
The best motivators of our time are not those who started their story with how they got to their prime without setbacks, it's those who start by telling us how they tried and failed, how life struck them so hard that they almost threw in the towel...

Those are the inspiring tales people wanna hear and draw knowledge from. It's still hard for me to come in terms with the fact that some people don't still embrace failure or hiccups as a road path to the pinnacle.

I've come to realize that sometimes we humans need a little nudge or spank to get our dumb Ass moving.

Life plays the role of a martinet or watchdog very well. Sometimes we work so hard and get nothing, the other times we barely do much, and yet we gain excess... Now these things happen.

Learning to embrace life the way it is, undiluted and uncensored is just the perfect way never to freak out.

well-stated. 🙌

In a world where we mortals somehow find a way to convince ourselves that we can orchestrate our own course.

But that's for me a mere product of overstretched imaginations. Truth is, we are only playing a role that some unseen forces have given us to play.

At some points when we feel we've arrived at the threshold of our peak, these Forces strike us, sometimes to remind us that we are only but humans, other times to humble us and make us stronger for the future.

Sometimes we just find ourselves playing some bad roles, Yah! Karma will still visit us, it's simple. Because it's the same Forces that created our roles also punish us for consenting to play such roles.

In all, it's always cool viewing life from both sides. Nice piece of work @rok-sivante

Really some cool piece of lines you got here @steemdragon
Sometimes it's better to think like an immortal than a human.

Nice contribution.

Ever been asked that "5 years" question? You know the one that goes "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Ever have that 5 year prediction be anywhere NEAR close? I learned a long time ago to simply roll with the punches. I'm not saying that planning is bad...we need to plan to make sense of our lives sometimes. And planning can lead to positive outcomes.

But I've probably had as many successes from things that the Universe has simply thrown in my path..and I've been bold, brave or stupid enough to answer the call. And I don't believe I've ever had my own long-term plans end up anywhere near where I thought they should. Sometimes I had greater success much faster, sometimes I had searing failures, and sometimes I simply scrapped the plans mid-stream, realizing I was focused on the wrong goal.

I think basically life is meant to be lived, and while planning is a part of that, it also goes against the grain of the Universe, which is by definition in a state of constant entropy...while also constantly expanding.

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" Ever have that 5 year prediction be anywhere NEAR close?

LOL. God no! :-)

Life is a journey on a train with its stations, with changes of routes and accidents. At birth we boarded the train and met our parents and we believe that they will always travel on our side. However, at some stations our parents step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train;and they will be significant i. e. our siblings, friends, children and even the love of our life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don't realize that they vacated their seats! This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all the passengers…..
Requiring that we give the best of overselves..... This post is really heartwarming no one thinks so much how much you have thought @rok-sivante

is that a quote or original...?

lovely either way. just not sure if I'm having a deja vu or have read/heard something similar before...

I think we should use our own language under what conditions, if indeed the quotes try to give the source. Let us appreciate the writings of others with our true opinions. Is not it brother @rok-sivante?

Yes @rok-sivante I just read this few days ago I felt it is worth to share hope my gesture was good and was able to match the caliber of your post sir


When quoting, either use quotation marks or the “ > “ bit of markdown to emphasize its a quotation, and give reference to the original author (if possible).

Okay bro i did not knew about this ... Thanks i won't commit this mistake again

Rock sir,

Such a powerful...impacting post that forces one to go down the memory lane in search of where one should have done things differently. Seriously, going through this post have enabled me to think deep, searching myself in side out in order to improve my approach to things generally.

Maybe we need to get knocked on our ass a few times before finding balance.

I couldn't agree more. You have said it all by this line. A community I am leading is currently working to host a meetup on 17th of March in a region of my country where nothing has been heard of Steemit. And the support I am currently getting or not getting is serving quite like a curveball to me.

Thank you for making me come back to my senses through this post



I read it somewhere
Empty jar represents the LIFE:
One day a Psychology professor placed an empty jar on his table.

  1. He proceeded to fill the jar with golf balls until the jar is full.
    Then the professor asked the students whether the jar was full or not
    The Students replied that the jar is full
  2. He then poured some pebbles into the jar. The pebbles filled the space between the golf balls.
    Then the professor asked students whether the jar was full or not
    The Students replied that the jar is full.
  3. He poured salt into the jar. The salt filled the empty spaces between pebbles and golf balls.
    The professor again asked students whether the jar was full or not
    The Students again replied that the jar is full
  4. Finally the professor poured a glass of beer into the jar filling the empty spaces in the jar
    Then the professor said, "Students I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life."
    The golf balls are the important things. Your family, your children, health, friends and favorite passions. If everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
    The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house or car.
    The salt is everything else, the small stuff
    If you put the salt into the jar first, he replied, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.”
    The same goes for life
    If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you
    Pay attention to the things critical to your happiness
    Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit your grandparents. Take your spouse out for dinner. Go out with your friends. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn
    Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just salt
    Finally one of the students raised their hand and asked what the beer represented. The professor smiled and said: “I am glad that you asked. The beer just shows that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of beers with a friend.”
    Life is A world stage where we just come, play our part and then depart from there. As William Shakespeare says All The World's A Stage from the play As You Like It. I think it's a good metaphor to describe life as an actor/actress playing our part on a world stage. Because in a way life lies between birth and death. It just about living the time we get, trying to be happy against all odds and spreading a smile. People make life complicated by overthinking about it. Life is not as philosophical as people make it.

Yeah, somebody shared the video about this with me! It's actually great hearing the guy tell his story! Super inspirational actually

thanks alot. i was having a bad day and this post motivated me and gave me positive vibes. really motivational write up

Mehn this is a powerful post . One that should be reflected on. I love the part where you said if you wana make God laugh, tell him your plans. Lolz...that's undeniably true. Even the holy book says that his ways are not our ways nor his thoughts our thoughts. That means , we can make plans but it is what he really wants that happens .

When I pray everyday I no longer ask for things coz Jeremiah 29:11 says that his plans for me are not of evil but of good to lead me to am expected end , so if God's plans for me are of Good and if he is the God that knows the end from the beginning, why stress myself praying for things I want...All I do is say may you will be done oh lord.

What if my own will would lead to my destruction ? What if my own desires are of no good at all?

I no longer make serious plans too without asking for the will of God to be done. I have made lots of plans in the past which didnt come through so why continue when I know that we are nothing but pencils in the hands of the creator.

What if my own will would lead to my destruction ? What if my own desires are of no good at all?

Now these are good questions. :-)

Heheh good job master @rok-sivante
Nice too meet you

"the Universe has its own order"


From my perspective these curveballs are Universal reminders that we shouldn't adhere too stronlgy to a thought-made plan, and instead open up to the limitless possibilities of unfoldment so as to always stay flexible in our decision-making with utter Trust and Faith that the way 'things' develop is the highest vibrational path for our Soul with the most long-term positive lesson for us.

As I had it two days ago with @vimukthi, a plan doesn't require a thought-made road map. Thought attachment to a specific way calculates only that which lies within the eye, while our Intuition calculates what lies without the eye, letting our every movement and action become a preemptive measure which dissipates the curveball's troublesome impact on our subconscious so that when it shows up in our conscious it has already been "dismantled".

Plan and vision are different. The former relies on illusory Knowingness, the latter on faithful Unknowingness.

Much Love to you!

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