conclusion: LGBT+ is a social construct

in #life7 years ago

For my first post of the new year, I wish to boldly step out of the shadows and share with you some truly moving work I am involved in. I planned on sharing it yesterday but I ran it by a friend first to make sure I wasn’t too clunky…or inflammatory :D. It is a share, and an invitation to others who may be interested in such work.

I have a 1-2-1 gender client. A man who experiences same sex attraction, in his early thirties. He identifies as gay and has done as long as he can remember.

But he is convinced he wasn't born that way. Deep down, he wants a wife and family. He's sought help and has just been told to accept he was born that way - no one will work with him (other than religious centres.) He is an astute professional himself and his discernment and self-analysis does not accept that.

He came across my work accidentally, on an unrelated podcast (after he was already interested in electromagnetism), and was blown away by the gender link with electromagnetism. I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with this man. I wouldn’t even have mentioned it if we hadn’t already made significant progress.
We have been working together now for some time and are making real progress unpicking the journey he went through that resulted in him experiencing same sex attraction.

Here is some feedback I got from this client just the other day

"thanks for our session yesterday. I really enjoyed it and felt a lot better about my progress afterwards.

I really think that what we are talking about is huge and has the potential to change the world. Your gender energy work is truly groundbreaking. I can't wait to eventually write about it all, but it amazes me that other people cannot see the truth."

The gender wisdom and insight this man is cultivating is awesome. His willingness to be fully honest, and his own explorations within the gay scene (of which his analysis and probing of it began long before he got in touch with me), and his views on women have validated what the Toltec system says about how homosexuality arises, and just about all my own theories on it.

The thing is, he tells me there are tons of guys in the gay scene who don't want to be like that, but don't know what else to do – they are experiencing same sex attraction. The 'free and happy' thing is a front for some, he says. It's just where they are at, they say (he tells me). To me, the LGBT ‘is natural, normal and here to stay’ lobby is so powerful (and loud) that other voices/perspectives like this from within the scene and the fringe are unheard or only disclosed in private chats.

The more I work with him and the more I see/hear of the behaviours and modes within that community, the more I can only conclude that it is LGBT+, not gender itself as that movements forepersons attested, that is a social construct, borne of an array of social pressures, options and consequences in modern life. Of course, anyone who’s studied it at university will have had the whole social construct downloaded to them and can wheel out the propaganda. If it was not a social construct, you would not need a university course to understand & justify it.

By a social construct, I mean a by-product of social conditions, then framed retrospectively. The Toltec view is more energetic, but from a social angle, it seems to be the by-product of a combination of processes including the conscious DISIDENTIFYING with own-sex aspects combined with a sense of impossible unassailability of the complimentary sex (likely born from perceived power in formative years which help provide the conditions and pressures that result in same sex attraction.)

For some children, it is pre-rational (before 7), for others, later, but the combination of social pressures, perceived behaviours, and consequences produce an unassailable impossibility to the power of the complimentary sex, combined with a 'knotting up' of own-sex energy as a result of the disidentification mentioned above, to create a void-like space within. This is ‘throwing baby out with the bathwater’ rather than seeing the gender energy can take other behavioural routes out into expression than the ones we witnessed/experienced

The void (avoidance) is the own-sex power within which has been consciously-or-not avoided/rejected within: given ‘no space and no place’; utterly disowned/disidentified with, it becomes so pushed away as to become alien and unknown. Under the laws of attraction and electromagnetic gender, the unknown becomes attractive (either the masculine or the feminine pole), and genuine same sex attraction begins to grow as the mystery of our own sex becomes a curious and attractive wonder, to reveal to us the unknown.

Life is so generous to offer this route to greater self-knowing, and wisdom within the sex from those who have journeyed into the knowledge of same-sex interaction, to help us move forward regard of how rigidly we have tied ourselves up, either ideologically or as a result of experiences.

But from all that I have seen and that I know of working with gender within this toltec approach for over 20 years, and now especially validated now thanks to this unicorn of a gender client, is that I can only conclude that same-sex sexual attraction is a temporary position (as distinct from the attractions of admiration, rapport, camaraderie, appreciation, brotherhood etc).

It is, to a larger extent, a nurture issue as a result of social pressures, distorted transactionalisations of sensuality and sex and its social requirements, wounded relating between the complimentary sexes, and other quirks of behavioural expression which influence the pre-rational-and-later developing mind in making conclusions.

For some it may be for their whole life, perhaps through choice and commitment: literally a preference, or because they can't find the way to open to reclaim that '(a)voided' part within. A blend of too much hard work, truly terrifying, and how? Where to even start if it was a pre-rational conclusion to open the door to complimentary sex attraction, either as well as or instead of same-sex attraction.

I suggest it does not need to be a whole of life situation if someone truly wants change. I am certain that with the Toltec wisdom and my additions to it, I can help just about anyone with gender confusion, or uncertainty, find clarity, personal power and personal insight (but not people who are fixated in absolute conclusions about themselves). Not to fix them in some hetero bias, but to help them understand the masculine and feminine within, and in their life, to help them build a trustworthy gender map to achieve relationship and sexual aspirations with minimal gender sabotage.

