Help Others As best you can

in #life6 years ago

Helping others do not have to with great help and valuable wah, kecilpun not why you sincerely do it.

Therefore, help others as much as you can, do not look at the help small or big, the important thing is that you help really do it from the heart.


Because when you sincerely welcome your neighbor, it is Allah who will help all your affairs, and Allah will also give you the way when in difficult affairs.

For that matter, simplify the affairs of others, gampangkanlah way, so that every business you always God ease.

And in helping make sure you do not distinguish him good or bad to you, it is important that your intentions are always good because of Allah, because God will repay your kindness.

Remember! the world is turning, so also with the fate of your life, there must be difficult to be easy, there is sad and there is also happy.

So prepare your easy way by always helping others, fearing tomorrow or the next day your position is like him who currently needs help.

Teach your heart to always soften to see the difficulties and sadness of others. Be careful to always help, so that when you are in the same state then more help can Allah bring from anywhere and from anyone.

And do not forget to sincerely when helpful, so that God's reward is really real you get.

Because it is useless when you help others but your intentions are not for Allah, for your deeds will not be rewarded from God, alias in vain.

Because God will always repay your kindness perfectly, if indeed your heart has you perfected with sincerity and convinced that only God is the one who will repay every goodness of His servant.

So if you want your life always in ease, want to get unexpected help in every circumstance, then you love to help other people's business, because God will reward you with more.

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