How to complete your life goals and challanges?

in #life7 years ago

This steemit account is my personal history brain child--something I came up with trying to get my parents to record their personal histories for me. I started off doing email questions, but then I figured there are probably plenty of people out there who also want to get their parents, grandparents or even their own personal histories recorded. So I decided to start this little blog in an effort to help anyone who wanted to get their stories recorded before they got forgotten!


After 3 years of diligently doing the challenges and recording many facets and facts of my life, I found that I no longer had the time needed to keep going so much was already covered that I couldn't really think of many more questions. I decided to call it quits on the new challenges, but I've left the blog up for any newcomers.

Here's a quick explanation of the different thoughts:

If you would like to do the challenges as I gave them out, I'd suggest starting with the Challenge Link List. It has all of the questions written out, plus a link to the original post so you can see what I and my team members came up with to give you ideas! Some of the challenges are different questions than the norm.

If you are itching to record your history in a timeline/subject format, check out the Personal History in Depth page that goes through all the questions you could use to record an in-depth personal history. You can also use the list for interview questions when visiting an elderly relative. Get out the voice recorder and ask away!

If you have children, you can start recording their histories with some ideas found on the Personal Histories for Kids page. Lots of fun ideas there to remember some of those special milestones!

The idea of this blog was that not everyone likes to record their stories in the same way. Some like to write, others are comfortable with video, and still others are into scrapbooking. There are many more ways to record your story. Check out some of them and maybe get an idea for how you'd like to record your story on the Ideas for Completing the Challenges page.

If you like just short, simple and sweet questions, check out Fast Fact Fridays! They were five little questions I gave out on Fridays for those who just wanted to record their lives in quick and simple ways. At the end, I started using questions from the personal history in depth to help people get their histories recorded quickly if they wanted to.

And last but not least, if you find you are loving these challenges, share the blog with your friends who may also like a fun way to record their stories!

Thanks for stopping by! And enjoy recording your history!

Upvotes and resteem appreciate