With this client, we’re making real headway and already there are real changes in his sensuality and sexuality. I think he may end up being the one to do more in the field than me due to his experience and analysis as a gay man. I am just supporting his organic process and providing waymarkers and the framework for him to understand his inner gender landscape and behavioural fluctuations, and his ‘knots’: the conclusions about same-sex power and expression, and complimentary-sex power and expression that lead to same-sex attraction.

Consider all those stories you heard of people who 'were happily married' but ‘end up gay' after the children have grown up (or before). Really, I suggest this is a result of years of the repression of gender expression within a relationship, where gender urges have been consciously ignored/suppressed/repressed repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly to the point that one refuses to use or follow same-sex power (combination of social pressures and the baggage of the parties concerned, effort and consequence etc).

This ignorant and innocent avoidance of native gender urge within due to reasoning, past experience/consequence and social variables as mentioned above gives no space and no place in the world to a vital gender aspect of self, it then has no space and begins to become unknown, which then invokes the rules of attraction under electromagnetic gender.

I personally believe this is to learn the qualities unknown that lie within about the same-sex power, to be able to blossom to the next level within of ones sex. But I would suggest the point is to then face the proverbial dragon within, guarding the treasure trove of full-spectrum power, and, when ready, cross back over to meeting the complimentary-sex, terrified, but into the mystery again of gender as manifest between the sexes.

This could be as a true bisexual, genuinely attracted to individuals of both sexes, or perhaps an outright return to hetero- with the relationships with same-sex shifted to a deep sensuality, wisdom and ability to connect, but with clear boundaries and lines between sensual and sexual.

There are other issues such as those who go with same-sex just because its less hassle/more available, where it is less about genuine attraction and more about discharge, mutual understanding (of need), or desperation, but that is another more controversial branch of the topic, mentioned only in acknowledgement of other permutations.

I think that it may be possible to help a lot of gay men (and possibly women,) who don't want to be that way to consciously cross back over the line – but in such a way that they can be the beings of power, gender balance and justness that many women hunger for.

I'm not saying that's the case for all, but definitely for some. Some will have a life path of homosexuality, others may swing one way, and others again the other from straight to gay. I don’t mean here like some kind of whimsical social choice, though it may be for some, but I mean an actual energetic permutation of same-sex attraction that results from a combination of reasoning, story-telling (to self) and social pressures/consequences, desire & gender decisions over time.

I have of course thought this for some time, but saying it publicly is new, and having an active client verifying all the theory as a case study is just awesome – I just can’t tell you how much.

I’d say straight men need to get more on the conscious gender bandwagon to make sure they remain attractive or can build attraction in this new age of super high standards, mega-expectations and powerful women, not by becoming gay of course, but by working with both genders within.

cough cough.. of course I’m available for 1-2-1’s ;) not just for gender confusion, but hetero relationship stuff too, whether single or in a couple. Here’s a comment from another recent gender 1-2-1 couple, with the man in a hetero couple :

“Things are changing I'm pinching myself at how quickly I'm noticing how different I am ! my god , talk about paradigm shift. Being able to dive in like that and be honest just creates this bond I have never, ever experienced before. Mate this is crazy, this is next level stuff. The most wild thing is that nobody is doing it! It's not a conversation I can have with my mates down the pub about. It's such a shame how it is so controversial. Anyway man, incredible experience. This is just the best relationship I could've ever imagined myself in. Actually, I couldn't imagine it could be this good. Just crazy man”

Please feel free to share with anyone who may be interested in this kind of gender work, or get in touch if you are, regardless of your orientation or preferences.



Gonna read later. Commenting so i can find in my replies.
Nice to see you on steemit!

thanks for tagging it, and for the welcome! Still very new and seemingly breaking all the advice guidelines for newbies posts, now that I've read such advice posts :D :D

My own perception seems to be in alignment with your statement here... that "attraction" is a polarity-based energy. Lack of expression (and perhaps active suppression) of that energy may be key in it's eventual sudden and uncontrollable domination for those who surprisingly "come out" after a long period of seemingly "normal" relationships.

I feel like the LGBTQ+ mindsets create a culture which further clouds the mental health issues surrounding gay identities and people who ought to be doing some serious self-analysis and soul searching are instead getting sucked into a quagmire of decadence. Rather than identify that formative experiences unbalanced their energies, they justify the imbalance as their new ideal.

thanks for jumping in on this clunky and cumbersome article. Your last sentence is the issue in a nutshell as far as I can see. I could probably paraphrase about 1000 words of that article as that sentence...

The thing for me isn't that people form unbalanced conclusions when young - that has to be expected. It's the way they are reacted to and responded to that determines whether long term wellness or long term unwellness is the result. This applies to all aspects of mental health. I remember when I was working in mental health seeing that the core difference between escalation and potential 'kick off' was how the first responders to a situation behaved. Those people, and their insight, determined whether things settled or got worse.

In the case of gender, it is no different as far as I can see. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts

It's a difficult conversation to have in the public space for most people because of the social battle lines drawn around these issues.

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