Detoxing and Strengthening the Body & Mind - updated

in #life7 years ago (edited)


When most people detox, they only think about detoxing their body, but what about the mind? Anger and emotional pain builds up within inside the body and will cause physical disease(s) if it does not go unresolved. In my opinion, the best approach to a complete detox is to start on unresolved emotional issues and get the closure that a human soul needs. Eat the right foods that humans were meant to eat, which leads to detoxing the body, strengthening the organs, and building up the immune system. In addition to eating the right foods to detox the body and build up the immune system, there is Earth’s natural resonance to help the immune system and reset the body, nature, breathing exercises to strengthen the immune system, sauna’s to help with the detox process, meditation, fasting, and drinking distilled water.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique is a blend of ancient Chinese acupuncture without the needles, (tapping) and modern psychology; a psychological acupressure technique. The creator of EFT is Gary Craig. The first real step in using EFT is that YOU want to change.

EFT helps facilitate the immune system and decreases cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released during a fight or flight response. It was reported in the book, “The Tapping Solution”, after following Carol’s program, tapping on a different issue every week, “40% of study participants reported a noticeable improvement in several of the major eyesight categories – including the ability to see brightness, color perception, eye fatigue, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.”

EFT heals emotional problems by literally undoing the damage from the past. Stefan Gonick is an EFT healer who I came across and am currently working with. He uses ten tapping points versus where some only use eight or nine. This is because Gary Craig had added two more to his program and then subtracted one, but in my opinion, I would go with the ten meridian points as shown by Stefan.

How to Do EFT Tapping Therapy - EFT Basic Recipe Tutorial

How to do EFT:

  1. Pick an issue that you would like to address.
  2. (Reminder Phrase) Come up with a short specific phrase to refer to the memory or problem.
  3. Rate the Pain or Intensity level (1 – 10)
  4. Perform the set up affirmation while tapping the Karate Chop Point
  5. Go through all ten tapping points at least twice while saying the reminder phrase
  6. Reassess the pain/intensity
  7. Perform another round of tapping until emotion/pain is gone.

EFT is based on the theory that, “The cause of all negative emotions and beliefs is a disturbance in our body’s energy system.” This energy system is the exact same one that is built on acupuncture. There are fourteen energy pathways in our bodies called energy meridians. Every time you felt anxiety, hurt, anger, shame, and resentment, etc. it was due to a disturbance in one or more of these energy meridians. It is these energy disturbances that are linked to memories of painful events, where when the associated energy disturbance gets actives, it causes the negative, painful emotions, not the memory itself that is painful.

“EFT works by intentionally activating an energy disturbance by thinking about a painful memory or just feeling your feelings. While the energy disturbance is activated, you tap with your fingertips on a set of 10 easily learned acupuncture points in order to clear out the energy disturbance in the affected meridians. As tapping clears through the disturbance, you will experience your negative emotions actually drain away. When the energy disturbance has been completely cleared, your negative emotions will be gone. You can then think about the memory with no painful emotional reaction. Problems in your life that resulted from the original experience will clear up as well.”


The Tapping Solution Documentary (Full Version):

The Tapping Solution Documentary Trailer

EFT Tapping Therapy Is Helpful With the Following Emotional Challenges:
• Stress & Distress
• Anxiety & Panic Attacks
• Trauma, Abuse & PTSD
• Depression
• Shame, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem
• Grief & Bereavement
• Love Pain
• Fear of Rejection
• Insomnia
• Fear of Public Speaking
• Phobias
• Addictions: alcohol, drugs, smoking, food, gambling, etc.
• Weight Loss/Emotional Overeating
• Eating Disorders: Anorexia & Bulimia
• Paranoia – any fear
• Anti-social behavior
• Violent Behavior
• Suicidal tendencies

EFT Tapping Therapy Is Helpful With the Following Physical Problems:
• Chronic Pain
• Allergies & Sensitivities
• Autoimmune Disorders
• CFS & Fibromyalgia
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Cancer Support
• Eyesight
• Memory
• Decrease infections
• Allergies
• Past Injuries

EFT Tapping Therapy Can Be Used to Greatly Enhance:
• Intimacy & Relationships
• Careers
• Finances
• Achieving Goals
• Public Speaking
• Sales Performance
• Sports Performance
• Artistic Performance
• Creativity/Writer’s Block

One incredible story about EFT is where a woman named Leah whom had lung cancer. Her sister Beth Six months before Leah’s diagnosis, her sister Beth had passed from a respiratory ailment, which was a very traumatic event in her life. She and her husband would spend hours tapping over Beth’s passing where she eventually neutralized these bad feelings. It was here that a couple named Leah and Dick gave her a simple protocol to tap on her lung cancer.

“To clear more negative energy and promote healing...Instructing her to tap on each point, she had Leah ask her body to send healing energy to her lungs, repair the damage inflicted by her cancer, eliminate all cancer cells, boost her immune system, and restore her health.”

Long and behold four months later, her cancer went into remission.


What is Earthing? It is reconnecting with the Earth’s natural frequency with directly connected with body to the Earth. The Earth’s natural frequency is 7.83 Hertz, called the Schumann Resonance. This energy is made up of negative charged free electrons. It’s a natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory healing modality.

