Do you try hard but do not see results? Read this

in #life6 years ago


Raise your hand if you feel identified with any of the following phrases:

• I've been working on my blog for almost a year, but I have hardly any visitors
• I go to the gym every week, but I have not managed to gain almost any muscle
• I go out every weekend to party, but I do not eat like a tail
• I bet you have seen yourself in a similar situation more than once.

A situation in which you have spent months dedicating time and effort to an objective, and even so you continue as when you started.

And that makes you feel frustrated, pissed off and not knowing what to do.

Normally, at this point, it's when you throw in the towel.

You say to yourself something in the plan "I'm not worth it for this!", and in the absence of results, you give up what you wanted to achieve.

However, in 99% of the cases, the problem is not that you are not worthy, but that you are committing an execution error in which we all fall to a greater or lesser extent (I the first).

I am convinced that after reading it, your time and your work will start to report much better results than before, so pay close attention.

The 3 types of actions that exist and their impact on your results

All human beings, consciously or unconsciously, set ourselves objectives.

There is always a new project that we want to move forward, some aspect of our life that we would like to improve or some achievement that we want to achieve.

Even so, we rarely stop to think about what is objective and what needs to be done to achieve it.

At its most basic level, when you set a goal, what you are saying is that you want to go from a point A where you are at a B point that you want to reach.

And to go from A to B, you will always have to perform a series of actions, which are what will take you to your destination.

According to my experience, the actions we carry out to achieve an objective can be classified into three types:

Fundamental actions

Fundamental actions those are essential or very important to achieve your goal. Each time you execute them you get a little closer to the goal.

Some examples of fundamental actions:

• Grow a blog: publish valuable content and put it in front of your audience
• Gain muscle: lift enough weight, eat more calories than you consume and rest well
• Find a partner: meet new people and propose plans

Complementary actions

Actions that contribute to the achievement of the objective, but that are not worth anything if they are not accompanied by fundamental actions since their function is to enable, optimize or improve their performance. Normally, they are used only at certain stages of the process.

Some examples of complementary actions:

• Grow a blog: be active in Social Networks or redesign your WordPress theme
• Gain muscle: follow a specific training routine or take supplements
• Find a partner: learn to tell better stories or improve your physical appearance

Useless actions

These actions that are do not bring you closer to your goals. Sometimes you will have to do them because you will have no choice, but in most cases they are voluntary.

Some examples of useless actions:

• Grow a blog: submit taxes, install the cookies plugin
• Gain muscle: post photos of you in the gym on Instagram
• Find a partner: discuss with your friends about how beautiful a girl is without approaching her

Well, in essence, the reason why you do not progress or see results even though you are striving to achieve your goals is that you are spending too much time on complementary or useless actions and too little on fundamental actions.

You must devote enough time to the fundamental actions and then you must concentrate on complementary actions and you should avoid doing a useless action to be successful.

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