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RE: Human superpowers-Has the internet replaced telepathy?

in #life7 years ago

@tonysayers33 you are on to a true thing. A very old Lady in London many years ago, as I was about to leave the country and travel to Australia, asked me to practice an exercise with her over the week before leaving.
--She sat in her usual chair and asked me to close my eyes and see her sitting there and remember that picture. She then sat me at an upright chair at the kitchen table, and proposed to remember me at a chair at a wooden table. To make the connection, I was to see her in her chair, and then to vibrate a phone on side table beside her, as if a Disney cartoon almost rocking itself off the table making a ring tone. I was to see her put the receiver (old style phone) to her ear, and speak my thought to her in very simple short nessages. She would do similar to me, answering my messages. By practice at similar times every day, with someone who knows you will be 'seeing' them at that time, it can become a regular and easier experience. It is often a good idea to 'see' both them and self, like a split cartoon, and to see the coiled telephone wire to their receiver in blue and the coiled telephone wire to your receiver in red, when you call them, and if you stop when you apprehend you are receiving and close your eyes, 'see' their wire coil red and your receiver wire coil blue. As if in your mind you have cartoon pictures of vibrating phones on sidetables and the wires in coils are red or blue depending on which picture is sending or receiving.
--Practice with someone who knows the what you practice. Trying to do this with one who has not been briefed and accepted the practice, can be an intrusion on their space and karmic with repercussions. Resteemed.