in #life7 years ago


Greetings Dear SiStars & BroStars!

Forewarnings of the impending cataclysms were esoterically received by certain purist spiritual groups on Atlantis, and by these and a large portion of the population, on Lemuria. Both civilisations at that point, had existing outer colonies, in areas adjacent to their respective continents. For the purposes of protective safekeeping, a process of assimilation of the sacred texts, giant crystals and zero-point devises for export to the off-continent outposts, was initiated by the priesthoods in the know, on both continents.

Due to millennia of climatic evolvement, the northern Atlanteans were of a fairer complexion and body type as compared to their more tropical southern brethren, who were of a darker, olive toned complexion and body type. To the north, the main outer colony was on a fairly large island, known today as Ireland. A small select percentage of the northerner population and most of the spiritual hierarchs transferred to Ireland shortly before the subsidence occurred. Similarly, the southerners in the above proportions, transferred to a number of outer colonies to the west, known today as North America and the Caribbean Islands. The northern Atlanteans began to spread eastwards and northwards, seeding over time, the great civilisations of the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Mesopotamians, the Greek, and the Druidic and Nordic cultures.

Much larger numbers of the more highly evolved Lemurians transferred to a vast array of their outer colonies. From the eastern areas, they went to western Central America, western South America, and some to the eastern Pacific islands. From the south western and western areas, they migrated to Australia and New Zealand, from the west, to eastern Africa, and from the northwest, to India and central and eastern Asia. Notably, a large contingent of fifth dimensional Lemurians transferred to Inner or Hollow Earth, also known as Agartha. Contrary to the miss information of modern corporate pseudo science, all planetary bodies are in fact hollow with massive openings at the poles, and each has a giant, core crystal suspended in the centre of the inner sphere. A post with more information on this will be forthcoming.

Thus, a Great Golden Age tragically ended and survivors of two advanced civilisations were disinherited, scattered and fragmented. Devolution began to set in, especially among those groups not fortunate enough to have brought much technology with them, and among those who had no means of maintaining such. There were however, a hand full of groups, mainly constituted of previous Scientist Priest and Spiritual Leaders who did thrive and began evolving their own localised cultures and mini Golden Ages. Some examples of these include but are not limited to, what would later become known as, the Mayan’s, the Aztec’s, the Inca, the Toltec’s, the Maoris’, the Aborigines’, the ancient Africans, Vedic groups and Chinese dynasties.

.......to be continued in Part 3.....The Return of the Annunaki & their Reptilian & Draco Minions!

Blessings, Be One and Be In Joy!

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