I am facing Massive Steemit Burnout . . . Need advice!!! My will to keep Steeming has dwindled . . .

in #life8 years ago

Hello all. I have hit a Steemit wall and am unsure if I can recover. For all of you authors out there, I could really use some sound advice, maybe even some encouragement, to keep Steeming. Maybe some of you feel that its time to quit Steeming and I would take that advice too.

I have barely been blogging twice a week now, it used to be twice a day. At first, excitement and motivation kept me going daily. Chatting with people, reading different posts, piecing together articles and photo blogs was exciting. Now, it just feels like a chore.

These are some reasons I am facing Steemit burnout:

1. Blogging isn't all that FUN (it's work).

I used to ghostwrite blogs and eBooks professionally and it is definitely work. When I started Steem, blogging quickly went from being whimsical to being laborious. And do not get me wrong, I am a worker, oh yes. I have worked my whole life: from wiping down tables at 8 years old in the family restaurant, to owning my very own little computer biz, I am not afraid to work good and hard. But I guess I was wrapped up in the illusion that Steemit would be fun forever, and that illusion has faded away to reality: being an author is like having a job BUT the uncertainty of being rewarded for the work lingers. Not like I didn't realize that from the get-go, being a pro writer before. BUT for some reason I thought it would be different.

2. Steem Price Crash.

I guess I am a little unnerved to see the HUMONGOUS price drop in Steem. Votes from my dedicated followers are not even 1/3 of what they were worth 2 months ago. That has gotten me a little rattled, and probably everyone else. And I really do not want to view Steem being all about money. However, that is what the platform has been based upon. Rewards for curation and content creation. It is hard to unwrap one's mind from desiring the monetary rewards Steem has to offer.

3. Limited User Interface.

You all know how primitive the GUI is of Steem and yes, it has come a long way. But there are some basic social media standards that are not being met. I would really love to have a profile page, where I could have a bio, highlighted posts, and a navigable list of followers. Also, a private messaging system is sorely missed on this platform.

4. Time, Time, Time.

This is a biggie for me. Since I have started Steem, I have gone back to school part time, I work 3/4 time, my daughter has come back to live with me (she is 15) and I am in a serious relationship. To meet all of the demands that life has AND keep up with Steem, well, there is only so much one human can do in a day.

That about wraps up my trepidations of my situation. I would love to hear from anyone reading this post, minnow, whale, orca, dolphin, sloth, unicorn, whoever.


I understand how you felt @queenmountain, because like you, I also longed to be voted with whales. Although rewards but most of them came from featured post. I also though of giving up because writing content for me is difficult. I have a work during day time that is giving me a monthly salary of $400, which not enough for a family of 3 kids, so I spent my night time writing articles. I'm not a writer like and writing a single article for me take some times but I have to finish at least one article every night so I can have something to post, hoping that somehow whales can see me.

My advice is very common, just keep going. Just keep on posting good quality content, like what you said you are a blogger and as you do, writing could be easy for you compared to me.

Let me tell you a story, when I'm at home I just use my android phone on accessing steemit including writing articles. Imagine how hard is it to make article using just a phone. When the day comes, I will bring the article to my workplace and format it for posting to steemit. Sometimes I post it at my workplace whenever I have a chance and sometimes I bring it back home and post it.

Even so, I didn't stop because I have people who depends on me, who depends on the rewards that I will be gaining from my posts.

Wow, your story is very touching! I wish you the best of luck on Steem, and yes, keeping going is really what it boils down to.

Lets do it. We can do it.

Hi. I thought about user interface also, but maybe there can be a solution. There is Steemit API, which can be used by developers to create f.e. another site with other functionalities baset on Steemit. I can look at it, and if there will be more people interested in this I can start to do something with it. We don't have to count on steemit creators, if we can do some work by ourselves :) If you like this idea - vote/comment, I want to see if that's needed.

Nice, that is a great idea. Like setting up a node? That is what I love about opensource. I really do not know anything about programming, but I am sure you will have supporters if you were to launch something like this!

@queenmountain, I totally feel how you feel right now. I wish I could tell you encouraging words more than I could have told myself 24 hours ago. Your list is on point and I have to agree with every one of them.

All I can say is you have everything you need to succeed right now more than ever with the level of reputation you have, the STEEM POWER you possess, the talent and skills of a professional blogger/writer. For most of us, we struggle on these three assets you now have. You worked hard for these, as you said, and there's just no reason for you to quit now.

Here's a cliche' for you: keep writing, keep going, keep steeming. Sometimes cliche' seems the only thing to make sense right now.

Wow, thanks for the perspective! You are right. I do have a lot of assets, and I tend to forget about those. I am probably in the best position to succeed, but I am taking it for granted. I have worked hard to get my rep and steem power, and I could be on the precipice of a breakthrough. Thanks for pointing that out. I needed that. STEEM ON!!!

Yeah, she is already a blogger which is a huge advantage in terms of writing and her reputation is good. The only thing thats left is to gain upvotes that bears a good rewards which is very to find.

I remember reading your post 3 weeks ago, more or less, where you were talking about going back to school. Forgive me for the question, but why? Please do not take offense at my question, just curious. And, my opinion of the price, personally I have been observing cryptos since I was 16, (my Dad turned me on to them) and I have seen the crazy price swings. I have a level of confidence that soon, don't know when exactly, but the price will rise then fall then rise then level then fall then rise, yada yada yada. So, I'm trying to encourage you to Steem ON! Easier said then done, I know.

You are right @gringalicious, just keep on steeming. Someday, our time will come, we just dont know when.

I decided to go back to school because I am determined to finish what I started. It has been a decade since I last attended and my credits will expire had I not re-enrolled. Its become more of a personal goal for me to finish, and if it helps with my career, then kudos to me! Yes, steem on, just keep going. I totally agree.

Indeed, I fully understand your situation, @quenmountain. I really liked his outburst and the same happens to me . Before when I received 35 votes, already passed the $ 100 to receive payment, today these 35 votes do not reach the $ 1 , which causes us a lot of disappointment because it is very difficult to build content with quality and original today . More difficult when you are not a "celebrity" and does not have the whales as their partners.

Yep, I agree. It is a hard pill to swallow to see how the earnings from votes have diminished so GREATLY. Even the leader board shows that; a lot of posts that would have gotten $5000 are not even reaching $1000. I think I am going to take a mini break and post maybe a few times a week.

Just take a break for a while, maybe power up what you got sitting around, and go do something else for a while.

I was feeling this bern also just this last two days, and I haven't got my mojo back yet, but I am feeling 1000x better, and my solution is to finally ditch the beautiful but bureaucrat infested city of Sofia for the for me as yet unknown Historic and Businessy Plovdiv. Just waiting on a bit of delays in my money, and then most likely tomorrow I head for Tsentralna Zhelezoputna Gara, where I will be, probably not forever, but saying good bye to the Lady who has done so much good for me, even if it was at times brutally harrowing.

Oh wow, I was looking at Sofia, and it looks very historical and beautiful! I had a similar situation: I used to live in the infamous Santa Barbara, California. I decided to move to a town of 200 people in the middle of nowhere in Montana (West Yellowstone). It was a drastic change and it was tough, but I never looked back. I traded beautiful beaches for epic mountains, and I couldn't be happier!

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