4 insights of the week from "The Art of Work"

in #life7 years ago (edited)

If you're in search of clarity or feeling stuck in your life, chances are you're seeking answers from just about everywhere.

From listening to audiobooks, to reading, wisdom is everywhere. It's a matter of how you take it in and implement it in your life that matters most.

Listening to Jeff Goin's audiobook "The Art of Work", lots of insightful tidbits came about.


Here are some of them :

1. In order to cultivate awareness, you must be willing to act



It's easy to think awareness comes from reading.

As much as receive wisdom from reading books, you get more from taking action. Experiences shapes us into who we are.

After all, growth comes from pain, not comfort.

2. Not sure what you want? Ask yourself : what would you regret the most?


A lot of times we get lost in thought figuring out what we want in our lives.

Yet, when it comes down to it, we only realize once we experience a dramatic shift (aka a wake up call) in our lives like a break up, a death, or a serious illness.

Case in point : when people get asked on their death bed what they regret most, the most common answer is not taking risks

The most important compass is your intuition.

What's the first word that pops in your mind when you ask yourself : if money weren't an option, what would I do?

That's your answer.

Don't wait till you experience a transitional period in your life to take action, do it now.

3. Purpose doesn't find you, you go in search of it



As easy as it for someone to have their life designed from the get go, most of us are still not entirely sure what we want to do.

Some of us are "multi passionates" who excel in multi disciplinary fields , not singular fields like doctors or dentists.

We need to utilize a degree of our passions and skills to live a fulfilled life, and that's okay.

Focus on the journey, not the destination.

Instead of waiting on it to fall into your lap, take action instead.

4 When in doubt, commit.


Thanks to social media and notifications, the problem with our generation is that we can't maintain a degree of focus.

We go from task to the next, without fully immersing in out. Then we get bored and move on. End result ? incomplete projects and lack of motivation to pursue anything else

If you really want to know whether a career is worth pursuing, fully commit to it.

Then and only then, will you know.

You'll never get the clarity you want, until you immerse yourself in the experience without giving up.

What are some ways you found your purpose in your life?

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