!

I was totally busting a gut while reading some of the replies you've gotten.

Me too, exactly what I was talking about. Hilarious!

Hahaha, I've only been on Steemit for two days, and I've already seen so many doing this.

Now, I'm in the money-online business, and when people request to become affiliates for some of my profits, they often start out by "Sir".

Okay, I could perhaps have more feminine interests, like knitting and chatting on Facebook, but still... I mean, my hair is almost long enough for me to sit on it, if I wanted to. So "sir"? I haven't been called that since somebody in a battleground told me to "grow balls".

I love long hair, dog that chatting and knitting nonsense!

The sir bit grates on me terribly, I can only imagine how it must feel for you!

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