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RE: The Crap I Put Up with Because I’m a Girl in IT

in #life8 years ago (edited)

You're trying to blame men for why they treat women a certain way, but it's not the man's fault at all. If you want someone to blame, look no further than your fellow women. The cold hard truth is, there's an overabundance of bimbos who are obsessed with things like fashion, shoes, instagram, etc.

Unless you feel like going to teach other women to not be bimbos and having a giant portion of women act like this, then people will always stereotype women in such a manner. That's not going to happen anytime soon, because being a bimbo with good lucks and an IQ of 2 is the path of least resistance for reproduction in natural selection, so nature cranks them out on a never ending assembly line.

But don't let me stop you from trying to partake in the leftist narrative of blame the white man for everything possible.


Even if every other woman in the world was a bimbo who cared only about fashion, shoes, and instagram, she'd still deserve to be treated as an individual and not pre-judged based on her gender. I wonder if you would tell a black person that the reason they are pre-judged is that there are so many other black people who abandon their children or commit crimes.

Yup. Also, there's not more stupid women than stupid men. In fact, there are more men below the first standard deviation in IQ than women. Variance in men is greater, the average IQ is the same. Women do better in school.
This myth of stupid women is perpetrated by the patriarchy, some women act dumber than they are to fit the stereotype.

It depends on what and how you are being taught. Women are more submissive to authority, so you can put them in any type of class and they're more likely to willingly be brainwashed by whoever is speaking to them. A lot of grades are based around telling the teacher what they subjectively want to hear. Things like math where it's not just subjective brainwashing and regurgitation of whatever the teacher wants to hear seem to be dominated by males though.

Right, they have to be treated equally because are times that woman are more wiser and intelligent than man. The instinct of a woman is different from a man instinct, they have their own way of handling things and situation that man could not do. Yeah, there are those who only knew fashion and beauty but has no brain but it makes no difference because such qualities also existed on men.

Wisdom has nothing to do with gender, race or culture. But deviating from the norms of these categories can be a very socially risky business. I am male but I get into all kinds of trouble because of my anti-authoritarian attitude and faith in reason, and more superficially, my somewhat effeminite manner and appearance.

For the feminists here, this is nothing to do with 'patriarchy'. This man vs woman thing is one of the oldest divide and conquer tactics ever employed. Old vs Young is another one. Gay vs Straight, the list is endless, and meaningless. Individuals might be categorisable but we are as unique as the structure of snowflakes and more than the numbers of even a short 256 bit cryptographic key. This collectivist mentality does nothing but damage people and ultimately hurt everyone.

You're implying that stereotypes are NOT useful for surviving the natural selection process, when this type of learned behavior is EXTREMELY useful in natural selection. You're trying to claim up is down. It's not.

Quite the reverse, I understand that these things are very useful. That's why it's so important to make this moral point. As a society, we don't want to make one person's life miserable because of the choices and actions of people who happen to share their skin color or gender. Even where that is to our benefit. We make the moral choice to give up the benefits of stereotyping because we consider the costs to be unacceptable, largely because they disproportionately fall on completely innocent people.

I don't think you know who you're dealing with here. You used the word "we" constantly. There is no we. When you use the word "we" in this manner, you're implying you're the moral authority or father figure of some imaginary collective and everyone else needs to conform to your behavior. There is no we and there is no collective.

This is a common leftist trick to try and indoctrinate people into Marxism. This stuff might work against feeble minded children, but I'm not some guy off the movie idiocracy you can beat with such primitive tricks.

Let's talk about the reason you use this propaganda. You have the last name Katz, an Ashkenazi Jewish name. Jews have evolved to use collectivism as a group evolutionary strategy. It's a well documented characteristic:

The other fact is that you push Marxist collectivism because you see homogeneous civilizations as a threat to your minority demographic. Your motivations are entirely selfish. You're literally trying to brainwash people to benefit yourself. None of it is real. It's all fake, self serving propaganda.

The "we" you speak of is actually "you" and your interests, not mine or anyone else's. So while you are masquerading as some type of white knight out to help all of humanity, your behavior is entirely selfish in nature.

I'm not blaming men, and as you can see in the end, I also speak on behalf of men that are treated in a similar manner. It's all our faults. Not men, not women. We're all responsible for this.

Back in the day when I was a full-time stay-at-home dad, I sometimes had women compliment me on knowing how to change a nappy (diaper) as if it was some kind of miracle, or, in a situation where I could offer assistance, they'd say something like, "You're a man, what would you know about children?" The fact is, there are skills that aren't apparent just by looking, so assumptions based on most likely probability are perhaps almost inevitable.

It might not necessarily be the fault of the individual man,but it is a result of a sexist society.

A sexist society is arguably a result of biological realities. By which I mean that the fundamental differentiation between male and female humans is that females are the ones who grow and give birth to babies and males are the ones who merely create them. This has given rise to many less than equitable interpretations of a woman's 'place' in society.

not sure the word bimbo is appropriate in this conversation.

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