This Is Not Just Another Post About Steem

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good day to you
Sir, Ma'am, It, These, Those, and Them Over There.

My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself
and unfortunately, this post is not about Steem.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Dogs.jpeg

I have some shocking news.

And I hope you're sitting down for this.

I've decided to publish a post on the Steem blockchain that isn't about Steem.

Some of you out there may have already figured that out after reading several words so far subtly hinting at the fact Steem, as well as things about Steem, will not be mentioned here today, but in the event a few of you find yourselves having trouble with reading comprehension and/or attention span, I feel it's only best to cater to your needs as well while I once again mention the fact this post is not about Steem.

Before I dive in to what this post is truly about.

And since I feel I'm taking a huge risk.

I feel it's only wise to explain a few things about Steem posts so you can see why you will not be reading a post about Steem, here, today.

A few valid points:

  • Steem posts are produced by people who know things about Steem.
    It's actually my first day; but I start tomorrow. I'm not even aware of the fact I'll run out of resource credits ten minutes after saying "Nice post" to all of the people who appear to be wealthy.

  • Sometimes posts about Steem are written by witnesses.
    If I was talking about the things I've witnessed in my day, I'd probably break out into a story about that time I was standing on the corner of 118th Avenue and 124th Street in Edmonton, Canada. I needed to cross but feared doing so because across the street was a woman on hard drugs freaking out at everyone shortly after crashing her bicycle into what were really nice shrubs and flowers before she came along. Finally, after watching the show for awhile, it was time to cross or I'd miss my bus. She grabbed me the moment I stepped foot on the sidewalk and that's when I could see the evil in her eyes. I said something like, "Whoa! Hey! I'm one of the good guys here!" Somehow that worked, she let me go, picked up her bike, proceeded to the middle of the busy intersection, traffic came to a screeching halt, and that's when she decided to pull her pants down. The next thing you know, she's twerking away and rubbing her bare ass all over the bike seat. But that's not the kind of stuff people witness here on Steem.

  • Steem posts usually have something to offer, like prizes, or a brief moment in the spotlight.
    Unless you're interested in a used cat, I got nothing.

  • Developers develop. Witnesses witness. Steemers Steemulate your senses.
    That barely made sense and if this was a Steem post or a post about Steem related activities, people would be excited to consume the crystal clear information they are being fed, not reckless drivel. I don't know how.

  • I was doing her from behind and she was farting to the beat of my pumps.
    Wouldn't make much sense to include that in a Steem post.

So there's that.

I also thought, "Maybe I'll just leave it up to the Steem experts," aloud.

Somebody needs to write a post that isn't about Steem, so I thought I'd be that somebody, instead of being a nobody who does nothing.

I've been noticing how easy life can be when there are only two options.

Here on the Steem Blockchain we have:

  1. Steem posts.
  2. Everything else.

So do I write a Steem post, or do I show you this old picture of Jack with a big smile on his face?

Smiling Jack.jpg

What a lucky dog.

Look at all that cocaine!

It's so much fun at first:

NoNamesLeftToUse - This Mirror Looks Cool.jpeg

But then things start to change:

Inside the Belly - Copy.jpeg

Your inner beast takes over:

NoNamesLeftToUse - You're Finished.jpeg

And then you're gone:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fast Dog Goes Fast.JPG

And now this is Jack's brain!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Forever.png


Don't do drugs.

Write Steem posts instead.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!
"This was meant to be humourous, of all things."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


And to think on this day I chose to not smoke hard and instead I wrote a steem post.. I'm also one of the good guys and I have copious amounts of water and baking soda to prove it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Practicing safe blogging by writing Steem posts and staying off the hard drugs should be in the manual.

SPS about it haha!

Steem is best experienced on soft drugs..

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a great idea! I'll get around to it.

Coffee and dirty cigs. I need to kick these soft drugs or I'll never get to see Steem moon.

If there's no coffee on steem moon I'll have to say "that's no moon"

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So...Jack's display of fangs was a SMILE??

