No need to be anxious

in #life6 years ago (edited)
We all struggle with anxiety or at least this is the case at some point in time in our life. When we are struggling with it, when we are caught up in the emotions that follow, its extremely hard to be pragmatic, to be productive and that reality almost always leads the way to depression.

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I wont pretend this is not a complicated subject, something that we all struggle with regardless of our level of education, health or personal economy. The truth is that anxiety is completely normal and to a degree a necessary emotion. The idea behind its inner workings is to allow us to plan for the future and prepare for different less favorable outcomes.

You could make a valid argument for the utility of anxiety when you are attempting to outline strategies. If you are the type of person to plan a lot, to try to figure out what steps to take if a range of events occur, then its a healthy level of anxiety the one who is keeping you motivated in the dreadful task. I say this understanding that anxiety is something that does not feel good, or at least I can say I've never met someone who enjoys it. I'm simply making an objective case for its use.

What about when its out control? When it backfires? This is exactly where things get very confusing and when the solution, if there ever is one to be found, might be different for each one of us. Since anxiety is mostly about us thinking about a possible future, the possibilities that lie ahead and the fear of not knowing, it might be accurate to say that eliminating anxiety or controlling it, is probably aligned with living more in the now.

I'm attempting to think back to all the times when I thought everything was going to go wrong, those instances where I worried without measure about what someone was going to do, someone was going to say or even a business deal. Most of the time when I would worry to no end, when anxiety had me locked up emotionally, the worse scenario, that possibility that robbed me of my sleep, never happened.

This personal truth has made me wonder more than once if the simplest way forward, the truth we can all share regarding the subject, is connected to a conscious practice of the now. To live today for today a little more. To enjoy the company, the sun, the conversations with a friend, a lover...

Maybe we are not meant to eliminate anxiety ever, but we can learn to keep it at bay almost always...

Food for thought as they say...

Other posts by yours truly

• No need to be anxious
• Open Mic Week 85 - Meno - Top 5 picks and Honorable Mentions
• New to Steem - Tip 5 - Steem or SBD's ?
• Went to a Theater last night, yes, my mind was blown
• sleepy qualie


Since anxiety is mostly about us thinking about a possible future, the possibilities that lie ahead and the fear of not knowing, it might be accurate to say that eliminating anxiety or controlling it, is probably aligned with living more in the now

The whole message is delivered here... Fear of the unknown is the sole source of anxiety in our life, the possibility of "IF" is the one rubbing us of the joy of the present.
We are in the present, but keep worrying about what to come, and this denied us the opportunity to enjoy either the present or the future.

Until we learn to enjoy every moment of our lives, anxiety will keep manifesting itself.

Until we learn to enjoy every moment of our lives, anxiety will keep manifesting itself.

That's what I call a little truth grenade!!!

Oh, thank you mate... Hahaha

I believe in finding a balance in everything. Extremes never really happen and are never healthy.

A little anxiety is good for humans as a species. Looking into the past and trying to predict the future are also part of being human. These things make us different.

Now, it's not a matter of just learning to live with anxiety and accepting it, but learning how it works and making the most out of it. Sounds cliche, but if you learn enough about your problems you can actually turn them in your favor.

You reason well buddy, little anxiety is part of our chemistry indeed, @meno talked about it in the post, that is why I don't talk more about it myself...
Thanks for your few, you are awesome

Ive read an article about a footballer that was supposed to be the next Messi. Bojan Krkic. Anxiety basically made him into a average grade footballer. He had, of course a severe case, but it really shows the extent of what anxiety can do to a person.
I see that every day in my day job. People having the potential to do great things only to struggle to achieve it due to anxiety. Shivers, sweats, shaking, low self esteem. It really goes to show how sometimes its more then just an emotional state. It can grow into a serious mental disorder if not taken care of with professional help. .

I can relate to that... just yesterday the boss lady and I had a conversation regarding this subject, thinking about our plans, what we are going to do in the next few years... I kept on thinking to myself... As long as we are appreciative of today, as long as we are living in the now... We are going to be alright...

Woke up this morning, no coffee yet even... full of these thoughts, just had to write them down.

Yeah, know what you mean. Sometimes we can just clench our fist and power through, but at times we need help. Surrounding ourselves with people that appreciate us and are supportive is imperative.
Well it helps to talk and write about these things. Not only for yourself but even fro those that read it. :)

In a penalty shoot of real madrid game.... Tony crosse told Ronaldo if you don't score nothing wrong happen to you if you score we will win a trophy don't be nervous.... you are the best you can do it.... on the other hand messi alwayes play in pressure.... there is no one to support him.... the whole team depends upon him.... so he can't do anything in vital moment.... Anxity is very hermful it distroyed not only a person it distryed a person dreams.... @silentscreamer
sorry cause I replying you.... I love football.... though I support Brazil I thing messi deserve a wc.... but Argentina team is not strong this wc....

Maybe we are not meant to eliminate anxiety ever, but we can learn to keep it at bay almost always.

I think anxiety at some point is part of us like the air we breathe. Just as you said ''learn to keep it at bay'' is the only option required.

Its part of us, no doubt...

I suffer smothering from this monster. I try my best

Well my dear friend... you are doing great!! I think gratitude is also a great remedy... at least it is for me, those days when I'm feeling uneasy... I think about our little group, i think about my home, all the things I do have, and the monster forgets to bug me...

You're right about anxiety,it's had been a major problem in my professional chess career,i tend to be anxious to beat a more superior opponent,most times in a bad position on the chessboard i worry about how the incoming loss would affect me,emotionally it swindles me,and sometimes i end up winning.Like you said and i agree;

Maybe we are not meant to eliminate anxiety ever, but we can learn to keep it at bay almost always...

Thanks alot sir.

Thanks for reading Bud... all the best to you, and best of luck on the next game!!

I am very little just studing 3rd semester in civil engineering.. I think anxity is Ashes-(Aus vs Eng)
in football (Brazil vs Argentina).. sorry it is out of your topics I just tell my own openion..... by the way nice content sir.....

I have no idea what you mean, but you made me laugh! :)

sir i was jocking... 😂

Good content,,

Anxious may increase the pressure,,

Nice article @meno..