@papa-pepper sent me a Scorpion Pepper! The most painful 14 hours of my life. Here is my story.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

On Monday I received a package from @papa-pepper that included some dried peppers as well as some seeds for planting of some of the hottest peppers in the world! The dried peppers he sent were Ghost Peppers and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers. On Monday I ate the Ghost Pepper. It was a very delicious pepper that had quite the kick. No side effects were noted. Here is the post and video of me eating the Ghost Pepper.

Post: Ghost Pepper Challenge - Peppers from @papa-pepper - Video included

With a little pep in my step I was under the impression that if I could eat the Ghost Pepper and could handle the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper. The Trinidad Moruga is up to 2,000,000 Scoville Units whereas a Jalapeno is around 10,000 and a habanero is around 200,000. My overconfidence ended up biting me big time. Payback later ensued. It was about 5pm when I decided to fully embrace the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Challenge.

Warning: Do Not Try This!

If you do attempt this I have a few suggestions:

  • Don’t do it.
  • Make sure you have eaten 15-20 minutes before eating a pepper of this scale.
  • When you eat make sure to eat some greasy/oily as the heat producing capsaicin is fat soluble. Examples include cheeseburger or peanut butter sandwich.

Timeline of Events

5:00pm: Here is the beginning of the end

5:05pm: I can no longer take it without any water. I chug a glass of water. My mouth is still on fire.

5:07pm: I walk to refill my glass of water and my hands go completely numb. I chug another glass of water. Still no relief. My friend goes to the nearby store to get some yogurt.

5:10pm: I chug another glass of water and begin eating 4 tootsie rolls. The burn is starting to calm down so I think.

5:12pm: My friend arrives from the store with the yogurt and I get a full bowl.

5:15pm: I finish the bowl of yogurt and another glass of water. The burn in almost entirely gone.

5:25pm: No burn is left at all and I am back to normal (I thought).

7:15pm: My stomach begins to hurt, but this dissipates with mind over matter.

8:30pm: I eat a full dinner of steak, spinach, and field peas. No apparent pain.

9:30pm: I turn on the tv and watch the NBA western conference semi-finals between the Rockets and the Spurs while I get on Steemit.

10:30pm: The stomach pains begin to surface mildly, but I am still fine. I continue to browse Steemit.

11:30pm: I leave my girlfriend’s house and head home as she is asleep and my stomach is still in pain.

11:35pm: I arrive home and the pain in my stomach is continuing to increase. I think to myself maybe I can just sleep it off.

12:00am: I begin to doze off and catch some sleep.

12:30am: I’m awaken with the most intense stomach pains to date. They are increasing by the minute. By now, I am laying in the fetal position in bed.

12:45am: I get up from bed and pace around my room in discomfort.

12:55am: I use the restroom and it burns. Badly!

1:00am: I lie back down and the pain continues.

1:02am: I begin to research remedies for my pain by googling “stomach pain after eating hot peppers”. There is some good information and some misinformation out there.

1:05am: I decide to make a peanut butter sandwich.

1:08am: I finish the peanut butter sandwich and lie back down.

1:15am: No relief as of yet. I get up and walk around the house. I can feel my body temperature start to rise.

1:16am: I lie on the couch for a few minutes and my mind starts to race. “Am I going to be okay?”

1:20am: I go to the bathroom unsure if I need to use the restroom or if I need to throw up, but my stomach is in excruciating pain.

1:25am: I pull a chair into the bathroom and get back on the internet to see if there are any other suggestions. A few mention throwing up to get it out of your stomach. This is the last ditch effort. I wet a towel and put it on the back of my neck.

1:27am: I try to throw up by forcing myself, but I am just gagging.

1:28am: I finally throw up a little bit.

1:29am: The floodgates are opened and don’t stop for a whole minute.

1:30am: I flush the toilet and get up. My body is now sweating profusely. My boxers are soaked in sweat and my esophagus, mouth, and finger are all on fire.

1:32am: I walk around the house and think “when is this going to end?” and “Am I going to make it?”

1:35am: I am back in the bathroom hunched over, forcing myself to throw up again. My body is pouring out sweat and I start to feel very cold from the sweat.

1:40am: I sit in the chair in the bathroom hoping this pain and burn will cease soon.

1:55am: I throw up for the final time. The burn no longer bothers me as I have gotten accustomed to it.

2:05am: I return to my bed with my stomach still in pain, but to a less extent.

2:10am: I shut my eyes and fall asleep.

