in #life6 years ago

tyler-nix-628991-unsplash.jpgWe as humans are so accustomed to thinking as if we can't live without thinking but we need to understand that we have become a slave to our minds. We are almost never in a condition to control our thoughts. I dare you to stop your mind and see the next moment you try to stop it. It won't and you 'll start to overthink. Probably the next thought will be am I thinking? which itself a thought.When our mind stops we try to take it back to working and it just feels odd when we are not thinking which is a problem. Every moment feels void when you are not thinking. You think you are depressed because this is an unusual situation as we are not accustomed to. ask yourself are you a victim to your mind? if yes, start to slow your mind it is the first step to conscious thinking that is you will have control over your thoughts. This can only happen when you recognize your illness for what it is and try to solve it. Don't overanalyze the situation by asking yourself what'll happen or what has happened, just be in the moment and ask yourself can you change your present if yes then for sure go for it, if no accept it because acceptance is a way towards feeling peace and pleasure.