The Most Important Battle In Life, Is The Battle Within

in #life7 years ago


When we see successful people, more often than not, we notice only their current status, including their achievements, the awesome lives they live and the seemingly constant joy and happiness that they are surrounded with.

What we often fail to notice or even think about is the story behind their success and the arduous journey that they have been on, to reach that particular point in their lives.

The thing is, we may think that in today’s world, there is such a huge competition in almost every field that it may seem like ‘you versus everybody else’, or that in order to succeed, you have to battle it out with everyone else.

But let me tell you, the most important battle in your life, is with yourself, not with anyone else. It’s the battle that we all fight within ourselves every single day of our lives.

Angels and Demons


Within each of us exist angels as well as demons. No, not the ones that are often portrayed by blue and red-bodied figures in the movies.

I am talking about thoughts and feelings. We humans have both positive and negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. None of us is perfect and we all have our baggages and we all have our flaws.

So, even though we would all like to feel happy, contended, joyful, love, friendship, gratitude and other positive feelings all the time, we also experience the opposite end of the spectrum like hatred, sadness, jealousy, fear, shame, worthlessness, etc.

It’s just the perks of being a human, I guess. In a way, we all have two people within us and it is the constant battle between these two people that decide our direction in life.

Who Do You Let Win?


Of course, you let the angel win. It’s kind of an obvious choice really, but it is much easier said than done. In fact, it is one of the hardest thing that a person has to do in his or her life.

I know this first hand because I have fought a lot of demons inside me as well, in my life and it was only about a year or two ago that I was able to defeat them, and my life has never been the same since.

It’s not that I do not experience negative thoughts or feelings from time to time. You must understand that the demon never really dies off completely and always tries to resurface, but it’s totally up to you if you let it overcome and overwhelm the angelic side of you.

To achieve success and to be who you set out to be, there are a lot of obstacles that you have to conquer and that cannot happen when you are not at peace with yourself and if there is a battle raging on within you. So, defeat your demons and keep them subdued.

The Road To Success


Imagine walking on the road to success with someone constantly trying to pull you back. Now, imagine walking the same road without anyone interfering you. It would be much easier, right?

There are many successful people in all walks of life that tell us the story of how they overcame their inner demons and how it was the best and most important thing they ever did for themselves. We could all take a lesson from them and do the same for ourselves.

I remember watching a video of Novak Djokovic, the world renowned Tennis player, in which he mentions the same thing. He says, “The biggest fight I had in my life was actually the fight within.”

If we can all do that, no matter how badly the odds are stacked against us, sooner or later, we will achieve our goals and reach that summit of success.

Image Credits 1, 3. The rest are taken from the public domain.


People tend to over look how successful people got there, they only focus on the end result. Most successful got there by a lot of hard work and by grinding!

Yeah, that's true! Oh the grinding!! haha

Great article, and you are completely right.

I still remember the early days when I decided I need to work on all kind of things in order to get successful, and how hard it was for me to take from my personal time and invest everything into my work.

I still remember how hard was for me to do the right thing in situations where doing the wrong thing would've been better for me, and how I had to convince myself that I should always do the right thing, no matter what.

And I still remember all the days I had to lay down on my bed and think about those two parts of myself that had different opinions about something.

I am grateful that I've been blessed with good imagination, and whenever I feel like I'm in a situation that needs to be analyzed and that needs a really good decision, I lay in my bed and I imagine my two parts, the logic one and the one that focuses on feelings talk to each other, bringing arguments for each decision and trying to get to an agreement.

If you learn how to work with yourself, and if you learn how to find solutions to all the problems you have that will be in harmony with both your logical part and your part that focuses on feelings, your life will be easier.

Great post, keep up the good work, and best of luck!

I agree 100% with you. Many times in life, listening to the bad side can be beneficial but then we have to consider the morals and always do the right thing. In the long term doing the right things will matter.

Great read. Thanks and followed.

Thank you!! Thanks for the follow :)

Inspire & motivate article...

I found your post highly-motivating, @sauravrungta! I have just upvoted and Resteemed it!

Thank you! I appreciate it :)

Amazing amazing article! Sometimes we just have to get out of our own way. A lot of times when we fee like "things" are holding us back, it usually is ourselves. It could be in the form of low self-esteem, insecurity about our abilities, etc... It's a constant internal fight. I'm sure this article resonated with so many people. We are all facing our own battles. When I meet friends that are struggling, I always tell them to be kind to to themselves, and "be their own best friend."

Perfectly put. Couldn't have said it better myself :)

haha thanks! I think you did a great job with your message :)

Well saying
You are one of them who can inspire and motivate indians for this.
Thank you bhai @sauravrungta

Thank you for reading and the kind words :)

Nice idealistic article. Thanks @sauravrungta

There is always a dispute inside us. We should first win ourselves then only we can conquer the world or get success in life.
There is always a need to control our desires and choose the right path by listening to our conscience.

There should be an urge inside use to be better than before. This will make us a perfect human being. :)

Thanks for this awesome article.

That's true. First win you inner battles and then take on the world :)

Acceptance the answer to all my problem when I realize the negative behavior comes with consequences and I choose not to suffer the consequences anymore my behavior and choices has changed you need to and a lot of people have a different definition of success success could be Financial emotional psychological spiritual biological and so be conscious about of yourself or your thoughts and up your feelings I think it is okay to feel and think negative or positive thinking as soon as you learn from your behavior and your life experience because Lauren comes from boss

Yeah, the choice lies with all of us. Our lives are what we make of it. It's as simple as that.

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