Motivation For A Healthy Lifestyle | #BecomeHealthy

in #life7 years ago

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. 🔥

#BecomeHealthy is moving forward. In my previous post My Nutrition Tips | #BecomeHealthy, I talked about a new challenge for everybody who is interested in changing their lifestyle into a healthier one. No matter how old you are, it is never too late to start with a good nutrition to treat your body well because you only have one in this lifetime. After getting such a positive feedback and lots of privat questions, I decided to start the next article with a motivation post. People asked me how to stay motivated in order to achieve the goal they dream of and I already experienced several ups and downs so this is the perfect opportunity to share what worked best for me. 

As I already mentioned in my last #BecomeHealthy post, it does not matter how often you exercise. In order to achieve the body and health you wish, you need to look out what you are eating and take care of your physical but mental health as well!

How To Stay Motivated 

Have A Clear Vision Of Your Goal And "Why"

This may sound obvious but it is actually a main reason which will lead you to success. I am not talking about your aesthetic goals because this is rarely enough to keep going. Eventually the burger, cheesecake, pasta, fries, soda or whatever your weakness is will look really good and you´ll decide to hate dieting more than being fat and give up. You need to figure out a health-related goal which may include aesthetic goals as well and write them down. Focus on long-term goals and create a plan on how you will get there. 

Give Yourself Short Term Goals 

Some people are scared of long-term goals and can not jump on a diet, fitness plan and new natural living lifestyle all at ones. Try to figure out smaller goals and put them on paper. Maybe a plan for the next week. Go to the grocery store and buy some healthy foods for the next few days. Once you reached the goal, start on another! 

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself makes you feel happy and proud. If you have the need of some motivation which is non-food related, then inspire yourself with some ideas that I put together down below. 

- Upgrade your home gym with new euquipment

- Plan a day trip somewhere you normally wouldn´t consider going

- Enjoy yourself at a nice spa 

- Take a day off and relax ( recruit a babysitter, family member - whatever it takes )

Keep Learning

It is already in my DNA to keep learning and never stop to grow. I want to be the best version of myself and don´t want to look back and think I could have done it better. To keep your motivation high and focused on your goal, it is always good to remember why you started in first place. Taking in new information only feeds the desire! If you haven´t got the time to sit down and read a book, listen to an audiobook while cleaning the house or driving to work. Your family might hear some information which will benefit them too! For inspiration I will do a separate post about documentations, movies, books and all that stuff!

Buddy Up

Sometimes it´s easier to go through the journey with your friend, sibling or spouse. It does not only have the advantage of having fun together, it has shown that people who worked together on a particular goal achieved long-term success. 

Make A Habit

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit but I say it takes less than that if you have a system and a routine in place. As with most aspects of life, it is easier to go through the journey if you have a regular routine. 

Write Down 5 Reasons What Benefits You On A Healthy Lifestyle 

If you need some motivation in the morning or after work why you should go to the gym and eat a salad instead of chilling on the couch and order a pizza then write down 5 reasons what benefits you on a healthy lifestyle. For example, you are fitter and have more energy, you are preventing deficiencies, you rarely get sick, you become a role model, you look better, you skin is getting clearer etc. etc... 

Buy clothes 1 size smaller

If your dream is to loose some weight but you couldn´t find the right motivation to start, then buy yourself a beautiful dress o pants in 1 size smaller than you actually are. Work hard until you reach the goal and you are going to feel the happiness floating through your entire body! This is the perfect motivation to keep going.


I hope these tips will help you reaching your dream goal! I just started with some healthy dishes from breakfast to dinner and it isn´t that bad to be honest. If you choose some alternatives to the food you actually love, it is not a big deal to change them into the healthier version! For example, I loved to add some chocolate to my cereals to sweeten them up but instead of chocolate, I use fruits such as strawberries, grapes, raspberries or bananas. Instead of butter I chose an avocado which didn´t taste very different because I normally use a slight amount of butter. Adding some chia seeds was actually very delicious because my mind knew all the benefits about it! Dates just gave me the right energy for the day which means I do not need to take artificial drinks to feel charged with energy. I switched from fries over to couscous and rice which give you a lot of B vitamins, iron and magnesium. 

You see, there are several options to brighten up your nutrition in a way you will love it! 

Let me know which motivation work best for you 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 


Just Wow! Really a great post dear @soldier
I have learned many things from your post. Stay blessed and be happy.

I saw a video that I was practicing in anime sport so it was graceful and I liked the focus in the tutorial

Anime always brings out the beast inside of me. ( in a positive way )
They show us supernatural energies and learn us that everything is possible! Thanks for the addition, I should have mention Anime as well

Great thoughts i appereciate you you always come with new thoughts I always learn from your post Thanks for threse great words these are very impressive and motivational keep it up God bless you
Rewarding yourself makes you feel happy and proud. If you have the need of some motivation which is non-food related, then inspire yourself with some ideas that I put together down below.

  • Upgrade your home gym with new euquipment

  • Plan a day trip somewhere you normally wouldn´t consider going

  • Enjoy yourself at a nice spa

  • Take a day off and relax ( recruit a babysitter, family member - whatever it takes ) hope you also visit my blog @soldier thanks

Thanks! Glad you like it and use it to learn and motivate yourself

No doubt you are a great steemer and doing a great job I always wish you health and wealth
Glad you always read my comment and give a proper response

Hey @soldier,being a long while
I am truly motivated by your words
As so acheiving those goals

So glad to hear that!

muchas gracias, precisamente mi ultimo post trata sobre mi estado de salud y mi obesidad! tratare de seguir los consejos que estas dando! por favor si puedes ver y sugerirme lo que creas necesario te lo agradeceré! te dejo mi humilde voto! ( te puedo escribir al privado?)

Puedes escribirme en privado en Steemit Chat. Estoy feliz si puedo ayudar

thanks for sharing this post i appreciate your life carry on my dear friends..resteemit....

Thanks for the lovely feedback

i will focus and work on everything you mentioned dear very inspiring post you shared

Let me know what worked best for you :)

thanks for sharing all the motivation feeling inspired right now with you work this is very helpful for me :)

Glad to hear that!

I dream of losing some weight. I think If I was a bit slimmer I would look like a Greek god.
Right now I only look like drunk fat homeless Jesus(

If you can imagine it, you can do it! If you stay consistent, do exercises and have a healthy nutrition, then the greek god isn´t that far ;)

I'm joking, I have a sports body. I can jump like a butterfly, I bend like a yoga guru king.
All thanks to Sumo sports body.

we should keep learning all the way and keep going great message dear friend thanks for sharing :)

Glad you like it