Steps On The Journey

in #life6 years ago (edited)

If you haven’t yet, please take another step and sign up for our Daily Steps Email, because, we sometimes need a sign post on our journey to help guide you every day. A boat with no star to guide it may take a long time to reach it’s destination.

Hey everyone, thanks for sticking around. The last 8 months I have been through many of my own personal challenges that I chose to take on. It has been fascinating for me to really have a unique awareness of my progression through this time. I've gone through some things that I thought I wouldn't make it through and I encountered many challenging people who crossed my path.

I will get back to that in a bit. Right now I wish to say how grateful you have taken the time to read this and that the Universe (or what ever you want to call it) loves you and I do to. What ever shit you are going through is just stuff you are going through.

Take a big sip of that cup of fuck it all and let it all go. Sit back in your boat, pull your ores in and let the current in the river take you. Relax, everything is fucked up and everything is going to be wonderful. Isn't that a fascinating paradox?

It is all how I look at it in the end... Well, we are all going to move on from this body, Earth, Universe at some point and live ever after. What is funny is how easy I forget that how the choice is mine... Happy is my natural state and I easily go there, but I have to choose to. I focus on what I want, and when things happen I don't expect or are not what I would like, and I find my emotions and thoughts are not in a happy place. Then that is dam good indicator for me I need to shift my energy/frequency/emotions/thoughts. Being less happy is just a way of my higher self letting me know I need to shift my awareness a bit and let go... I focus on what I'm grateful for and when I shift my attention to a better frequency of mind and I change my awareness to that. My emotion changes and I feel better, and have a good laugh at myself :)

I found in the last 8 months that I have no idea all the reasons why I choose to such a challenging path, but I'm certain I chose it to become aware of some aspects of my personality that I just would not of seen otherwise. It was fascinating to catch those glimpses of panic and fear. Joy and excitement of emotional roller coaster as they passed through around and in me. As I grow through these steps of awareness I move further down the river and with the flow of the stream.

In the last 12 months I had several challenging event, people, and things not limited to but including,

Being in no fault of my own in a “t-bone” motor vehicle accident with a pick-up truck.

having to help my mother transition out of her home of many years, and into a “Senior's Village”

Pack up and sort all her belongings and downsize to fit into a 2bdrm condo.

Clean and get the house ready for sale.

Move all my own into storage as I moved in with her through the transition.

Move my self and belongings 3 times in a 3 month period.

Look after my son and work a full time job.

Empty the house, have it cleaned, and sell or move all contents (accumulated over 8 years) within a 3 week period after it sold.

Find a new place to live in the same town my Mother was moving to that had a 1% housing availability rate.

And all the everyday things one has to do.

After the last year's challenges, I think I'm prepared to take on anything, and I know the Universe has got my back!

I often get up and the morning and look in the mirror and say “I love you so much, you are wonderful, amazing and if needed you can work around any challenges that come in the moment”

We are all at different points in our life's river floating along, some people are rowing upstream because they been taught that is the way only way to success, others are paddling about in circles, and some are going with the flow and sitting back in there boat with the ores in and enjoying it immensely . Some are paddling downstream and loving it!

Where are you? What are you doing... What do you want to do... Are you even aware that you are??? Row, Row, Row your Boat Gently .....

I'm in Gratitude to all, I wish you awareness your Peace, Love, Great Health, Wealth, and Abundance there in you, Always,

In Lak 'esh, Michael