7:15am: I wake up with stomach pains and the urge to use the bathroom again. It now burns to pee.

7:17am: I go back to sleep without a hitch.

8:35am: I wake up and the pain has completely subsided.

9:30am: I finally feel back to my normal self, well my new normal self.

Lessons learned. I will resist any temptations to eat a hot pepper like this in its entirety in the future. Thanks for the peppers @papa-pepper! I will stick to grounding them up and sprinkling very tiny amounts over my food.


Looks like I need to send you a Carolina Reaper!

Yo papa-pepper! I think you should seriously consider sending this post to anyone you're sending pepper to, that are as spicy as this one or spicier. I'm serious. These make excellent posts but jeez they look like a serious bummer to eat at least to some normal "unwaxed" stomachs.

Good idea. I didn't realize he was going to eat them whole like that!

Psshhh.... If he thinks this is this bad then yes. You should.

uh oh... I need to find the best time to eat it? Do I ruin my whole day or my whole night?

You take it like a man, then do crazy stuff like an insane person....


... A small glimpse of my crazy past ways of living.

The videos are unavailable? I can only imagine!!

Oops forgot I made them private.... Yea, it was intense.

I need to eat before!!! Have you pulled off the reaper?

Yes, I have eaten whole Carolina Reapers.

On another note, I think that we need to play PEPPER POKER some time. You would fit in.

You are a man among the boys! Well done! This is making my mouth water!

Nice comment! Time to unload some upvotes!


Oh man, this would be worth the trip just to play this.

Hmmm.... if we ever all got together!!!!

Uhhmnnn... It will happen one day. If the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains brother. Than a little faith will bring us all together.

smiley face emoji

I am not too far away! I wouldn't stand a chance against you guys!

Just showing up is half of losing the battle!

At least not fully losing the battle! ;)

@papa-pepper any suggestions next time? Thanks for the Trinidad! It was incredibly hot!

I'll let you in on a secret. Find a nice fat steak with a good amount of fat on the border. Cook the steak. Remove the fat and eat it. Save the steak for later. Eat peppers. This will help incredibly with the pains that come later.

you are my savior! I had a steak, but it had no fat! I'll get a nice ribeye and leave the meat for later!! about 20-30 mins before eating the pepper?

Yeah, get that in there ahead of time. Then you won't have to double-over in pain. Capsicum is an oil, the fat will absorb it so you don't have to!

My mom was telling me that this morning! Should have mentioned to her about eating it before I did! The nutrition major would have come out in her!

You might enjoy this song I wrote.

And here is the remix!

The remix is my favorite!! The little peppers crack me up!

Yeah, good stuff!

Hey, did you see this one? There are peppers in it... besides me!

Yes I remember this! You eat the peppers like a kid eats candy!

Hahaha! I hadn't heard the remix! HAHAHA!

OMG! Why oh Why? Would you put yourself through that sh...t. HONEY why? I grow all types of hot peppers and they have put down the best of men's egos every year that I grow them. They all say the same, it can't be that bad. I just sit and smile and in the end watch them all suffer while remaining silent... It always ends the same. Stop Already... save your stomach from the pain.

The Ghost Pepper wasn't that hot, so I figured this one wouldn't be too bad either. I was definitely wrong! I had a lot of upset with my decision to eat it! Papa-pepper told me about waxing my stomach which sounds like it should help, but I don't know if I am up for the Carolina Reaper!

Did any OPEN MIC entry with it too!

this is impressive! I catch myself nodding my head to this! Make it rain!!

LOL, I am a man of many talents.... nevermind... a man of many peppers.

Many Many Peppers! Actually all of the peppers!

You are faster than Twista man!!

Good to see this post climbing up in payout too! Hopefully that resteem from Papa helped!

Thanks man! All because of you!!

Holy cheeseballs! This post had made me break out into a sweat. So happy to hear that you were ok in the end, but wow, the part of you having burning while taking a whizz enforced my dislike of peppers. Big ups to you, mate!

Quite a few people said it made them sweat! The pepper was quite flavorful though, just blazin' hot!

I'm glad you are on the road to recovery. LOL!!

Are you mad lol, That looks very painful ouchy

Wow, this was a great read! Thanks for posting it!

Oh dear god lol, you could have died lol. My mom use to grow peppers hot like that (not that specific one) and she explained to me they are ment to be eaten in sauces so the spice is somewhat tamed.

I should have taken a video last night! My eyes are still bloodshot.. It was horribly painful! The stomach pain from eating hot peppers even has its own nickname - capsaicin cramps

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