Hmm, okay...

Yup. He does that all time. He's not growling or being aggressive. He's sitting nice, waiting for a cookie.

I like Jacks brain picture. Smiling Jack, now even though he looks long in the tooth there, he does look like he is happy and waiting for his puppy treat fix. I think you did an admirable job of not making just another steem post.

Jack is a good boy! You just can't say hi to him on a jet.

I've been craving some chaos so I thought this would be a good idea.

Craving the chaos or the drama? Drama seems to have settled down a bit on Steem.

I'm not much of a fan of the drama stuff. The chaos is the post here. I'm confident nobody could guess what would happen next as they powered through this adventure in experimental comedy.

Good, because @lucylin, the resident "everyone here is a fag and I deserve to break into trending" just vowed to not write any more about steem, before he went on to claim that I was not letting him not write about steem. So better watch out, or I'll make you write about steem also, and you don't even like hard drugs like he does (intravenously).

Who's lucylin? I don't think I've heard of him.

Better you don't waste one second on that dull and dim one.

I don’t own a dog with a smile and so I will either present my smiling daughter, or write a steem post. I like reading about Steem on Steemit, I go to the creative coin site for other entertainment, and sometimes I go read some science or sports stuff on the other websites. So much choice today, we are spoilt.

This concept of organization sure is something! I like reading the variety as well. It also felt good to get these crazies out and publish some chaos.

@nonamelefttouse wow🤗. I so much love your style. It's very educative and very funny sometimes. Knowledge found.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey! Thanks for having fun here!

I always try my best to get updated with your articles and most times I do get them real hot♨️♨️♨️. Keep it up sir🤗

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Hahaha am laughing like an idiot on the train platform while reading this post.

Strange eyes on me!!

Thanks... For the afternoon laugh.

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I know all about that strange eyes feeling.


Starts looking for a pen to poke with

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Nobody gives a shit on Facebook or twitter what the Facebook or twitter devs or server admins have to say.

When nobody on STEEM gives a shit what steem says about steem, that's when you know steem has gone mainstream.

Until then we are a snake eating our own tail.

Yeah, there's a bit of satire here. At this point though, I don't mind the genuine Steem content. Some hype, actual news, it's all good. Balance is key at this stage though. What happened in the past should be a lesson learned. Long ago Steem content was overly popular, so many folks dropped their original plans and began writing about Steem, chasing that money, and the posts became disingenuous. Today, I just wanted to write jokes. I've written plenty of Steem content and it's hard not to after these changes. Eventually things should balance out again. Even when a new tribe pops up, folks talk about the tribe, a lot. Then things simmer down and folks settle back into their grooves. Enjoy the ride. There's a huge demand for the everything else content and those producing it often stand out.

I get it. Early adopters care about meaningful progress being made. There's definitely a place for it, but the natural progression should be that it fades into the background. The rate at which people tune into it should drop over time if steem is successful IMHO. I want people to be so caught up in agnostic content and DApps that they aren't interested in witness and dev drivel.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm hoping the future front page consists of top posts picked from tribes and communities. Something like that. We'll get there eventually, provided people don't give up. One of my most recent suggestions was to set up an 'announcements' tab. Having all of the development news and Steem content organized into one space only makes sense. We see how well it works with tribes. They'd actually have more visibility that way because the consumer can simply click and go.

He's my dad's dog and the photo was taken by youngest daughter. Probably one of the best dogs I've ever met.

cool. oh i liked your blog too, lol

thanks :)

That's good to know, ya know!
I appreciate it. Thank you.

They're isn't enough twerking on the steem blockchain.

Dat's a fact sistah

That's exactly my point! How are we supposed to have mass adoption if nobody twerks?

Totally fact!

I hears ya!

What are we paying those fancy schmancy Devs for anyway?? Are they taking all the twerk for themselves??

They need to develop a twerk bot!

Can I !tip it, yes I can!!!

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