Like the ark ( Seperti Bahtera )

in #life7 years ago


Kala itu senja Bewarna jingga, Matahari Terlihat Mulai menutup diri, Seakan perlahan namun pasti. Tak ingin lama lama aku di persimpagan pantai laut luas dan dalam. Sangat jelas terlihat, Sedekat mata memandang. Sebuah kapal yang sedang di kerjakan oleh tangan tangan yang memotong kayu Mengetuk palu mengolah nya menjadi sebuah Bahtera.

Dekat akupun menghinggap Ingin melihat Detil proses one by one, Dengan rasa penasaran suarakupun mulai bertanya kepada Tukang Kapal ( Utoeh Boet ) yang Sedang bekerja. Berapa Bulan Kapal Sebesar ini selesai Di kerjakan ? Kuran lebih Delapan Bulan Bila bahan Dan kayu Tersedia.


Dan Berikut Adalah gambar sedekat mata memandang Utoh Boet yang sedang bekerja.


Mengencangkan paku agar erat dengan kayu.
(Tighten the nails to tighten with the wood)


mengasah mata Bor, supaya tajam saat mengebor kayu.
(sharpening the eyes of the Drill, so that it is sharp while drilling the wood)


mengambil kayu salah satu bahan membuat kapal
(take the wood one of the materials to make the ship)

Inilah Rutinitas Situkang pembuat kapal ( Utoeh Boet ) dalam keseharian, Mereka bekerja kala matahari bersinar dan pulang Petang, dikala matahari Terbenam.

Mungkin inilah filosofi Bahtera.
Berlayar Dilautan dalam, Ombak dan badai harus delewati.
Mendarat kepelabuhan, Handai dan taulan saudara dan Tuan sudah menanti.

At that time dusky orange, the Sun Visible Began to close away, as if slowly but surely. I did not want long for me at the intersection of the sea beach wide and deep. Very clearly visible, as close as the eye looked. A ship that is being done by the hand of a hand that cuts the wood Tapping the hammer turns it into an Ark.

Near me also menghinggap see Detail process one by one, With curiosity voice begun also ask to the shipman (Utoeh Boet) who are working. How many Months of this Ship completed? Approximately Eight Months When Material And Wood Available.

This is the routine Situkang shipbuilder (Utoeh Boet) in everyday life, They work when the sun shines and go home evening, at sunset.

Perhaps this is the philosophy of the Ark.
Sailing In the ocean, Waves and storms have to be passed.
Landed by the harbor, Handai and brother and sister are waiting

Salam Hormat dari tanah serambi (Yours sincerely from the porch)

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