The Wise Wife Early Warning System

in #life7 years ago


Having an early warning system is good. When it is your good lady, even better!

Sometimes being a bloke is a fabulous affair. You often get to have a man cave, whether that be a cupboard under the stairs, a garden shed or a garage, it's a place of seclusion and a welcome retreat from the turbulent waters of life. You can drink beer and hit things with hammers to your heart's content in there. If you don't have one yet, don't worry. It will come, it is every man's destiny to have one.


There are other advantages too. Peeing standing up ranks quite highly, particularly when at an outdoors concert.

But of course, it's not all plain sailing. There are some disadvantages (sorry guys, but they already know!) One of those disadvantages must surely be...



That's right, the cat is out of the bag now and no mistake. Oh how we love to think we are right. Even when we are quite patently wrong. This can manifest itself in many ways. From believing that our word is law when it comes to technical know-how or worse... When we are playing CryptoTrader.

I am sure everyone is aware of the massive pump in some Alt Coins at the weekend including our own beloved steem.


Well, picture the scene. Me and the good lady relaxing in front of the TV on Sunday evening. The new TV had arrived and we were watching any old dross that Netflix had in 4K simply so we could ooh and ahh at the quality of the picture.

The good lady notices that I am checking my phone more often than usual.

Steemit? She sighs knowledgeably.

No. Actually, I am checking the price of my crypto portfolio.

When I said crypto portfolio her eyes rolled so hard I thought she had gone full on zombie. She enquired in that graciously patient way of put upon ladies why I was watching my portfolio so carefully.

I, equally patiently, in the way of a gentleman who doesn't want to frighten a deer that he is approaching with a loaded rifle, explained that I had a quantity of Ripple and the price had rather greatly increased and I was wondering if it had topped out and whether I should sell or not.

How much is it worth? She enquired sweetly. Her eyes full of admiration for her crypto trading man.

I calmly stated how much it was now worth.

And so the price has risen all day and looks as if it might be falling now? She said, her voice as light as the tinkling of a summer shower on a leaf.

Maaaaybe I said with some reluctance. I went on to explain my fondness for Ripple and how like a loving dog it had never let me down.


She shrieked

But, it might just be faltering. I should wait till...


I looked at her in awe. All those times I had blathered on about crypto, she had been listening. Buy it back on the dip. She truly was amazing.

So I sold it at 19 pence each.

And I watched


And it tumbled down to 12 pence.

The next day I bought it back as it seemed to have found a new support level there. Generously, I gave my good lady two boom boom massage vouchers which she is free to use anytime I have a free slot.

As I write this Ripple still languishes around the 12 pence mark. So, a lesson learned. It pays to have some independent advice even when you think you know what you are doing. And more importantly, listen to your other half!

Aahh. And it's back to the man cave. :0D


Just excellent...

Thank you very much!

@meesterboom rule number one your wife is always right
rule number two - if you think you are right go back to rule number 1 ffff..
okay I'm just kidding hahahahha

Haha, the thing is. I know them rules off by heart!!!

@meesterboom hmm.. you aware of a Dutch saying that translates to..
"In our house my husband wears the trousers/ pants but I get to decide which one he puts on." double ffff~~~ hahaha

Haha, I wasn't. But, that's a splendid saying!!

Congratulations @meesterboom!
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Hooray!! Cheers for that!

"If the wife aint happy, aint nobody happy!" HAHA

I hope that 4K tv is working out nicely!

It is, it was a remarkably cheap lower end one but compared to my old piece of junk its amazing!!

It is insane how inexpensive televisions have become! We replaced a 32" with a 42" and it made a big difference!

Yeah, I agree! I was so worried about our old one breaking thinking we could never afford a decent one and when I checked their were some that were so cheap!!

Our attorney's just got an 85" 4K. That tv was at least $20,000 a few years ago!

Attorneys!! Says it all. I regret when they came out I thought, of week, fat chance of ever having one of them!! They fair did plummet in value though... Thankfully!

Amen to that!! I heard about this story of this guy who travels around the country getting customers tv settings set up perfectly! He spends like 4 hours at each place getting every setting just exact based on so many different factors

That would be a good one. Although he must have the patience of a saint. It does my head in setting things up. But of course, thats why he has business!

My father always taught us that as kids!

You have good father. :)

Thanks for the kind words! I am now following you!!

I like your posts. You have one more steemit friend now. :) See you again.:) @sevinwilson

Awesome! Thank you!! :}

funnny, I'm all about having a woman cave I just choose Pinot Grigio and cool artwork and watch creepy movies, guess we all need caves

We do all need caves! My good lady has the entire house for a cave hehe :0)

I bought some Ripple and some other currencies a month ago. I bought a small amount of them and I kept watching the charts. Finally I decided that the amount I was purchasing was so small that I had essentially created another job for myself to monitor these currencies. The amount I had wasn't worth the time... sure it may go crazy and I may miss out on becoming a bitcoin millionaire (which I did miss out on though I had the opportunity) but "Do I really want another job?" So I sold my currency.

This means I didn't have it when it just shot up in value, but I'm okay with that as any profit I made looks pretty insignificant when divided by the number of hours I watched it. That ends up being a pretty piss poor wage.

Now if I had a decent chunk of money I was willing to risk then the payoff of such efforts might make it worth doing. A few dollars here and there for hours of work though I simply realized I had more entertaining things to do and other projects to work on. Or perhaps just write some steemit blogs instead of watching those prices. Steemit tends to pay me more than monitoring my crypto. :)

Steemit does tend to pay more! I try not to spend too much time monitoring it all. Recently with all the madness of the markets it has become difficult not to. I must say, I am happier when I sell one that is rising as it becomes quite a bit of work watching and worrying.

Conversely though as I tend to buy coins when they are dirt cheap I enjoy it more and worry less!!

Great advice I wish she had been here for me!!!

Hehe, quick find a lightning rod of an advice person!!

"Tiddley, widdley, widdley!"


Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Lovely post and photographs. many lines are quite endearing......the approach....the lesson very humourous.

Yes....that stubbornness is the real you. ^_^

at.....bleujay and co.....the same sort of incident......however yours is articulated......lovely......and now a memory on the blockchain.....

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

It's the blockchain memory I love the best!!

Cheers @bleujay!!

Sound like you make a good team! Happy wife, happy life!

That's my kind of rhyme!! Yes indeed!!

Thank you very much @dimarss!

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