5 Good things to do every night for good health

in #life5 years ago

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Hi Steemians !

I hope you are well and have a good time on our beautiful Steemit platform.

In this post I would like to talk to you about 5 things to do in the evening that will improve the quality of your life, and that will also help you reach your goals in life.

1. You have to put out the mobile phone and put it away from you, it is better to put it out of your sleeping room.

2. Try to think about your goals and focus on what you want to achieve in your life just before falling asleep, the best thing to do is write your goals and read them every night before sleeping, you'll wake up in the morning overboost, and you will have more desire to accomplish all the tasks with a lot of energy, because your unconsciousness always keeps the last thing you think before disconnecting at night.

3. Plan the day of tomorrow : if you have goals to achieve in your life you must plan and have an idea of ​​what you will do the next day, to avoid waking up in the morning without strategy and you will not know by what are you going to do, so you are going to waste a lot of time looking for what you are going to do ... and if you plan in the evening what you need to do, the magic of your unconsciousness will act and will organize all the ideas, the next day you take action directly and you will accomplish all the tasks in an optimal way and know exactly what to do.

4. This fourth thing to do is especially intended for those who have insomnia problems : if you have the problem of thinking too much, take papers and write all the thoughts that bother you, it is as if you bring out the ideas to outside of your mind and you materialize them, it will calm you down a lot and help you fall asleep quickly.

5. Do only 5 minutes of meditation : what you need to do is simply to sit comfortably and breathe slowly and concentrate on the breath, after 5 minutes you will notice a good relaxation that will allow you to find a deep sleep that you will need obligatorily to remove all the stress of the day and wake up in good shape the next day.

Thank you for reading, I wish a successful life to everyone.

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