“Studies have shown that earthing or grounding improves blood viscosity, heart rate variability, inflammation, cortisol dynamics, sleep, autonomic nervous system (ANS) balance, and reduces effects of stress.” – Dr. Mercola

Earthing Health Benefits:
• Reduce Inflammation
• Reduction time from injuries & exhaustion
• Reduce/Eliminate Chronic Pain
• Reduce stress & anxiety; helps with depression
• Prevent Pre-mature aging
• Improvement in MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
• Improve Fatigue
• Improve Sleep
• Increases Energy
• Promotes Calmness by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones
• Normalizes the body’s biological rhythms
• Thins blood & improves blood pressure and flow
• Relieves tension and headaches
• Lessens hormonal & menstrual symptoms
• Reduces or eliminates jet lag
• Protects the body against potential EMFs (Environmentally electromagnetic fields)
• Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity
• Reduce Arthritis Pain
• Significant relief from asthmatic & respiratory conditions
• Sleep Apnea
• Reduction in muscle stiffness
• Fall asleep more quickly
• Improved General Health
• Reduce cortisol levels
• “Energizes” Major acupuncture channels
• More efficient cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system function
• Cures exhaustion
• Helps with weight gain
• Research shows – instant changes in physiology & significant improvements in the body’s electrical activity inside 30 to 40 minutes


Our Feet
David Wolfe was quoted saying, “The common shoe is perhaps the “world’s most dangerous invention.” After fifteen years of health research, he believes that the shoe is “the most destructive culprits of inflammation and autoimmune diseases.”

• 1997 article in Footwear News – the sole (plantar surface) of the foot is richly covered with some 1,300 nerve endings per square inch” – more than any other part of the body

• Dr. Rossi – referred to the foot “as a kind of radar-sonic base” providing a “little-known but vital function” that serves to “extract” energy from the Earth

“Modern rubber and plastic-soled shoes act as electrical insulators and therefore block the beneficial flow of electrons from the earth to your body.” – Dr. Mercola

Documentary Down to Earth

“Earthing is literally putting your bare feet on the ground. When you do that, you are in contact with the earth and Mother Earth is endowed with electrons and these electrons are literally absorbed through your feet. It’s like taking a handful of anti-oxidants but you are getting them through your feet” - Stephen Sinatra M.D. (Cardiologist/integrated medicine specialist)

“I think grounding means connecting to the earth to support the specific function of the organs of your body. It supports the body as a whole but it specifically supports organ systems down to the tissues and the cellular function of the entire body.” - Dr. Laura Koniver, M.D. (Physician/General Practitioner)

The Grounded

The most profound miracle that was witnessed in the documentary, “The Ground”, was Dave Olerud who had been in a wheelchair for almost 30 years and began earthing for 2 weeks. It was after 2 weeks of earthing that he was able to leave his wheelchair and slowing learned to walk again.



Forest Breathing

What is forest bathing? Well, it’s basically just being in the forest being in the presence of trees. It’s a practice done in Japan and is being scientifically backed up. It is proven to lower hear rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production (Cortisol), boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing.”

In the years 2004 through 2012, the Japanese government spent $4 million dollars researching and studying the physiological and psychological effects of forest bathing. After the results, they designated 48 trails deemed as therapy trails. Qing li, a professor at Nippon Medical School in Tokyo came to the conclusions in his 2009 study that after 3 weeks of forest bathing in his participants showed significant increases in NK cell activity. NK cells are the natural killers of the immune system. These effects lasted about a month after spending a weekend in the forest.

They came to the conclusion that various essential oils, usually called phytoncide, which is found in wood, plants, flowers, and some fruit and vegetables are emitted from trees to protect themselves from germs and insects. Inhaling phytoncide appears to actually improve the immune system function.

A study conducted by the Centre for Environment, Health and Field Sciences in Japan’s Chiba University measured the effects of 280 subjects in their early 20’s, and the study concluded, “Forest environments promote lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, greater parasympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity than do city environments.”

It was also discovered that trees have a soothing effect on the spirit as well. In a study of 498 healthy volunteers, who were subjected to twice in a forest and twice in a controlled environment, the study showed a significant reduction in hostility and depression, coupled with increased liveliness, after being exposed to trees. “Accordingly,” the researchers wrote, “forest environments can be viewed as therapeutic landscapes.”

Negative Ions
“Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy.” - WebMD

Swimming in Natural Waters

In the article, “5 Reasons to Swim in Natural Waters”, it states in its top three reasons to do so, starting with number one:

  1. Contact with natural waters stimulates and boosts the immune system
  2. Triggers the release of natural endorphins.
  3. Starts blood circulation

Immerse Your Feet in Ice Cold Water

Surgey Bubnovkiy is a famous Russian doctor who discovered an extremely effective way to boost the immunity. Soaking the feet in ice-cold water will significantly boost your immunity and all you need is 10-15 sec per day on a daily basis.

Health Benefits:

  1. Fights depression
  2. Relieves muscle soreness
  3. Creates shinier hair
  4. Strengthens the immune system
  5. Improves health skin
  6. Increases circulation
  7. Helps the sex life
  8. Soothes burns
  9. Cuts fat
  10. Deepens breathing

Wim Hof Exercises - The Ice Man

The Wim Hof Method is similar to Tummo (inner heat) Meditation and Pranayama (yogic breathing). Yet it is something else entirely. While Wim has studied yoga and meditation for many years, this technique primordially comes from what he terms ‘cold hard nature’. By subjecting himself to the bitter conditions of nature, he learned to withstand the extreme forces of cold, heat and fear. If you learn this method or technique correctly, it will empower you do to the same. The method appears to affect the autonomous nervous system and the immune system. Please look at the sources below for further information.

