What did you learn too late in your life?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I'm going to be 30 next year. These are probably the advice I would have given to the “20 years old me”

  1. Don't take your failures too seriously. They are not a measure of your competency. And moreover, there is nothing better in life than recovering from failures!

  2. What others think about you will keep changing according to situations, circumstances and your immediate environment. What you think about yourself should be the priority.

  3. Get rid of your toxic friends. They are appealing but they are not needed.

  4. Don't try to impress every single person. Some people are going to hate you for no reason. And it's not your problem.

  5. Don't have any strong opinions on religion, GOD, success, wealth and people. With time, they change radically. You will be surprised.

  6. Learn to say NO!

  7. Always challenge conventional wisdom. Don't do anything under the pretext “because everyone else does it”

These are part of me that I just realised how much I waste my time.
Hoping my 40 I won't regret!


Yep good words welcome to the 30s club gonna be 31 this October ! Goes by quickly!

Though 30 is coming, I'm still 20 at heart!

I would tell myself back then that I should have researched more topics to find the truth.

In an overwhelming day and age where there is fake news, photoshopped pictures, faked/doctored videos, we need to figure these things out and call them out for the liars they are. Fake news and liars should not be on the air in newsrooms, but sadly they will continue to put out the MSM narrative and we need to push back when they lie. They don't all lie and they don't always lie, but even 10% lying is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

I wish I would have done more. I could have become a lot larger of an influence if I had done more on social media. An influence for good.

True but we cannot control everything especially on social media.Just do what we can do.

when drinking alcohol, always drink something non-alcoholic in between.

For beer it's the same amount, wine double as much and Schnaps 8 times as much.

This way you'll stay in control but still have the "fun" effect of alcohol.

Also: Quit smoking, start working out twice a week and try to reach a BMI of 21.

And if you find a women who's really awesome, immediately marry her (ask her relentlessly, the usually give up at one point). Make women compliments, they love it and it's cheap for what you can get out in return.

...Because and never forget: You are in for the long game.

Good point of view. Thanks for your words!

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