in #life7 years ago

parkinsonova-bolest-300x250.pngParkinson's disease treatment herbs
Parkinson's diseasethe disease is a disorder of movement. Movement disorders arise due to reduced secretion of chemicals dopamine, in the brain that plays an important role in the control of voluntary movement (the basal ganglia). The disease usually develops slowly, so it may take several months, and years before the patient found to have problems. One of the first symptoms is often a slight shaking of hands or fingers, which slowly develop into involuntary rhythmic tremors. At the same time, perform more complicated movements becomes more difficult with restrictions of movement, and the muscles are stiffer with clumsy, rigid movements. There are three main symptoms of Parkinson's disease: tremor (shaking), rigidity (stiffness of muscles of the arms, legs and neck) and slowing movement. But at the same time do not have to be present all three symptoms or they appear with the same intensity. It is often present depression, sleep disturbances, bladder and bowel. The rate of progression and severity of symptoms of the disease varies and depends on the individual. In some patients, even for a long time the disease does not affect the ability to perform everyday activities. It is important to detect the disease and treat its symptoms.
Treatment - recipes:
Fresh leaves of rabbit soca, which covers the ground like a carpet of our deciduous and coniferous forests, wash and squeeze the juice extractor. Every hour the patient should drink three to five drops diluted in tea from milfoil, from which the preparation of four to five cups a day. The solution drops rabbit soca must take place at least three times the amount of tea. At the same time, the spine rub, alternately, fresh squeezed juice rabbit soca and yarrow tincture. In the sun harvested milfoil flowers soaked in brandy from grain or fruit, intensity 38-40%, and 14 days to hold the sun. During the day, four hours at the back lining to keep the Swedes biter. With him, the patient does not have to lie. If the next tremor led to some numbness of the limbs, conducted full baths with thyme 200 g cabbage. The same bath, re-warmed, can be used twice.
U-liter jar pour half a liter of oil from cottonseed fruit. For this oil drop one tablespoon of minced root of wild ginger and leave to stand for 14 days in the sun or a hot place. Tim drug massaging the spinal cord and shakiness disappear. There are people who treat the drug drunkenness.
Against trembling hand preparing tea follows: One tablespoon of nettle cook with 200 grams of water for 3-4 minutes. It should be consumed three times a day after one cup. It can be drunk for a long time, tea benefits not only nerves, but also anemia, heart conditions and asthma.
Sage leaves beaten into dust, and to take a meal after teaspoon daily.
Mix after 3 tablespoons yarrow and rabbit mandrel after 4 tablespoons birch leaves and cress. One teaspoon of this mixture Pour 2 ounces of boiling water, let stand covered for 10-15 minutes to drink every hour or two, after a few sips.

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