How to identify your limiting beliefs to free yourself from them

in #lifelast month

Today, we tackle limiting beliefs. Frequent words include "I don't have time, don't know how to sell myself, won't succeed". Dozens of them. Does this matter? Are you too affected by inner barriers and bad thoughts? False ideas might hinder your personal and professional life. We'll celebrate 8 limiting assumptions I encounter often.

You will learn how to identify and overcome them to go forward. I'll help you find bottlenecks, kindly. Remember that growth sometimes hurts. I want to give you energy and motivation to act.

You must understand your limiting beliefs to recognise and eliminate them:

False negatives about your talents or initiatives stem from your experiences and worries.
People around you may reflect their own limiting ideas and concerns onto you.


Unconsciously, these restricting beliefs limit your personal and professional life.
These false beliefs build patterns that hold you back.

A vicious cycle of restricting ideas. They can make you self-sabotage enterprises, businesses, etc.

The school system taught us to “do things well”: exercises corrected based on a right or wrong outcome, fitting into boxes to succeed, etc., which fueled our dread of doing wrong.

You may strive to be 20/20 in the early months of your entrepreneurial journey. Waiting can be frustrating and scary.

Good news: school is out! Entrepreneurship has no right or incorrect answers.

Failures help you grow. There are as many strategies to succeed as entrepreneurs worldwide.

Most entrepreneurs (including myself) fear success:

You worry about workload overload.
You worry about mental overload and strain.
You anticipate being unable to endure others' judgement, etc.
Limiting thoughts might make you intentionally or unconsciously sabotage your career.

Entrepreneurs rarely discuss this taboo fear. Success is perceived as positive, therefore saying we fear it is difficult.

Imagine Beyoncé resharing your Instagram post. Upon waking up, thousands of messages await reply (breathe, they're "for fake" 😉).

Waiting to act is like waiting for Prince Charming on his white horse. It's feasible but unlikely.

How do I get rid of this thought?
Business is seldom excellent, in my experience. Those waiting for the perfect moment should know:

You procrastinate deliberately
Excuses keep you in your comfort zone.
I use this tip when I procrastinate. Consider, "Will I regret not making this decision now in six months?"

If yes, your choice is based on limiting beliefs.

Impostor syndrome is believing you are not qualified to perform. We wait for the proper time (does that matter? 😏).

Nobody demands you be the best.

New example with Beyoncé, your friend. Before her career, did she think, "I'm not going to sing because Mozart and Beethoven have done everything in music"? Do you think Beyoncé thought, "I'm better than these two geniuses so I can start, I'm credible?" No, indeed. She went for it!

Start your business without reinventing the wheel. You are the inspiration the world needs (but please don't get that tattooed on your leg 😂).

So, use your background, experience, personality, and values to add stone to the construction and colour to the palette.

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