Wim Hof “is the world record holder of ice endurance by standing in a container full of ice for 1 hour 52 minutes and 42 seconds. He ran a full marathon above the polar circle at a temperature of −20 °C (−4 °F) on his bare feet. He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro just wearing shorts. And not only can his body withstand cold. He is also capable of doing amazing feats in the heat. Last year he ran a full marathon (42.195 kilometres (26.219 mi)) on the highest desert plains in the world, the Namib Desert, without any water and without any food.”

Inside the Superhuman World of the Iceman

The Method:
• 30 times balloon blowing
• Breathe in fully
• Breath out fully and hold until gasp reflex
• Inhale fully and hold for 10-15 seconds.
• Repeat until finished
• Take 5 minutes to relax and scan your body

Wim Hof power breathing exercise explained in 3 steps

Intermittent Fasting
In the article, “10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting”, it lists the following ten benefits to intermittent fasting:

  1. Changes the Function of Cells, Genes, and Hormones.
  2. Lose weight and belly fat
  3. Reduce Insulin Resistance, lowering your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Reduce Oxidative stress and inflammation of the body
  5. Heart Health
  6. Induces Various cellular repair processes
  7. May help prevent cancer
  8. Good for your brain
  9. May help prevent Alzheimer’s
  10. May increase your lifespan

Our Three Brains
The first brain is the brain we all know of which is located in our head. Our second brain is your gut, the GI Tract (gastrointestinal tract). Our GI tract is the center or hub or our bodies. It is one of the main organ systems of the body.

Our moods influence our GI tract. More than 90% of our body’s serotonin lies in the gut and about 50% of our body’s dopamine. “Serotonin is responsible for the regulation of pleasure, concentration, mood, appetite, and sleep. It is involved in our cognitive functions, including memory, and learning.” Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which sends signals to other nerve cells. Several important diseases of the nervous system are associated with dysfunctions of the dopamine system, such as Parkinson’s disease.

In 2010, the third brain was discovered, which is our micro biome. The micro biome is made up of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and microbes. As stated by Dr. Marco Ruggiero, MD in his book, “Your Third Brain” nearly 70% of the micro biome is contained and directly hot-wired…to the neurons that make up the second brain. Neurons or nerve cells are electrically excitable cells that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. The other 30% of the micro biome is disbursed throughout the body in sinus cavities, blood, skin, and tear ducts. “The gut microbiome may play a pathophysiological role in human brain diseases, including autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.” The microbiome controls all of the functions of all of the organs.

According to Dr. Marco Ruggiero, he states that the use or overuse of anti-biotics have the most damaging impact on our microbiome. He says that the microbiome is a major support and control center for our second brain and its immune system. The microbiome contains 99% of all the genetic information that we need.

If you want a natural anti-biotic, consume honey, foods high in vitamin C and Vitamin D from the sun.

Dr. David Perlmutter, MD a neurologist and author of “Brain Maker”, states that having a healthy microbiome can help all of the following conditions:
• Asthma
• Autism
• Allergies and food sensitivities
• Chronic fatigue
• Mood disorders – depression & anxiety
• Diabetes and cravings for sugar and carbs
• Overweight/obesity/weight loss struggles
• Memory problems and poor concentration
• Chronic constipation or diarrhea
• Frequent colds/infections
• Intestinal disorders – celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease
• Insomnia
• Painful joint inflammations and arthritis
• High blood pressure
• Atherosclerosis
• Chronic yeast problems
• Skin problems – acne and eczema
• Bad breath, gum disease, and dental problems
• Tourette syndrome
• Extreme menstrual and menopausal symptoms
• Etc.

According to Dr. Perlmutter, he states that the mitochondria have a unique relationship with the microbiome in our gut. Mitochondria are organelles, which make most of the cell’s supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that cells use as a source of energy. I will go more into this later regarding Dr. Morse’s viewpoints.

The flora in our gut plays a vital role, which take up residence in our intestinal walls. These floras get destroyed when taking anti-biotics since they kill both the good and the bad bacteria. According to Dr. Perlmutter, flora plays the following rolls:
• Aid in digestion & absorption of nutrients
• Create a physical barrier against potential invaders
• Act as a detoxification machine
• Greatly influence the response of our immune system
• Produce & release important enzymes and substances that collaborate with our biology
• Help handle stress
• Assist in a good night’s sleep
• Help control the body’s inflammatory pathways

Dr. Perlmutter states that our gut has its own immune system, which is called the “gut-associated lymphatic tissue” (GALT). It represents 70 to 80 percent of your body’s total immune system.

