Conversations Between the Heart and the Brain

in #life8 years ago

We’ve all been there. Having conversations with ourselves. There seems to be a voice inside us all that magically appear when we are trying to think of something or trying to make a decision. In that moment, we feel like we are two people talking to each other, to figure out what to do. Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be a decision, we randomly converse with ourselves on random subject matters.

So who are those voices? Are they one and the same? Maybe, maybe not. But I like to think that they are the heart and the mind. In a figurative speech of manner at least. One sees the rationale of things and the other, emotional value. One sees probabilities and the other possibilities. Of course, it is the brain that does the former and the heart that does the latter. 

I find it fascinating that we can have conflicting conversations with ourselves. That we can see things from different perspectives, coming to a conclusion about our judgement only after careful consideration. Doesn’t it tell you how awesome mother nature has been in our evolution?

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I just like to notice the type of conversations we have with ourselves in different scenarios. It’s quite entertaining actually. In the moment, it feels all justified and important but while remembering it later, it feels so stupid and funny. So, lets look at some scenarios where they are in a tug of war.

Scenario 1: Seeing a beautiful girl at the bar

Heart: Hey, check her out! She’s beauuuuutiful!!

Brain: Yeah, she is!

Heart: Should we go talk to her?

Brain: No, I don’t think so. She is way out of our league.

Heart: What’s the harm in trying?

Brain: Umm, disappointment? rejection? humiliation?

Heart: You’re a wuss! I am doing it.

Brain: Don’t you dare!

Scenario 2: Trying to get work done

Heart: So, that new movie is coming out this friday. We should book the tickets.

Brain: Ok, soon.

Heart: So, the weather is fine today, huh?

Brain: Yeah it is.

Heart: Hey, do you feel hungry?

Brain: I’m trying to work here! Go away.

Heart: I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known…

Brain: Seriously? You are singing a Green Day song while I’m trying to work? Stop it!

Heart: I wonder if aliens are real!

Brain: I give up…..

Scenario 3: Trying to save money

Heart: Let’s buy that new iPhone.

Brain: We can’t. We are trying to save money, remember?

Heart: But I really want one! 

Brain: No, we can’t afford one right now.

Heart: Ok at least lets get that smartwatch.

Brain: Seriously??

Heart: Fine!!! I’ll stop……… You don’t love me like you used to anymore :(

Scenario 4: Trying to lose weight

Brain: Yes!! Lost 2 kgs till now. On the right track!

Heart: You call eating garbage food, “on the right track”?

Brain: Healthy food is not garbage. It’s those packaged products that are garbage.

Heart: But it’s all so tasteless. Where’s the joy in that!

Brain: No I won’t listen to you this time.

Heart: You know what’s NOT tasteless? A pizza. A delicious plate of pastry. Some Chinese food.

Brain: Yeah, a pizza would be really nice right about now.

Heart: So, let’s order one…Do it! …. Do it! …. Do it!

Brain: OK! ……….. F  my life!

Scenario 5: Binge watching a TV show

Heart: Isn’t this nice, relaxing and entertaining?

Brain: Yeah, it is. But we’ve got to finish that project. Don’t want to make bossman angry.

Heart: Don’t talk! Just watch.

Brain: Great we’ve completed half a season. Let’s watch the rest tomorrow.

Heart: NO! One more won’t hurt. Just one more.

*5 episodes later*

Brain: It’s 2 am already. Need to go to sleep. We’ll finish that project when we wake up now.


Brain: You are one crazy s.o.b

Heart: Touche! Douche!

*10 more episodes later*

Eyes: Umm guys?? I think I can’t see anymore. 

Heart & Brain: Fiiiineeee!!!

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Don't forget to follow me @sauravrungta. I post everyday :)


Those conversations cracked me up, funniest thing I've read all day. Fab article, very original!

thank you so much. Really appreciate it :)

Yes that is exactly what I was talking about Sau, I love this type of posts

I love this posts It is a nice and fun

Love this! Nice fun, easy to read, and we can all relate. Nice Art!

thank you so much :)

Really enjoyed this one.

Aww I enjoyed these :)) So true :)

thanks for the read! :D

Nice conversation you have here! Funny and real!

thanks mate! :D

i like this i enjoy reading it. upvoted

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