Stop for a while and ask yourself are you LIVING? volume 1

in #life8 years ago

Hurry up I got presentation!

I am late

I am worried 

Honey I'll be late lot of work in office Sorry

and many more

This kind of statements are common at every place, in every house. We are living, how would you justify this statement?. Life is a complex word to define, can you define what is your life seeing yourself in mirror?. Have you ever thought when you were kid, you use to dream about flying in the sky, playing with TOM & JERRY. Now you might be smiling how cute and innocent it was. A kid never worries about having a pent house or Ferrari, he has his own world and his own house and Ferrari. We forget one important thing in life that kid have and we miss a broad innocent smile. Every person feels the aroma of happiness when he holds a kid in her/his hands, don't you?. WHY?

Is there something we are missing in our life?

you know the answer


We are running in our lives, for what?.  Materialistic is the adjective of most desires we have today

we are in formula one that does not have any cars to race but some hungry people with empty pockets. I do not say you don't need money, Of course you do But only to buy something you really need to LIVE. 

Have you ever heard the voice of your soul?. Your soul has the answer of your stressed life, Your soul has the answer of your angry gestures to your family, Your soul has the answer for your daily mood swings, Your soul has the answer for your anxiety. You know the solution what you have to do. Maybe this is getting complex. Let me simplify

If you think you are unhappy, stressed, worried or suffering from mental pain

Just stop your brain from thinking, GO OUTSIDE.

Check out  

kids playing in park, beautiful isn't it?

Group of moms discussing every small aspect of their kids

Mom kissing her kid holding tightly in her lap

Dad teaching his kid to ride bicycle (attentive at every step)

A baby learning to walk

A sunrise in morning, birds singing at high pitch to express their feeling

Hearing the sound of waves on the beach

A couple kissing and spreading fragrance of love at sunset point. beautiful, isn't it?

I can still go on and on, Need not to go too far for finding happiness to cleanse our sorrow

Its time to think beyond job, money and well settled life. You can never be settles until you "LOVE WHAT YOU DO" - Steve Jobs. Yes you can settle in vision of society, in terms of a path defined to  exist in world. But you can never settle mentally. You will find something missing, something odd about which you know but you haven't discovered.

It is not possible to always get the opportunity to do what you want to. Sometimes you are stuck in life where there is no chance to think about your dreams, Yes I agree totally. But have we ever thought to TRY. At what so position or experience level you are about what so ever you dream to do in your life, doesn't matter. We just need to try. We do not try just because there is no hope to get success, But have you thought about the SATISFACTION and HAPPINESS you gain when you do something you really care for?. Success won't matter as much your mental peace you get striving for what makes you happy. This life is meant more for us rather then just exist. We need to think about with question

WHAT (makes me happy?)

rather than

WILL (I be successful?)

Success is measure of smile it brings on your face not what you can show off.

I hope you people like this topic to be more discussed and explored. I feel talking about this is more important than talking about 100 ways to earn money in a week. I will soon be writing more on it according to the response.

Take care and SMILE

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