Dr. Perlmutter also discusses what inflammation can do to the body. When it is deep inside the body and through systemic pathways, it causes illnesses, where the following conditions are associated with inflammation:
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Cancer
• Depression
• Autism
• Asthma
• Arthritis
• Coronary artery disease
• Multiple sclerosis
• Parkinson’s
• Alzheimer’s disease
• other

If someone ends up having a leaky gut, this will increase the probability of the diseases above. Dr. Perlmutter states that there is recent research that is looking at LPS (lipopolysaccharide) and gut permeability and its correlation with ALS. LPS is a combination of fat (lipid) and sugar and a major component of the outer membrane of certain bacteria. “Not only are there higher levels of LPS in the plasma of LS patients, but the level of LPS directly correlates to the severity of the illness. This new data has led some experts to wonder if a chief instigator of ALS isn’t in the brain or spinal cord, but in the gut."

Dr. Perlmutter says that having a healthy gut with friendly bacteria helps reduce the risk of brain disease by controlling inflammation, increase the intestinal wall’s integrity, and produce important chemicals for brain health. If you have elevated levels of cortisol (due to stress) it causes harm to the gut.

If you want to build a friendly gut, here are a few foods you should eat.

Pre-biotic foods:
• Raw garlic
• Raw onions
• Raw chicory root

Pro-biotic food:
• Kimchi
• Sauerkraut
• Pickles
• Kombucha tea
• Pickled fruits & vegetables

BPA and its Dangers
Avoid Canned Food/Plastic as it contains BPA:


If you are overweight or obese you are at risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, chronic kidney disease, and neurodegenerative ailments, including Alzheimer’s disease. You will be more at risk of cognitive decline, loss of brain tissue, and a vast number of various brain diseases all according to Dr. Perlmutter.

Sunlight & Vitamin D

This is just a brief introduction to sunlight and vitamin D. Sunlight is acidic, but you do need enough sunlight to produce an efficient amount of Vitamin D. This depends on where you live on the planet and the intensity of the sun. Sunlight gives out beneficial spectrum of different light, such as ultraviolet light. Heliotherapy or sunlight therapy has been used to help get over tuberculosis and other ailments.

• Acne, psoriasis and other skin disorders
• Muscular stimulation and relaxation
• Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Reducing body odor
• Boosting the body’s immune system for the treatment of AIDS
• Reducing bacteria count by as much as 50% from infections
• Decontaminating blood transfusions
• DNA repair
• Irradiating the blood of cancer patients
• Hyperbilrubinemia (neonatal jaundice)
• Prevents rickets

Vitamin D is not a vitamin, but actually a pre-hormone. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in our immune system. Vitamin D helps increases the amount of naturally occurring antibiotics called antimicrobial peptides found in our lungs, skin, immune cells, and respiratory tract. Our microbiome plays a metabolism role of Vitamin D. Vitamin D studies point that it could help prevent internal cancers and influenza.

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to:
• internal cancer
• heart disease
• hypertension
• stroke
• dementia
• diabetes
• depression
• infections
• autism
• schizophrenia
• autoimmune diseases
• chronic pain
• urinary incontinence
• multiple sclerosis
• rheumatoid arthritis
• tuberculosis
• diabetes
• cardiovascular diseases
• kidney diseases
• frequency falling
• fractured hips
• osteoarthritis
• gum disease
• obesity

Vitamin D can help your body and mind in the following areas:
• Bone Health
• Cellular Health
• Organ Health
• Muscular Health
• Autoimmune Health
• Neurological Health:
• Moods:
• Increase Athletic Performance

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a great for boosting up our immune systems. It is vital for our cardiovascular system. According to Dr. Levy: “a continuous and generous supply of Vitamin C to the arterial linings keeps the ground substance in its healthy, gel-like state” That means…the solitary root cause of all coronary arterial blockages is a vitamin C deficiency in the coronary arteries.”

Dr. Levy states that Vitamin C has been proven to neutralize just about any toxic substance and even the dangerous effects of radiation. It has been used to cure or neutralize, snake bites, spider bites, poisonous mushrooms, drug overdoses, dangerous chemicals, lethal gases, etc.

In a special on 60 Minutes, a farmer from New Zealand was on life support because he had gotten the swine flu. The family finally convinced to try everything because the doctors wanted to take him off life support, and so he was given vitamin C and eventually recovered.

Dr. Frederick Klenner back in the 1940’s was able to cure 60 out of 60 cases of polio with high doses of intravenous Vitamin C within 72 hours or less.

Vitamin D is required for the formation and maintenance of collagen. Collagen is what makes your skin tight and keeps you looking young.

Macrophages & NK Cells
Vitamin D and a healthy microbiome help stimulate macrophages and natural killing cells, the warriors of our immune system.


Important disclaimer: There are many kinds of mediation and so one must find a suitable mediation style to fit their personality. There can be too much of a good thing.

If you never have meditated, maybe it’s time that you do. According to an article written by, “Scientific Benefits of Meditation – 76 Things That You Might Be Missing Out On”, here are the benefits of meditation. Remember, that it depends on what time of meditation you are doing.

