AS the saying goes discover your purpose for life,before choosing a partner for life.all this are the following step to take
when choosing a partner
1 LOVE - love is the first step that lead into marriage ,before a man and a woman will come together as husband they
must have feelings for eachother in a relationship where there is no feelings it cannot lead to marriage even if it does
it is barn to fail.
2 SPIRITUALITY - the first and criteria for a sucessful marriage is that,it must be rooted in christ any relationship that
does not have christ as the solid rock or pillar can never stand or survive.
3 WHO YOU MARRY - who you marry determines how long your relationship will last,never be pressured to marry when
you are not ready or do not marry out of self pity.
4 FINANCIAL STATE - marriage is not for boys but for matured men,if you dont have a job you have no buisiness getting
married instead channel all your energy into getting a job.
5 HOW COMMITTED IS SHE/HE - before you get married ask yourself if you are ready ,do not marry out of pity.
6 ARE YOU BOTH READY- do not jump into any relationship when you are not ready,never let friends,spiritual leaders
most expecially parents force you into marriage simply because they love that person or they want grandchildren.
7 COMMUNICATION /COMPANIONSHIP- do not make your partner your friend ,out of your friend choose a partner
marry your friend because a friend loveth at all time,never complain that your partner talk too much because thats
why you are in the relationship to talk and listen to each other.
8 WHY DO YOU WANT TO MARRY- never marry under pressure or pretence ,most time people are always in a hurry to
marry or meet a date deadline that they forget to ask themselves why are they getting marrried ? never beg someone
to marry you or use sex to tie a man, men dont use gift to beg a woman to marry you.