Hidden Secrets Chapter Three

in #life8 years ago (edited)

He began tutoring her precisely on the courses which she had bit perplexity. Through this, they had started growing on the wing of mutual discernment. She was always presenting different kinds of boons to him. At their leisure time, she would stroll to Chemical Engineering Department for personal tutorial with him. She used to ask him about his girl friend. “I have never been in any charitable relationship in the whole of my life,” he often responded her. This incited her to flaunt her much concern upon him. She used to make him laugh and grin with her fond words, every once in a while. She even made his number, the first number, she firstly used to call when she woke-up prior in the morning and the last number to call in the night. Heart is a flesh not bones. He couldn’t retain her caring attitude upon him.

*** *** ***

One day in a pristine morning, sun appeared in the east, beam from the pale patch of the cloud glimmered cosmos, flowers were dripping to adorn the face of the earth and pigeons from the backyard of the hostels were cooing to announce a new day turned in the fourth week of the academic calendar, at this chilly hour, Fareedah paged him. “Good morning Fareedah,” he responded her greeting, “Your words of concerns are always persuading my heart with ecstasy.” They both chuckled over a phone. “If you won’t mind; I will like to see you in camera,” he requested.

She gasped heavily. “Ok, no problem. Today we may meet at social center after Professor Robin’s lecture,” she responded.

“Ok, thanks, bye.” He ended the call, and promptly called his inimitable Friend Faruq. “Hello.”

“Hello Adam, I hope all is well?” He asked.

“No really, because I am on the edge of clip and I need your help.”

“I am confused my friend, how?”

“Faruq, I met a lady in my first tutorial class of One Hundred Level, really she is caring. Hmmm, In fact she won my heart.” Adam chuckled, “now I am befuddled and candidly I don’t know how to express my feelings to her,” he gasped, “frankly, the lady becomes like a diamond in the hand of a bride, too many to number dudes adore her in the faculty of science. Likewise, she was born with a silver spoon,” he silenced for a while, “you know that I am a poor boy. I am having cold feet to tell her that I love her, because she might think contrarily,” he added.

“Don’t be a coward my friend, aspire and quench the thirst of your heart, and God will surely befriend you to carry the day for her,” Faruq motivated him. “You are optimistic. So, stop saying you are poor,” he moralized him; “you have integrity to keep, be an honest dude to her and express all your true feelings to her. I believe she will acclaim you heartedly.”

“Thank you so much my friend for your counsel and I will surely win her” Adam excitedly nodded. 

“Wow, this is my guy.”

“Thanks, and I am grateful.”

“Ok bye,” Faruq ended the call.

*** *** ***

4:00pm, Fareedah prepared and strolled to social center. She was prettified by glittering dress, and the high hill shoes that she wore made her stood like a date tree, her eyes were piercingly pretty, her face was framed by colored cream. She looked truly unearthly angelic lass. And her stunning looks stole the sight of billion eyes. Sundry Students collaborated, peeking her; she did not even bother herself on them. All her thought and perception were on the expectation of Adam to appear and hear his words. She curved out her blackberry cell phone. She began scrolling her phone book. Smile appeared on her angelic face when she reached his number. She had seen his name was dancing on the screen. She vigorously paged him with pleasant voice, “I have arrived at social center,” she chuckled, “but still you have come not,” she silenced for a while, “my eyes are anxious to perceive your majestic face or do you want me to walk back?” she asked.

“Please don’t depart, I am on my way.” he pleaded.

“Ok, please don’t be late.”

Within concise minutes, he arrived. He was in high spirits, seeing her glamorously. He looked at her as if his pupils were not moving. With soft voice, she said while seating, “You are welcome, dear.” 

“Thanks, it is my pleasure to see you here.” 

“Do you need any soft drink?”

“No thanks,” he smiled, standing. “I am already drinking it from the beauty which swims in the ocean of your face,” he said, smirking. 

“Here I am, as you required my presence,” she chuckled.

“Hmm, it is said, action speaks louder than voice. To be candid your actions have occupied my heart and caged my feelings in the cosmos of bliss,” he gasped. 

“What do you mean … by my actions?” she asked.

“Fareedah, to be blunt, I don’t know how to express the feelings which dwell in my heart,” he wheeze, nodding. He moved close to her. “I have been in love with you. And as you’re the daughter of somebody while I am the son of nobody, our relationship is unworkable,” he sat.

“Stop saying that I am the daughter of somebody,” she frowned, “in this life, try to be somebody not the son or daughter of somebody. We are all the family of a feather.” 

Her words cheered him. He gasped delightedly. “Please is my emotion acclaimed in your heart?” he asked, holding her with his eyes.

She caught her breath gently. She was very outrageous hearing his words. “Yes dear,” she closed her face with red shawl. 

“Thanks for given me a field in your heart,” he smiled, “and I hope there is no body there, because I envy you better than most,” he chuckled. 

“Hmm, there is no body except you, my dear.”

They both smiled and held each other with glittering eyes. They lazed thousand minutes under the shade of evergreen trees. Wrens were flying above their heads. And they were surrounded by amaranth flowers. The song of blue tit adorned their flirtation. There by the side, couples set eyes gossiping about their ornaments. He held her thumb finger, smiling. “I just want to trace back to our department if you wish dear. I will be having lectures now,” he said.

“Ok, your wish is granted,” she smiled, and stood to accompany him. They began walking adorably, as if their feet feared to touch the face of the earth. His friends were baffled seeing him with a dazzling beautiful damsel. None of them had ever seen him with a lady. They were extremely cheerful.

follow me @scifi for the next chapter.

https://steemit.com/life/@scifi/hidden-secrets chapter one

https://steemit.com/life/@scifi/hidden-secrets chapter two

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