High Above The Clouds, Whereabouts Unknown

in #life7 years ago (edited)

SatoriD Consciousness.jpg

High Above The Clouds, Whereabouts Unknown: A Hyperspace Journal

I been thinking of writing this by weekly? or monthly wrapped up of what the heck am doing with this steemit thing. It's been influenced by @sexdeathrebirth. And I been trying to find the right phrase in which to capture this, whatever this might be.

When I was in College and would ditch class to read dusty old books in the library. I came across this book by Alan Watts, Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown is Watts’s meditation on the art of feeling out and following the watercourse way of nature, known in Chinese as the Tao. That along with the Tao Te Ching, which my girlfriend at the time gave me randomly were some key books and thoughts that served me well at that spacetime of my life.

This Alan Watts, Tao Te Ching and Jack Kerouac, have been some of the major influences in forming me the person Daniel De La Rosa, who is now 33 and lives in East Los Angeles. If those books, thoughts haven't randomly found me in my early 20s, at those spacetime in which I could really hear them, then I don't think this Thing Now that I call SatoriD would have ever happened.


So What is SatoriD? Hell if I know! But it started a little less than 3 years ago, when I first Joined Minds.com. I was trying to come up with a handle to use on the site. I really had no idea what it was all about, but Satori is a word I just loved the sound of, ever since 10 years ago when I read Satori in Paris by Jack Kerouac. I used some version of SatoriD before on a failed attempt at a blog, years before. So I figure Satori and D for Daniel and/or De La Rosa, I like the sound of that, what the hell that's what am going to use.

And for the first month trying to find my way on Minds.com, I was using a picture of me as my icon. And at this time of minds, this was not the norm. It was very anonymous heavy influence and style. And I figure I shouldn't use my face, that I need to latch onto a symbol, an image. And that's when I use the bee shaman. The Bee-faced mushroom shaman is from cave art as depicted in Terence McKenna's book Food of the Gods

I always love this image and symbol. At the time it went nothing deeper then, me really liking how it looked. But now I still don't know how deep this thing really goes, even tho everyday I try to dive in a lil deeper to find out. But Its one of the first non-naturalistic art works ever done by humans, and it has mushrooms growing out of his body, and as some of you might have figured out by now my personal spirit guild is the mushroom.

But back to the story at hand. SatoriD is this creative, artistic project to try to channel the better angels of our nature. SatoriD lately and pretty core to what Daniel does with SatoriD is technique by William S Burroughs Cut-Up method. Cut-up the past and the future will leak out, the art of literally cutting up text and images in random fashion and then reassembling them to form new, unexpected patterns. By doing so, one could destabilize language, perception, and reality and get closer to the truth.

Along with that Satori host, produces and edits several different Podcast, The Infinite Imaginarium, Psychedelic Sundays and The Minds Underground.


Infinite Imaginarium is more then a podcast, its suppose to be an artist collective and creative virtual workspace, there are some stuff happening on the back end on that, that I hope soon will be more fully realized.

But Infinite Imaginarium is a creative/art podcast, really its like a creative brain storming sessions, and we have artists come on from time to time to talk about their process and just have a interesting discussion. For anyone wanting to come on the show and have fun, please email me satorid@protonmail.com

And of Course Psychedelic Sundays is what the title suggests. A podcast focusing on Psychedelics, its really support group with 2 other visionary artist friends of mines. @adammillwardart and Carolina Arevalo we just talk about psychedelics, it's a monthly show, well I record it monthly and then thru out the week I edit shows from that recording. But anyone wanted to chill and discuss psychedelics, which is probably my favorite subject, please email as well(or leave a comment). I'm look at you @psilocybit and @psychphilosopher =D

Besides the podcast shows, I write poems and make digital art for my writings and shows. Once again very heavy with the cut-up and collage.

But recently using steemit, has forced me kind of reorganize all the different stuff I do under SatoriD.

On dsound you can catch the podcast and lil musical mashups that I do from the shows.

On steepshot I post my collages with lines of poetry. Which is something I really enjoy doing.

On dtube you'll find probably what I spend most of my time on, making video mashups, from a wide ridge of all the things that influence me.

and on dlive I been putting up some of the raw old live streams of past podcast shows, Old Minds Panel stuff on decentralized internet, Psychedelics show recordings, and I'll put up some Infinite Imaginarium stuff. just some of the deep cuts stuff, if anyone is interested. For some raw and uncut stuff, and maybe i'll put some of the full visual shows, not sure yet.

But thanks for reading and being interesting, in the wide range of strange things I do, but I am really interesting in having fun with all sorts of people, so if you want come out and play, please contact me, and we'll see about letting the future leak out...



You do so much great stuff...

Originally I started out doing a monthly post, but I've gotten to the point where I produce so much each day, that it was easier to do a weekly post overviewing all my stuff from the past week. I still can't even keep up with myself...

But I will say this... it helps me stay focused, and it forces me to stop and actually admire my own creations every Sunday afternoon when I'm sitting there making up my post. Its a good practice... I recommend it.

yea it is good practice.

I’ve done a couple podcasts and I’m always up for a good conversation. Count me in.

My email is psychedelicsandphilosophy@gmail.com

The Tao Te Ching has been a crazy big influence on my mind too:) Keep expanding, dear friend:)

yea I love Tao Te Ching and Also use I Ching too, but Tao Te Ching, I remember how it really messed with my mind, "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name." My western mind glitched, but it made this deep intuitive sense, and really probably the most amazing lil book I have ever read, and keep on reading. =D

That which is ever expanding and changing cannot be named ... defined. That is all it means and it warns against defining creation or a 'creator' and also warring over one's definition ...https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq7iGUqmER5BklNlpChBG8nA_m-ZFolHg

very good infromative post . ihave learned lot of things from this post keep posting like this.

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