Get to know me challenge - 8? - old photos of me

in #life5 years ago


..1st off, I would like to apologize to everyone who actually follows me, and why I have been MIA! Little baby Heidi has come down with a little bit of a bug, therefor putting mama and papa in super cuddle bug mode with her. I haven't been able to find the time to post so I will just start up again now and she seems to be getting a little better..

today, I am going to dive into a few older photos of my, Circa 1990's … some epic cuteness, amazing outfits & color schemes and fun settings.


this is me, my older brother and my mom! I am 6 months old in this picture and my baba's friend made my dress! this is on the way to my aunt's wedding. obviously, matching my mom who was a bridesmaid. For Christmas this year, I tried putting Heidi in this dress, but unfortunately she was to big and it was a little to small for her! The date for this photo would be about November 1991.


My mother tells me this is me at 1 year old! so this would take us to May of 1992! cute as a freakin' BUTTON! I have a lot of teeth, and I am wearing something slightly christmasy… so I'm going to say this isn't spring. I think I'm probably closer to 2 here. what do you think??


This is me and my older brother! my mom must have had a thing for sailboats/nautical thing (you'll get it when you see the next photo) as my brother is wearing a sailboat pattern, or maybe that was just simply the 90's. the color pops in our outfits are amazing and fun fact... the couch we are sitting on is OLD AF! we actually just sold it this past summer. It is not the original fabric, my mom actually reupholstered it around the beginning of my life. and it was a 3 piece corner couch! we sold it to a hipster this summer who thought it was the best thing ever! As for the bunny I am holding, I don't have that one. but I do have an old puppy that I still sleep with to this day!


"hero, mwi nwame is mewissa and I will be your cwaptain today" I said, nautical theme! this was at my aunties brothers wedding, I DO NOT remember this moment, but I do remember the outfit. My mom says I am about 2 years old here. AHOY! the cutest little sailor you EVER DID SEE!

last … but not least, I decided to put a comparison picture, side by side of me a few weeks old and my baby Heidi in pretty much the exact color scheme and position..


so, I am on the left and Heidi is on the right! we are both in the same color, and position. EVERYONE said when she was born that she looked nothing like me and only her papa (@ate-bit-dave) I started to get crabby about this because its not like I carried her for 9 months and then labored her for half a day. I was trying so hard to find a photo that she looked like me... ALAS, I did. and showed everyone. This is probably the one and only time she will look like me :( OH WELL, better luck next time!

thanks for stopping by! tomorrows post will be all about my tattoos and piercings hopefully I am feeling up for being consistent on these posts! cause I'm having so much fun making them!!