How I am evolving from a greedy profit focused STEEMIAN to a community member Pt. 1

in #life7 years ago

I just entered into the @merej99 community challenge. It is a post I resteemed that I highly recommend everyone to take a gander to see if it’s something that you could benefit from.


I plan on writing the qualifications for this challenge as a 7-10 part series. This post is #1.

My goal as spelled out in the challenge is to write ONE quality post per day for at least 7 of 10 days.

• Respond to all comments
• Minimum of 1 photo/gif
• Minimum 300 words

There are some additional requirements specified in the original post along with potential prizes.

The prizes are cool but that is not the reason I entered. When I 1st joined STEEMIT about 5 weeks ago my primary motivation was the potential profit’s that be can be made from posting, curating and speculating on the price of STEEM.
As time passed by something really wonderful began to happen. Let me qualify that I’m primarily an introvert with set limits on how much I will connect with people. I am a bit paranoid and do not have many real friends virtually or otherwise. I am a high school drop out and have a felony conviction for selling 1 ounce of cannabis when I was 21 to who I then believed to be a friend.

Among other things one of my biggest fears has always been writing. I quickly discovered on STEEMIT if I wanted to succeed here I would have to get out of my comfort zone. I needed to discard my old belief system and start to evolve into a new person.

As I tried to wrap my head around this platform and all of the moving parts:

• Functionality of all the keys
• Protecting my keys
• Tools for monitoring my account
• Automation tools i.e. voting bots
• Function of votes, post, comments and resteem’s
• Chat room’s and more

My head began to spin from information overload. Fearing that I may have not used my keys correctly paranoia began to set in and I went back to square one “Functionality and protection of my keys”. I think it was almost comical how I reset my master password and keys about 4-5 times ( I lost count). Once I was confident enough that I had properly secured and backed up my keys I then began to power up my account.

Forgive me part 2 is coming up next.
Thank you for reading.
Below is a photo I shot this last weekend at Asbury Park NJ.
only jersey understands jersey.JPG


I think Steemit gives us introverts a chance to explore what we can share, and find our own comfort levels. I've joined mere's challenge too and although I've already been commenting where I can, it will stretch me to engage even further.

That is so freaking awesome! One of the top things I love about life is the ability to grow and reinvent ourselves. Being able to change our perspective and see things differently are all beautiful traits of being human.

You rock @kiwideb, keep being HUMAN!

This challenge is brilliant and i think you are going to grow alot in these 10 days..

Thanks for been open about your past. I am exactly the same in terms of writing. I always failed my writing work in school, and that trauma brought me into the real world thinking i was no good. It's just amazing how you can discover skills you never knew you had!

In terms of the paranoia, I can relate. I don't know what word to use to describe it, but all my lk
Life i have suffered from a mix between OCD, frustration and insanity all in one situation.. i was a constant overthinker, never getting anything done. I always jumped from shiny one shiny object to another, just building foundations, but no buildings..

I had to self assess. I started to do a ton of personal development. I was hammering 12 hours a day on how i could improve myself.

I came to one conclusion. It was action. All the information in world is very powerful, but only if used correctly. If it's just being absorbed and retained, it has no use but for perhaps a dinner impression.. It becomes powerful when applied. So action is the true power :)

Great post brother. Glad you are stepping out of your comefort zone. Talk soon :)

Thank you for reading and your comment.

@merej99 posted: My favorite quote of all time is from Ernest Hemingway, "Write hard and clear about what hurts."

I took this to heart when writing this post and tried to leverage the freedom that comes from putting yourself out there and being transparent. As you know its an empowering experience that sets the stage for transformation.

I can definitely agree with that. Very empowering :)

Brother, in my opinion (I could be wrong), but I feel like you are leaving a lot of content hidden away in some chest.. And this chest is a treasure chest. It's overflowing with gold and diamonds xD

What am I saying?

I can see you are not making content about your true passion.. And I'm taking a risk by saying this, as I really don't want to be rude or too hard-coming..

I'll give an example.. This post was awesome, and I can see you put the effort in, which is brilliant! But it didn't even nearly have the impact as to when I read your comment the other day about your 500 BTC you once had and lost.. I could see the passion and emotion in that comment. It drove me to much greater heights!