The Body
• Improves immune system & energy levels
• Improves breathing & heart rates
• Reduces blood pressure
• Longer longevity
• Lessens Heart & Brain problems
• Lessens Inflammatory disorders & asthma
• Lessens premenstrual & menopausal syndrome
• Helps prevent Arthritis, Fibromyalgia & HIV

The Mind
• Increases Mental Strength & Focus
• Increases Memory Retention & Recall
• Better Cognitive skills & creative thinking
• Better decision making & problem solving
• Better information processing
• Helps ignore distractions
• Helps manage ADHD

Emotional State of Well-Being
• Lessons worry, anxiety (which means less cortisol levels – worrying and anxiety only causes stress) & Impulsivity
• Lessons stress (less levels of cortisol), fear, loneliness & depression
• Enhances self-esteem & self-acceptance
• Improves resilience against pain & adversity
• Increases optimism, relaxation & awareness
• Helps prevent emotional eating & smoking
• Helps develop positive social connections
• Improves your mood & emotional intelligence

The skin is the largest organ we have and one of its main functions besides protection is the elimination of wastes. The skin can eliminate up to 30% of the wastes.

Your kidney’s also filter out and excrete toxins from the body. Your lungs also act as a waste disposal system besides it’s main function of delivering oxygen to the bloodstream and eliminate carbon dioxide. Your lungs will transform some toxic chemicals into water-soluble byproducts, which are then purged out by the urinary system. Some toxins can be exhaled out, such as volatile organic compounds or VOLs. Approximately, 20% of the fluid in the body is released in the form of water vapor through the lungs.

The best type of sauna to use is Far-Infrared Saunas – (FIR). Our sun produces far Infrared, but it also produces ultraviolet wavelengths. Saunas should be able to raise our inside body temperature by at least a couple of degrees or more. The theory behind saunas is to mimic conditions that of a fever.


Fevers are part of our body’s immune defense system, where the body cooks microbes. A majority of pathogenic microorganisms cannot survive in temperatures between 103F to 106F (39.4C or 41.1111C). In experiments conducted by G.W. Duff and S.K Durum, they showed that an increase that the immune system would produce 2000% more T-cells and anti-bodies when a fever increased by 3.6 F or 2C. A study conducted by a Mayo Clinic doctor, showed that fevers of 104F to 106.8F increased white blood cells by 58%. Dr. Jeffrey Freeman of the Europa Institute of Integrated Medicine discovered that cancer cells die between temperatures of 104F to 107F (40C to 41.7C).

Dr. Morse says that most children can naturally have fevers of 104F to 105F. At 110F, will begin killing your healthy cells.

The great thing about saunas is their abilities to detox the body of toxins. The more fat that you have, the more toxins you have since this is where the body stores toxins. Analysis of sweat, urine, and stool samples after spending time (20 to 30 minutes) in a Far Infrared Sauna resulted in the expulsion of:
• Pesticides
• Chemicals
• Environmental poisons
• Carcinogens
• Endocrine disruptors
• Obesogens
• Heavy Metals: lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, chromium, copper, and nickel.

Besides saunas removing toxins from the body it also helps with autistic children. They seem to become more focused, more expressive with their speech, and more relaxed. It could be that since the saunas are removing toxins that chemicals come to play.

Other added benefits to saunas:
• Reduction in weight
• Respiratory ailments
• Colds and fevers
• Cancer – dies off between 104F to 107F (40C to 41.7C)
• Gout
• Neurological disorders
• Skin Conditions
• Relaxation
• Pain Relief
• Improved Circulation
• Skin Purification
• Heart Function
• Ease Chronic Pain
• Enhanced lymphatic circulation
• Increased production of enzymes
• Elimination of stagnant blood
• Decongestion of organs
• Faster metabolism
• Increase in systematic alkalization
• Reduction or elimination of disease

According to the research of Dr. Kellogg, he learned that “thermic heat rays” have the power to penetrate two inches below the surface of the human body, so that “even the brain, the spinal cord, the liver, the lungs, the heart, the lymphatic glands, the thyroid glands and other of the most important structures of the body.”

Dr. Morse
Dr. Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H., is a board certified and accredited Naturopathic physician, a biochemist, iridologist, and a master herbalist. If there is one doctor that I would want to trust, I would say it’s Dr. Morse.


According to Dr. Morse, human beings are frugivores. We were only meant to eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. We want to eat only raw fruits and vegetables. Cooking foods causes the electromagnetic energy (combined molecular energy) to dramatically lower and you lose nutritional value. You also destroy the enzymes in foods.

Alkalization is the key to tissue regeneration. Fruits are the best regenerators of brain and nerve tissue and for removing cancer from the body. Dr. Morse talks about one case of an individual who came to him because he was a paraplegic for over 20 years. After being only a fruit regime, he was able to walk again after 6 months. He regrew he nerve cells.

There are three causes for disease according to Dr. Morse: genetics, toxicity and acidosis. Acidosis and inflammation are basically the same thing he states. Inflammation is when the body is on fire. Almost all tissue failure begins with acidosis and toxicity. Raw foods remove inflammation through alkalization and increased steroid production, which dissolves stones and lipids.

Your body needs energy and your body needs simple sugars, not complex sugars to function. Your body needs glucose and fructose from vegetables and fruits.

“The term “protein” is used to designate a structure from chained amino acids…your body is not designed to use and metabolize “structures.” Your body cannot use “flesh-type proteins” (grouped amino acids) until it breaks them down into simple amino acids first. You can get all of your simple amino acids from fruits and vegetables. Amino acids are your building blocks for tissue growth and repair. As Dr. Morse points out wild horses, elephants, and cows are herbivores with great strength. A grizzly bears diet is 70 to 80 percent grass.

