Why we are on Earth - Self discovery

in #life7 years ago

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We must have asked ourselves this question maybe once or a couple of times. Different races and beliefs have different about the creation of humans and purpose on earth. Evolution theory by Charles Darwin states that we evolved through natural selection and mutations of genes. Australian Aborigins have a myth that gods lived on earth in the past and so they formed humans then. As a Christian, I believe on the 6th day creation of humans.Living on earth has a purpose of its own and one the purpose of living on earth is self discovery.

The American English Dictionary defines self-discovery as:

“a becoming aware of one’s true potential, character, motives, etc.”

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Self discovery means finding one's purpose in life, looking back and trying to unravel experiences that defines you. The path to self discovery is not an easy one as it is requires making tough decisions and staying by them.

As a believer, the journey to self discovery is realising the purpose of God in our lives- the reason we were created.

  • God didn't create us because he was alone but to he created us out of love.God represents love and out His creativity He created us to enjoy all that He created alongside man.

I have loved you with an everlasting love"

(Jeremiah 31:3).



  • Also we were created to be part of God's eternal plan. The role we play in the plan is to direct others to the eternal life which we earn by believing in his son - Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:10

We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do"

I have lived quite a number of years and have seen different individuals come into my life and fostered growth in one way or the other. The challenges we face only makes us stronger for other phases of life and with all these in mind I try to influence my neighbour positively in ever single way I can. To go through life's challenges, I have always tried to improve my self and making my decision based on my principles.