Just, purely my opinion of course.. You don't have to listen, but I think your content has huge hitting potential if you start talking about the things that ponder in your head! The things that drive you. The things that have happened that will help the lives of others.. Because I know for a fact it's all laying, waiting in that treasure chest!

Just something to think about :) Sorry if this didn't come across the right way by some chance.. I mean only great intentions! I just see a lot of potential :)

By the way, did you see my latest post? :) It is my first 'bigger paying' post :) Let me know what you think!

@enazwahsdarb Thank you, thank you, thank you for your input. I really appreciate that you took the time to comment and give some constructive criticism. I'm always open to improving and any advice that can enlighten me on how to do this.

Yes I agree I'll have to dig deeper to get into that treasure chest. I'll need help along the way getting access to the map. Maybe with the help of community members like yourself and others I can get on the proper road to unlocking these riches.

Would you believe that I used to be super shy when I was younger? I'm still socially awkward but have pretty much gotten over myself in my old age. LOL Kind of funny that you changed your keys so many times. I'm afraid to do that too many times for fear that I'll forget which one was the last one! :)

Welcome to the challenge @sneakgeekz You're off to a great start. Keep going!

Changing my keys was one of the most stressful things I've done in a long time. Specifically, because I just powered up a fair amount of Steem.

I was signing for a lot of tools and was entering in keys in which I didnt understand how they functioned into these different websites. I also had kept a copy of the Master password on my computer for longer than I felt comfortable.

This challenge is lot of fun and it is creating a lot of activity in my feed.
No matter what happens I already feel like a winner.
Thank you again for the great idea!

I'm glad to hear that your experiences on SteemIt have been positive. I connected with your comment:

primarily an introvert with set limits on how much I will connect with people

I am looking to expand my comfort-zone as well. Additionally, I just hit my 'Information Overload' a few days ago and even wrote about it:
I haven't hit the paranoia stage, yet, but I'm sure it's coming. hahaha

Thank you. Yes the learning curve has been steep but It has been well worth it. I have always resisted connecting too deeply on mainstream social media platforms primarily due to the centralization of those platforms but also the monetization model they use. The fact that these platforms are selling our data and that we are paying them to do it in the form of our content and bandwith.

Many people are not aware that:

*50% of the average user’s mobile data is spent loading advertisements and trackers, which means users spend more on data plans every month than necessary.
*Advertisements take about 5 seconds to load over mobile devices, on average
*Ads decrease a phone’s battery life by as much as 21%
*Large media websites host up to 70 trackers on a single page, which means each user’s privacy is continuously violated
*Malware, including malicious advertisements and ransomware, have risen by 132% in a single year

I'm very thankful for Steemit.

Wow. I had no idea on those statistics. Makes me think.

I agree, there is a lot to get your head around. So much to learn, so much possibility.

Yes it is a paradigm shift and a new reality that we need to wrap our heads around in order to maximize our time.

The future will only be limited by our imagination. This is an incredible time to be alive.

Thanks for stopping by and checking my post.

Good for you. Hope you can keep it it till day 10 :)

Thank you brother that is appreciated. With people like you commenting on my post it will be much easier to stay consistent.

Thanks for sharing .
we can mutually benefit following & upvoting each others post.
my blogs are related to Yoga ,Ayurveda ,Personal dev,The3 things & crypto.I am sure you will like them.
have upvoted above post .
waiting for you coming to my Small home of wellness .

Well that sounds great. What you share about are many subjects I'm trying to learn more about.

Hopefully our relationship here will enlighten you, me and the greater community.

Thanks for checking my post!

I had joined the community by looking its high payout. But, now I do not take care about payout just here for gaining and spreading knowledge in community. nice post.

That is great to hear and I get it. I am experiencing something similar as you. I'm nowhere near being a completely benevolent member of this community. In time I hope to evolve into new person with new goals and perspective.

Good luck to you in your quest to better the community!

Thank you . It's appreciated and good luck to you!

GOOD bro!

Thank you, your comment is appreciated. I hope you come back to read the rest of my post in this series.
Choo, Choo!

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