in #life6 years ago

1. Be careful with low price discounts

Sometimes we forget, that buy something small, cheap but its many items when calculated then the amount becomes big.

"Remember when you can save a little of your spending, it will all mean a lot to your finances." - Suze Orman.

2. Focus on the future

Switch your financial focus to the future instead of enjoying the satisfaction and enjoyment of the present.

"You can be young without money, but you can not grow old without money." - Tennessee Williams

3. Do not buy unnecessary things to impress others.

Each of us would want to get a good response from our friends about the things we do, but when you decide to buy something to get an impression of your friends then it is not a good thing. Customize your buying desire to your needs.

"Stop buying things you do not need, to impress people you do not even like." - Suze Orman

4. Plan as detailed as possible the financial budget

When spending lots and you do not plan your finances well then you will end up poor without any savings. Because rich people have good financial planning, they know the details of where the money is and what the money is for.

"Planning tells you where your money should go, instead of wondering where your money is going." - John C. Maxwell

5. Work hard

In contrast to the common perception that rich people just have fun and enjoy their lives. It turns out that in reality, they work harder than ordinary people. They do not waste their productive age to increase their income.

"I like the business and the money I save far more than I spend. I invest because I have a plan for my future. Then I work harder than the average person. "- Sofia Vergara

6. Save most of your income

Sometimes we think that rich people always waste their money for their pleasure. No, actually they are not that type.

They always keep most of their income and it teaches you to save money so you do not run out of money when you need it.

"You save a third of your salary, then you can pay for your life and do the deeds with the other one third. "- Angelina Jolie

7. Buy goods by bidding or buying when discounted

Just like us, when buying their goods the rich always try to get a cheaper price by bidding or buying at a discount or promo.

"Why should you pay more for something that other people pay less?" - Sarah Michelle Gellar

8. Invest your savings wisely

You should never underestimate your small amount of investment / savings because the small amount you invest in when you invest in a given value will be great and if you invest money properly, you will be amazed at the results you will get.

9. Practice the Millionaire Formula

What we usually do is saving after the rest of the expenditure. But the rich are just the opposite and we call them "Formula Millionaire."

They, the rich put money on saving and investment after they receive the money.

After saving, then they use their remaining money for the expenses they need.

"Do not keep what's left after shopping, but shopping for what's left after being saved." - Warren Buffet

10. Close the leak

The rich never pay unnecessary fees. They are very careful with his expenses.

"Beware of small expenses. A small leak will sink a large ship. "- Benjamin Franklin


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