Vivid Dream of high disturbance.

in #life7 years ago

So I had this dream...

Was in a building or school after hours or on weekend. No one there. Exploring with friends. They had more access. We really were not supposed to be there during a weekend but oh well.

I went with them into a freight elevator as they had asked me if I wanted to see 'the basement'. No one was supposed to go there, but we went in the elevator and as it went down, I asked how many levels, thinking it was just like 3 or 5 levels down. It was 35 stories underground! A deep basement.  The doors slid open and there was a very large and well lit, long corridor. A few people with orange caps were working and walking down the hall in the distance. The did not seem to notice us. as we go out of the elevator we ran and hid behind a bunch of crates but we were seen immediately.

My fiends yelled "hurry get back to the elevator gogogogo! Run!" We ran to the elevator. We got inside and I hurried to push the button. The guys in orange hats were running toward us, I hit the close door button holding it and I saw a orange hat man using some device and it stopped the elevator! They caught us! They escorted us toward a set of large double doors... I had a sinking feeling... I knew what was going to happen…I was right... I had been set up.

The doors opened and it was a big party celebration atmosphere and I was the guest of honor... but it was not good. I sank down to the ground in a corner as they cheered and laughed, I wanted to just ignore it all, but could not... I was assisted up and walked into the large banquet room.

EVERY person in my life was there and it was a cruel joke on me. Like they had been watching my life and planning this. All well-dressed. They were laughing and sitting at tables drinking. Very formal, like a White House dinner. They were about to kill me. To remove me from life. I asked if it would hurt and they said yes, it would hurt very much. This was a life recycle. It happens...I saw my mother, whom I gave a last farewell hug to.

I stood up and I turned around and there were men in suits with little black clubs ready to smack me, then I turned around and where there was no one, all of the sudden more men in suits with little black clubs very close to me. I was surrounded and they were only inches away in a circle of clubs about to bash my skull in. As they began I fought them, kicked them and yelled to be allowed to continue life and go back and I would do more... Then I awoke. It was a quite disturbing “dream”. The feeling of betrayal and double cross.

I was happy to see the morning and realize that I am still within this matrix.   

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