8 reasons why you should pray as a child of God

in #life3 years ago


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

1. Fellowship

Every parent wants to associate with children and so does Father God. We see this in the book of Genesis, where he would descend to associate with Adam and Eve. In fact, God wants to associate with us to give us our nature and our great blessings. At the same time, in his presence, there is fullness of bliss and forever happiness in his right hand. Therefore, when you pray, you talk to God in the same way as you do to your earthly father.

2. Instructions

In prayers, you also get instructions from God on what to do. This ensures that you do not run on the other man's track. For example, Peter was praying when God instructed him not to reject Gentiles before the people sent by Cornelius came home. Therefore, there is no inference when you hear directly from God.

3. Direction:

It is one thing to know what God wants from you, and it is another to know how to go about it. So, in prayers, you get the details of how to do your work. Also, you also know which path to go for anything. This ensures that you do not miss the path of God or your path of destiny. The good news is that the father wants to show us the way. However, you hear him through prayers.

4. Empowerment

The scriptures say that iron accelerates iron. Therefore, when you live in the presence of God, He intensifies you; So that you can overcome all the attacks of sin and enemy. Also, you have the right to stand up boldly for the truth and share the gospel of Christ with others. Again, in prayers, you have the right to exploit. For example, Elijah was able to stop the rain from falling for three and a half years in prayer, and in prayer, he called the rain again. Very good! glory to God!

5. Answer Prayer

In prayers, you make your requests known to God. And if you pray according to his will, he accepts your petitions. Therefore, prayer is a medium through which you achieve the desires of your heart. Again, the Lord Himself said that you ask and you will get. And it is in prayer that you ask the Father to receive you.

6. Protection

Furthermore, divine protection is ensured when you live in the presence of the father. In prayers, you strengthen yourself against all the darts of the wicked. Also, in the presence of the Lord, your fear disappears, and the fear of what man will do to you disappears.

7. Build Your Trust

When you pray, your faith is also built. This is because the scripture says that when we pray in the soul we build our faith. And as a child of God, you live by faith. Therefore, prayer enables you to build your faith effectively and live a strong life.

8. Gratitude

After the great works of God in your life, it is important that you return to thank him. You do this in prayer. And when you thank the Lord for what he did, you inspire him to do more for himself. An example is when the Samaritan returned to thank Christ for healing, and Jesus healed him.

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