It's OK To Be Angry (Pt 1) - Framework

in #life6 years ago

Here's the thing...

I have a love-hate relationship with everything living or inanimate. For someone who experiences random waves of all-encompassing love, I sure do wanna destroy everything around me quite often.

And it's not like I have a reason. No.

I just get bored. I get bored looking and doing the same thing. To be fair, this lasts for a day. Usually when I've been beating up my body, doing God knows what.


The Beast in you

Logos is what differentiates us from being animals, scouring the earth for carcasses. At least, that's what some dead philosophers told us.

Of course, the dead guys are ALWAYS right, right?

Well, in that case, they are...kinda.

See, back when the world was new, squeaky, and shiny us humans had to contain ourselves from killing each other. It was so bad, some wise old farts who didn't want to die, decided to create some laws that would govern the lawless land.

And these laws were called "social norms".

Many years have passed and these "laws" are still in place, one way or the other.


It has become so easy to survive that we've forgotten why we had to have social norms, to begin with. That's both a blessing and a curse.

Here we are, forgetting why politeness was a necessity. Not because it "felt" good...
If you were disrespectful to some ugly men, they'd come to your village, kill you, and rape you.

  • We've forgotten why being a daft bitch can get you into trouble.
  • We've forgotten why being a fat man means death.
  • We've forgotten why men need multiple women and women need the strongest man.

That doesn't mean we should regress or follow society's will blindly.

Au contraire...

Knowing that these social norms are always manifested can in face help us discern when it's time to break the mold.

And in my case...




Hate when hate is mostly anger.

See, the overarching theme of my blog is me shitting on weak men (and women sometimes). And it's not because I hate them or anything.

I just think we ought to do better in 2019. For fuck's sake, we've been dominating the world for 1000s of years and now we cry when someone says bad words on the internet.


Hate, anger is a testosteronic response. Sure, that swampy stoic philosophy is trendy these days... Every puffy "goo-roo" talks about it.

Man, I just feel these people are getting old too fast. I don't want to be in my 30s, being that boring guy that gets excited
when he buys Oxford shoes.

I say, embrace your feelings when you're young. Dominate your environment. Don't just sit there, wiggling your head, sipping some obscure drink, being "stoic cool".

Do you have any grit, my man?

Use the killer instinct you were born with. Fuck some shit up.

Be alive and really live.

It's ok to be rough sometimes. You don't always have to obey.

Embrace the beast in you

You're not supposed to be dead inside.


P.S- If you want to read more of that, join my Cult


From a female perspective, American women are bombarded with pushy parenting advice stressing no show of emotion other than love. It is shit. Everybody needs to be angry sometimes...although I'm not sure I have your

Fuck some shit up.

in me. I think that is largely a man thing :)

I'm not a parent, but that does seem crazy to me.
Love and anger aren't mutually exclusive... if you're being stupid then it's only the people who love you who'll get angry.

Have you ever done renovation/demolition? The satisfaction of just unleashing everything on a wall or cabinet?

I haven't ever done demolition. Herein lies the classic difference between a stereotypical woman vs. stereotypical man - I can have a nice cry and feel totally better. Lol.

I have this image of myself swinging a large tool and somehow injuring myself. Maybe I will give it a go one of these days. I'll let you know if I break any bones ;)

I often wonder if some medieval dude got time-travelled to now, would he be absolutely tougher than us in every way? He shouldn't be... our diets are better, our health is better, we rarely have to forcefully defend ourselves, but I imagine he'd just crush us.

One of my favourite business ideas is a gym full of junk that you just destroy. Bucks parties pay extra for demolishing a car/cult.

I was just at a American civil war reenactment this morning, and was thinking something similar. The amount of violence witnessed in that era would have normalized toughness that your average man can't grasp today. But besides that, all the skills required for daily chores. Whether medieval or only 150 years ago, they would be so much tougher.

I remember reading somewhere that it really was only a couple of hundred years ago that everyone had to carry at least a knife for self-protection. Women, children, everyone... I can't even imagine.

I actually think that an average guy in 2019, would be an average guy in 1400. Our environment is different and we manifest our genetics in different ways.

For example, that kid who rages and smashes his laptop cause he lost in a video game...well, believe it or not, it's the same kid that would invade a beach and pillage a village. He channels his testosterone to other things.

My point is that there are better avenues for the modern man to conquer and dominate. Most males opt out of life and numb themselves, even though they have the potential.