in #life7 years ago



Image Sources: one and two

Life is a journey, a voyage, an adventurous trip for many and a race for some. Seeing people enjoying their lives and succeeding in whatever they do is what i love because one way or the other the happiness gets to me. I have never wanted anyone's unhappiness or downfall except maybe while i was in Kindergarten. As many toddler do, i might have been jealous of some kids shoes or snacks fro lunch and wanted it shared or spilled. But the universe forgives the woes of the little ones so i am forgiven of my childhood mischief.

Like the fishes in the deep wide Ocean and like the Birds in the infinite Blue sky; they all feed and live happily ever after without the Dove been jealous of the Sparrow for it's dashing speed or the Robin hating up on the Great Bald Eagle for it's Magnificent size. They all feed and never go hungry, except the ones engineered to hunt the others for food; and nobody could blame them because they obeyed the law of Nature.

You and i should be happy when others are happy, and not be happy when they are sad. Simple because positive energy is contagious and also drives personal growth and success. There is a fundamental power in wishing success for others and not their demise. Something a pack of Wild Dogs knows best than some humans; The Female breast feeds the young ones whether the pups are her own or not and any member of the pack babysits the pups when the others go hunting, the happiness of the pack remains their goal.

Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure that you are not in fact just surrounded with assholes.- William Gibson.

Often times we feel so bad about others around us making it big, but as it occurred to you that probably if you are among motivators and the encouraging ones you could be making it bigger too?

Chances are, if someone is making it more than you do, they might be involved in something so despicable which you ought not feel bad or jealous of, there is a breakthrough in any human's life but not as you or any soothsayer could predict it. So when you wish others succeeding to fail, you are indirectly sanctioning your own epic fall.

Be happy when others are happy, be sad when something bad happens to you but do not dwell on it for long and never let that make you wish others around you fall to never rise again!

Hope every Steemian reading this had a great day.Below are the links to some of my latest posts. I appreciate all the supports i have gotten from you all!


In a Data World; How Zebras could save Rhinos from Extinction through IBM's IoT Technology




FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


I've noticed a lot of things about people, most think life is a contest. They contest for a lot of things; house, husband, wife, job, car, promotion, salary, etc. The so-called oppressors only feel happy when others are down or subdued. The funny thing is no one really cares. No one is indispensable. Some may wrongly tell you that you are indispensable, try and drop "dead" for a week and see if many would even notice. You'd be shocked to see life goes on, the earth would still rotate.

I try to live a happy life by not trying to change things I cannot change or be bothered about the success of Mr A or Mrs K. The earth's population is 7 billion plus, that is a lot of people!

Credit Suisse's annual Global Wealth Report determined that 1.1 million Americans became new millionaires in 2017, bringing the total number of millionaires in the country to 15,356,000—roughly one out of every 20 Americans.

The new money would get to every one ✌️🚀💯

Mehn, this alone inspires me. With what happened recently to @steem-lagos and myself; it is clear that the competition in life is just pointless. Thanks for this wonderful contribution mate.

You are most welcome. It pays to be happy. Life could be hard, but if you add unhappiness to it it becomes triple tough :)

Like the fishes in the deep wide Ocean and like the Birds in the infinite Blue sky; they all feed and live happily ever after without the Dove been jealous of the Sparrow for it's dashing speed or the Robin hating up on the Great Bald Eagle for it's Magnificent size. They all feed and never go hungry, except the ones engineered to hunt the others for food; and nobody could blame them because they obeyed the law of Nature.

@oluwoleolaide I agree with your post totally. It's high time people know there is really no competition in life and there is always room for everyone in this universe!

Life could be hard, but if you add unhappiness to it it becomes triple tough :)

Thanks @greenrun I will memorise this!

Thank you too. You are awesome

Great Hearted man only think that. Outstanding writing skill. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading my friend.

Of course we are not living for ourselves alone we live so that others will live. Life is like a negative and positive current they don't come in direct contact but they work together to generate light. I really appreciate your efforts for sharing am impressed by your writing. @oluwoleolaide

Am currently working on a write up. I will be anticipating your comment when I post it. Thanks @oluwoleolaide

Will be there to do so brother...

Greet post... Agree in all meanings of the word...

Hello @oluwoleolaide

You're one of the few Nigerians who I have great respect for. I read this piece line by line and I can't agree more with what you have here — it is a true definition of yourself, doing good at your own discomfort in order for others to succeed in what they do here.

That remind of the day I rang you up to request how you used to come up with those interesting topics you do write on. You didn't only taught me how I can always come up with wonderful ideas to write on, you gave me about three topics to write on, and after I wrote on them, they all did very well in the community, earning $30+ each at a time I rarely see $1 in earnings per post.

I want to particularly thank you for all your supports to myself and majority of Steemian Nigerians. Gob bless you richly.

Upv by
@eurogee, the founder of @euronation Newbie's Support Team & the Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly Contest

Most welcome brother.

Even the Holy Scripture admonishes us in

Roman 12:15-16

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

Most times, we are the product of our thoughts... The more we wish evil on other, the more we envisage downfall for others - the more those evil intents are retured to us in multiple folds.

This is coming from a great heart...
This is the way to live a good life and enjoy life. Thanks for sharing

You are welcome

WoW.... Thank you family you are a blessing

Thanks brother, am right behind you always now.

You're not weird for loving to see others succeed, in fact if you do, then you're a blessing and a motivation. I strongly believe that helping and encouraging others is one way of attracting blessings. Strife, jealousy and every other callous feeling will only demote and damage. If we can be happy for others, happiness is bound to remain with us, like karma, And moreover, our lord says to love our neighbors as ourselves. You're a good example.

Thanks for the kind words @kivar

Many tried to pass me in this rat race pyramid structure we are forced to live in . The ones that did this in a aggressive greedy selfish way didn't get any help or info from me to succeed past me . My good friend Karma did catch the lot of them . The ones that passed me with respect and where worthy to do so are still my friend's because they got al my support and info to succeed . ,........ i do not have many friends ;-)

You are in no way crazy , i to love to see people succeeding and happy . It's kind of sad to see my friend Karma having so match work these day's .

Trying not to have many friends too now(pseudo friends)...

Thanks for the wonderful input my friend

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