“Foreign proteins from meats, dairy products, grains, eggs, and the like, are abrasive to the mucosa of the body. This causes a lymphatic (Mucous) response that can cause excessive mucus to build up within the tissues and cavities of the body. This mucus build-up, with the trapped proteins, fills intestinal areas as well as lymph nodes, sinus cavities, brain, lungs, etc. Pimples, boils and tumors are expressions of this congestion or toxic build-up.”

When animals are slaughtered, they produce epinephrine (adrenaline). Epinephrine is a neurotransmitter, stimulated energy through the nervous system into the tissues of the body. This is mostly what gives meat eaters a heightened sense of energy. If an individual has been eating meat for ears and years full of adrenaline, it weakens your adrenal glands and which then makes them lazy at producing their own neurotransmitters. High blood pressure can be the result of adrenal gland weakness. Our body also begins to fail at producing adequate steroids because meat is highly acid forming, which creates inflammation.

Proteins also lower our pH balance of the body. This causes inflammation and tissue weakness, leading to tissue death. Protein also happens to be a nitrogen compound, high in phosphorous, which when an individual consumes large amounts, he/she will deplete the body of calcium, magnesium, and other electrolytes from the body.

When eating meat, you increase the chances of a parasite entering your body. It also causes body-odor from the rotting (putrefying) flesh within us. Proteins are acid forming, which can crate inflammation and can cause tissue breakdown. Meat is the chief cause of tooth decay.

Dr. Morse states that 75% of all “disease” symptoms can be attributed to the failure of the endocrine gland system. “Endocrine glands are ductless glands that produce internal secretions (hormones, etc.) and discharge these directly into the blood or lymph system to be circulated throughout the body.” The pituitary gland is the master gland one of the main computers of the body.

Your lymphatic system and immune system work together and both act as protection and elimination. Your lymph system uses your lymph nodes to filter, neutralize, bond, and destroy pathogens (toxins), antigens, etc. “When the lymph system becomes overburdened with toxins, parasites, weakened cells from acidosis, mucus, metabolic wastes, etc., your lymph nodes will become enlarged and swollen.” An excellent example of this are your tonsils. “Dairy products and refined sugars cause a lot of mucus production from the mucosa, which in turn causes congestive problems (including sinus, throat, bronchi and lungs etc.) When the tonsils swell from the massive overload, sore throats, inflammation and mucus discharge are some of the symptoms. Colds and flu are another symptom of congestion needing to come out.”

According to Dr. Morse, if you want to test if you have an issue with your thyroid, use the basal temperature test.

FASTING: Fruit or Water...Which is the Most Powerful?

Detoxing the body is done through eat raw foods only. Viruses have to be detoxed out of the body.

Vegetables are the builders (skeletal and muscle). Nuts and seeds are the structural foods, strengthening the body as a whole. Fruits are the brain and nerve foods. They have the highest amounts of antioxidants and astringent properties of foods. Astringents pull and constrict the tissue, pulling toxicity and congestion (mucus) out. Also stimulates the lymphatic system and blood flow within the body allowing the body to get rid of these toxins and mucus. Lemon is the best astringent food followed by grapes (the darker the better). Both are nature’s best lymphatic cleaners and tumor busters.

Dr Robert Morse - Everything you need to know about foods

Dairy Foods
The proteins in dairy food according to Dr. Morse are so abrasive, concentrated, and harmful to us that ingesting them creates mucus production.

Dr. Morse states that grains unsproated grains are very low in available nutrition, acid forming, fattening, hard to digest, and are a gluey starch. Earlier we discussed some of Dr. Perlmutter’s findings regarding the gut. He is also the author of “Grain Brain.” Dr. Perlmutter states that gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye and is among the most inflammatory ingredients today. Gluten increases gut permeability as well. Glyphosate (Roundup) is a weed-killing chemical, which is used on all crops, so make sure to buy organic foods, and even with organic make sure to clean your fruits and vegetables well.

Distilled Water
Distilled water is what nature produces, aka rain. However, once it leaves the clouds, because distilled water attracted only inorganic material, with today’s air pollutants, it would be probably no better than mineral water. According to N.W. Walker, “the minerals contained in Natural water are not of a kind which the cells of the body can use. Consequently, they are rejected by the cells and constitute a hazard in the circulatory system. Distilled Water has the ability to collect these UN-usable minerals and pass them as a sediment into the kidney’s for excretion.”

• The following articles are disinformation campaigns stating that distilled water leaches out all minerals.
• Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water”
• “Health Risks from Drinking Demineralized Water”

Well, this is only half the truth. Distilled water is positively charged, whereas as inorganic material is negatively charged. It acts as a magnet and only leaches out all inorganic minerals. “It is virtually impossible for Distilled Water to separate minerals which have been an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body. Distilled water collects ONLY the minerals which remain in the body, minerals discarded from natural water AND from the cells, the minerals which the natural water originally collected form its contact with the earth and the rocks.”
The New York Times published: New York Times: Doctors at Cornell University Report Distilled Water is Safe to Drink:

Q. Is it safe to drink distilled water? Does it leach minerals out of the body?
A. It is safe, and it does not leach out minerals, two experts on water quality and nutrition at Cornell agree.

Andrew Weber is has read countless books and spent over 30K researching distilled water.

