Your mental health !

in #life7 years ago

Welcome everybody ..
Our brain exists everywhere, in every situation, our brain is the tool that we use to think, to feel, in our relations with the other people, it's the secret behind our intelligence, our personality and the decisions that make us, the decisions we make in our lives.
Our brain decides the best time to love someone, it decides the time when we marry the one we love, the time when we break up, it decides the time we want to change our lives, it's our brain that makes our choices, it decides which channel we prefer and what we want to watch in these channels ... What's new in all these talks ? nothing ! we all know what is the necessity of our brains but, do we know everything about them ? how do they work ? what do they need to work perfectly ? what affects their process ? ... Absolutely not !
I feel sorry for you, you do not know the importance of our brains, you all want to succeed in life but you don't know that every successful way needs an excellent mental health. Pain, failure, heartbreaks or everything that ruin you, can you do some mental exercises to avoid it, or to end it especially when your brain is not in the good mental situation ? Yes, of course you can.
There is a reason behind every brain issue, a reason that you didn't pay attention to : Maybe a choc when you were playing football, a car accident, drugs and drugs and drugs ! ... and many other things that affects your brain in many ways.
Every system in your brain is charged with a mission to do in loop (Do and do it again and again), it's the brain process, and issue in this process affects the system, so the mission wanted from this system isn't complete. See ! If you try to fix the issue in this system, will you change your life ? ... Yes ! So a very simple issue in your brain that you can find it and fix it, can change your life completely (To the best of course :P !)
I will give you an example : For some reasons, many people don't have the ability to hold a book and read and maybe if you force someone to read a 400 pages book, you will probably cause him a cardiac failure, especially when he knows that it needs a long time to finish it, it means that this kind of people have a short attention, they can't concentrate for a long time on the same thing ( it's a problem in the front part of the brain ). Is it that simple ? Yes, it's that simple ! just they have to train their brains for a long attention, a very simple issue that causes big problems for many people. Most dangerous brain diseases are caused by simple problems that could be treated just via some training, but you probably don't take it seriously until it becomes something you can't control.
The short attention span is a brain issue that makes the period of concentration on a single activity very short for you, you can't focus on something for a long time, the reasons are multiple such as :

  • The lack of Nutritional supplements (Fish oil, Omega 3, Green tea). Also your nutritional system, everyone has its personal nutritional system that affects the brain functions you can chose yours, Sugar, Pastry and Sweets they have a negative effect on your brain health, maybe some additional proteins will change this effect to positive. This nutritional system will increase the concentration level in your brain.
  • Listen Mozart : Yes ! Mozart clips, maybe you are laughing but according to a study on 20 child, a remarkable improvement of 70% was found when Mozart's music is playing. I don't require just Mozart, maybe some chillout brain music in YouTube can help you concentrate on your work, personally I have some friends who can't work without chill music, as I said before find the music type that affects your brain process positively.
  • Focus on something you like : maybe if you think don't like it, just try it, maybe you are good at it but you have never tried it.
  • try to be less stubborn.
  • Give a meaning to your life, achieve goals, hustle, work hard and draw your own way.
    All these small things that can be included in our life system which can change us completely, some things that we don't pay attention (We don't give a shit as they say !). Psychology reveals many methods that cannot just affect our acts or the way we believe in ourselves but also our achievement in this world, people who think that they are intelligent have better grades even if they didn't study or prepare for the exams well !. Your brain is the most flexible thing you have, train it well and feed it with right food .. Take care of it ! it's your choice to take the responsibility of yourself, to take control of what's happening around you and what's happening to you, don't be a victim to the social network, don't be standard you have to make something in this world that defines you the most, protect your subconscious from the external negative effects !.

Take care :)


Mental health in America consists of going to the doctor and taking pills. And ya wonder why most people are clueless ;-) Good post!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah So you must take this post as important .. thank you so much

my mental health: nonexistant

I think you must create it .. there will be more posts about mental health :)

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