Prove Them Wrong (An Original Poem)

in #life7 years ago


They'll rip you apart
and break you down.
They'll tell you,
you're not enough.

They'll tell you everything
you never want to hear.
You'll grow a second skin
so nothing permeates through to you.

You'll have that look
in your eye that makes love die.
You'll break through walls
just to leave a vulnerable soul behind.

You'll scratch through
skins leaving scars.
You'll look back with a
deafening lack of remorse.

But none of that will
stop the thundering wail
that will pierce through.

Turn your looks liquid
and your skins pliant.
Don't disregard that
feeling and retreat.

Take the bold step and try.
Crumple who and
what you need to.
But then burn the forest down
with your ravishing love.

Last Seven Days Poems :

Image Source : Pixabay




They kick u like a ball...Bt they don't know that it bounces back double :)
Nice lines bro..Upvoted