Andrew Norton Webber and the myth of early death from distilled water

Here are some of the things that distilled water has been known to do according to Andrew Norton Webber:
• Decalcify the pineal gland.
• Dissolves cataracts
• Woman 72 years old wore glasses for 45 years – drank distilled water only from the store and after 3 months she passed her DMV test without her glasses – 20/20 vision – confirmed with her optometrist
• Gave distilled water to her 15-year-old dog – kidney & liver function of a 4 year old.
• Reduces wrinkles
• De-age
• Grow back hair
• Grey hair turns back to original color
• Remove kidney stones
• Remove arthritis

Detox Symptoms Drinking between 1 gallon to 1.5 gallons per day:
• Headaches
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Flu like systems
• Terrible breath\sneezing fits runny noses
• Rashes pimples in weird places
• Terrible breath
• Sinuses, runny noses, smells like chlorine
• Armpits that smell horrible
• Feces smells like petroleum

How does an individual get the necessary salts, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs? The answer is from fruits, vegetables, and nuts (Not too much because nuts are acidic). They will give the body ultra-microscopic vitamins, minerals, sugars, and salts, replete with enzymes, the essence of life. Juicing is the best way to go and by doing so you will get more out of the juices from fruits and vegetables. “These minerals are an integral part of the live organic water of the juices of these natural raw products. This “vegetation” water (i.e. the juices) is the result of the distillation by plant process, of moisture from the atmosphere and from the water obtained from the ground.”

Mineral Water contains inorganic minerals that will end up clogging up your system. The inorganic solid earthy mater from springs, bottled water will eventually make you stiff and cause obstruction in your arteries.

Dangers of Microwaves:
Avoid using any kind of microwave at all costs. There is a list of dangers in using a microwave. Microwaves cook foods at a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz (2,450,000,000 Hz). When we radiate our foods, the water molecules in the food actually reverse in polarity. The friction is so harsh that the water molecules get ripped apart and their structures become deformed. There are naturally occurring bonds between various elements in the food are destroyed, which results in radiolysis; that is the molecular disintegration resulting from being radiated.

Our food over the years has lost a lot of nutritional value due to over farming. When you nuke your food, you lose 60% to 90% in various nutrients, vitamins, essential minerals, etc. If you nuke meat, you get d-Nitrosodienthanolmines, a known carcinogen. If you nuke milk or grains (rice), you transform the amino acids in them into carcinogens. Nuking vegetables will change their alkaloids into carcinogens.

The changes in your body are drastic as well. Your cells end up producing hydrogen peroxide and carbon monoxide instead of water and carbon dioxide. And there’s more:
• Hormonal imbalances
• Increased cardiovascular disorders
• Nervous system damage
• Loss of energy
• Disruption in brain waves
• Psychological disorders; memory loss; loss of concentration; intellectual function; interrupted sleep
• Increase in cancerous cells
• Decrease in hemoglobin
• Abnormal increase in leukocytes
• Disruption in the electrical potential of cellular membranes

Dangers of Fluorescent Lights
• Migraines
• Eye strain
• Problems sleeping, due to melatonin suppression
• Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder or depression
• Endocrine disruption and poor immune systems
• Female hormonal/menstrual cycle disruption
• Increases in breast cancer rates and tumor formation
• Stress/Anxiety, due to cortisol suppression
• Sexual development/maturation disruption
• Obesity
• Agoraphobia (anxiety disorder)

Dangers of Fluoride
• Fluoride accumulates in the body: largely in calcifying tissues such as the bones and pineal gland
• Tooth decay is high in low-income communities that have been fluoridated for years.
• Tooth decay does not go up when fluoridation is stopped
• Tooth decay was coming down before fluoridation started.
• Dental fluorosis may be an indicator of wider systemic damage: possible 1)biochemical mechanisms underlying the development of dental fluorosis
• 2) Many older people develop skeletal fluorosis
• Fluoride may damage the brain
• Fluoride may lower IQ
• Fluoride may cause non-IQ neurotoxic effects
• Fluoride affects thyroid function.
• Fluoride causes arthritic symptoms.
• Fluoride may increase hip fractures in the elderly.
• Fluoride may cause bone cancer (osteosarcoma).
• Fluoride may cause reproductive problems.
• People now receive fluoride from many other sources besides water.
• The chemicals used to fluoridate water are not pharmaceutical grade. Instead, they largely come from the wet scrubbing systems of the phosphate fertilizer industry. These chemicals (90% of which are sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid), are classified hazardous wastes contaminated with various impurities.

Fluoride: Poison On Tap - Full Documentary

Dangers of Artificial Sugar
All artificial sugar contains aspartame, which is a neurotoxin breaks down into formaldehyde. Use a natural alternative sugar, Stevia, but make sure it is 100% and organic.

Dangers of Chlorine

Chlorine gas was first used during World War I. Chlorine is in our drinking water, in the water we use to shower and bathe, and in swimming pools. Ozone machines are used in most of Europe and know not use Chlorine in their pools. Here are some of the effects of chlorine.

