Who Are We to Judge?
The ol' saying live and let live is not a new concept in the land of the free and the homely. In fact, this ol' phrase was a commonplace in the late 1700s, a time when the country was rife with civil unrest. Nevertheless, it remains a guiding principle in the modern world, despite the occasional outbreak of violence and bloody feuds.
The origins of the saying go back to the days of the Dutch who claimed a small sliver of the continent's riches for their services. Eventually, the term "live and let live" found its way into books of English proverbs and other sage olde timers, and in varying forms across the pond. However, the quote's original incarnation was purged of its luster in the hands of a few unscrupulous individuals.
The true meaning of the aforementioned motto is that a good old fashioned knee jerk response is more likely than a well thought out response. This is why a well crafted policy statement can go a long way in preventing any number of crises, from workplace to family. A thoughtfully drafted policy will in turn reduce stress and improve morale. It is also a smart move from the financial perspective. When budgets are strapped for cash, a well negotiated contract will often make more sense than a quick buck slasher.
Having a well crafted policy statement in place is the first step to a successful employee/client relationship. Having said that, you still have to get people to follow through. To achieve this, you need to know how to be a salesperson. With that in mind, here are a few tricks of the trade to help you along. Lastly, remember to be a good listener. You may not always be the one making the decision, but you can be the voice of reason in the company of a well-trained skeptic. And if you're a skeptic, you can't be bothered to have a good ole time with a good ole.
Of course, the name of this article is probably the best place to start, but in the spirit of full disclosure, I'm a bit biased. I'm an attorney with a special interest in e-commerce, a business owner and a devoted homebody. My main claim to fame is that I'm an avid explorer of the world's most wonderful cities and places to visit. We've had some of our best adventures in the great state of Colorado, and look forward to many more.