• Bladder cancer risks are doubled
• Cancer risk is 93% higher among those using chlorinated water
• Using swimming pools increases risks of bladder cancer 57%
• Those taking long hot showers/baths also had higher risks than just drinking
• At least 2 cancer-causing chemicals evaporate into the air when we shower and are likely to be inhaled
• Chloroform (a known carcinogen) increases 100 times during a 10-minute shower
• 1 in 5 Americans drink contaminated water
• By 2015, more people will die from water and food related cancers than from lung cancer
• Exposure to chlorine can be through inhalation and skin, not only ingestion
• Heart attacks and strokes are caused by chlorine in the drinking water

Poison Gas Warfare In WW1 I THE GREAT WAR Special

First World War tech: Chlorine Gas & Gas Masks

This is a warning to meat eaters who drink water with chlorine in it. According to Dr. J.W. Walker, “the combination of Chlorine, (when used in chlorinated water) combined with animal fats eaten in a diet, causes a chemical amalgamation of the chlorine and the fat which results in the formation of a gummy substance in the arteries. There is noF way to correct this affliction once it has progressed too far, because the accumulated gummy product in the arteries causes heart attacks as the mildest warning, likely to develop atherosclerosis, then a funeral.”

Avoid Wearing Sunglasses
On an average sunny day, wearing sunglasses is the last thing you want to do for your vision health, because you will be blocking potentially beneficial wavelengths of light from reaching your eyes. There are actually more than 1,500 wavelengths of light that you need to nourish your eyes. So instead of wearing sunglasses, wear a baseball cap.

Avoid Sunscreen with chemicals
There are three main ingredients octocrylene, octylmethoxycinnamate, and benzophenone-3. Most sunscreens contain 2% to 5% of benzophenone. The skin, which is the largest organ, will have these chemicals penetrate 1% to 10% into it. My advise is to buy a sunscreen that all natural and organic. There are reports that the chemicals in sunscreen are causing cancer such as Drs. Cedric and Frank Garland of the University of California.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Avoid soy beans

Raw soy beans are really bad for you, okay. Cooked and processed soy beans are even worse for you, okay:
• Extremely high in levels of aluminum – toxic to brain and verve tissue
• Acid-forming
• Extremely high in phytic acid (blocks mineral absorption, especially zinc.)
• Full of enzyme INHIBITORS
• 85% GMO
• Full of excessive amounts of hemaglutin – a clot-causing compound
• Allergy causing

When soy beans are cooked and processed to make soy bean oil and soy protein, they are processed at high temperatures to break down the enzyme inhibitors. When it goes through the cooking process, it destroys all the nutrients, bonds proteins to minerals, lipids, and starches, causes free-radical formations, creates trans-fatty acids, encourages rancidity, is extremely acid-forming, and it may promote the formation of acrylimides (carcinogenic compounds). When it goes through the pressing process, (cold pressed or solvent extraction) it involves using solvent extractions uses alkali soaps, hexane (petroleum distiller), phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide (the primary ingredient in Drano).
• Over 80% of the oils and fats used in the U.S.A. are processed from soy beans
• Over 80% of the margarine made in the U.S.A. comes from soy beans

If you want to truly detox your mind and body, use the Emotional Freedom technique to release past emotions from your body. Practice some meditation for 20 or 30 minutes a day. Only eat raw fruits and vegetables and pick up Dr. Morse book for a real in-depth look. Practice the Wim Hof method. Hit up an infrared sauna to speed up the detox of toxins. Go into the mountains and forest to help build up your immune system. Drink plenty of distilled water. And Avoid harmful products.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving any medical advice. I am an avid researcher presenting information.


Gary Craig’s website:

Stephan Gonick’s website:


Forest Bathing






TDOS Syndrome and Solutions by Peter Greenlaw and Nicholas Messina MD

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health by Nenah Sylver, PhD

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy by Nenah Sylver

Athletes Edge Faster Quicker Stronger with Vitamin D by John Cannell, MD

Primal Pancacea by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Your Third Brain Dr. Marco Ruggiero

Brain Maker by David Perlmutter, MD

Water can undermine your health by N.W. Walker

Water can undermine your health by N.W.Walker, Doctor of Science

Heal Yourself with Sunlight by Andreas Moritz






Fluorescent Lighting

Win Hof Method




Distilled Water/Andrew Weber
• Articles: The Importance of Distilled Water on Aging:
• New York Times: Doctors at Cornell University Report Distilled Water is Safe to Drink:
• Books:

Negative Ions


excellent report !!

Hey brother! Just skimmed your report, but looks GOOD! Grounding is HUGE...whenever I get too much in my mind, I go outside and get on the grass, the lawn i mean ^^ and my troubles seem to disappear, David Wolfe is spot on about that, and the Cacao, please look into that too! U just got an upvote! ^^ peace from Xiamen, visit anytime!

Well, according to Dr. Morse, cacao is highly acidic and has a high oxalic acid content. Dr. Morse states that when your body is acidic and you consume foods that are high in oxalates, these oxalates bind with ionic calcium causing calcium oxalate stones, such as kidney stones. I think it's okay to eat small quantities. I do have David Wolfe's book on Superfoods and Chocolate.

I highly recommend buying Dr. Morse's book. I did see someone take an older version of his book and converted it into a PDF online.

Great post! My name is Morgan Levy, MD. I am an expert in the appropriate use of unconventional medicine. These therapies can be very helpful but, like all good therapies, they can also be harmful. To discover how to most appropriately make decisions for yourself check out my blog

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