SoldierAdvice 💂🏼‍♀️☝🏽 - What Is Success? What Does It Mean To Be Successful?

in #life7 years ago (edited)
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Herman Cain

Everyone of us strives for success. People made us think that happiness comes with success and success is money, right? If we earn a lot of money, does it mean we´re successful? Or does being successful has a different meaning? 

In my opinion is success a feeling. It has nothing to do with money or wealth. You could be successful without having a lot of cash but are rich in other things for example - rich in friends, ideas, healthy family members or anything that is important for you. For me the major key to success is to handle problems on my own. Everything that happens to me is my own fault and I dont blame others for it! Before you think about the success, define what fulfills you. I heard a great podcast of Tony Robbins the other day and he talked about fulfillment. People are striving for goals, but what if this is not the fulfillment of their lives? He often get calls from manager of diverse artists who won for example a grammy which was their life goal but they somehow do not feel complete. 

Today I want to discuss what success means to you

Only you can determine your goals!

Here are some of my thoughts about success. These following listing helped me to get to know my own "world of success". Maybe you find something that matches to your belief system as well. 


I really like this word. After many years of learning, I found out that mistakes are great as long as you dont repeat the same mistake twice. You maybe often heard that mistakes exist to learn from it and this is actually very true. How would a world look like with people knowing everything? Exactly, this would be a total chaos. It wouldnt be life anymore. I have learned that success doesn´t consist in never making any mistakes. As long as you take advantage of it, you will receive success. 

Know the rules

No matter which game you want to play, first make sure you know the rules and after that you can play better than anyone else.  Following and understanding the rules is the key to win the game but sometimes you just need to create your own rules in order to own the game. 

Don`t wait

Bad things will happen to all of us but the things will only left those who hustle! Waiting will take you nowhere. If you want to achieve anything, work for it. Don´t wait for the right time. This will never happen, you need to make the moment perfect. 


My past has shaped me. I was surrounded by negative people and I gave them a chance to push me down. After getting stronger, finding a new environment, hustling hard and changing my mindset, I have seen some of those people again. How do their lives look like? Some of them work at a checkout, in a discounter or retrying their high school/ college. This is totally fine, but I´m pretty sure they wished to get a better live. Maybe they will in the future but it doesnt look good for now. Hate really brings you nowhere. If you are fulfilled with love, love will come back to you!

Taking all we have

Am I meant to be? Well, everyone should use their full potential and doing the best they can. Success is not the doing as well as not the getting like Zig Ziglar once said.

 "Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”

Keep doing

The reason why most people fail is because they somehow stop doing with what they once started. Success means for me to never give up! Imagine joining a tournament - Only those who are holding on will succeed after those who let go. You learn more by losing than from winning. Learn to keep going to matter what will happen to you!


Think about what really makes you happy. Is it a big family? The job of your dreams? Or do you dream of doing a trip around the globe? Everyone strives for different goals therefore you can not define success. 


Motivation is a great way to keep you energized! It gives me strength even when my mood is a little down.

Now I want to share some quotes with you that have the power to refocus my mind

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
– Arthur Ashe
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”
– Vince Lombardi
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
– Herman Cain

I would like to know what success means to you. 

Have you ever thought about it, without having people´s opinion back in your mind?

I hope you like this advice for success.

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

*Image source - |


Great article!
I completely agree. They say "the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra". With a little effort - setting goals, focusing on what you like, developing yourself, sharing your ideas with others etc. - you can achieve great things. But you need that little effort - if you like what you are doing it will be much easier.

"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal" - Earl Nightingale

Great one , thanks for sharing

Dont let the bad things come in your way. Work smart and you will be successful.

100% agree!

Learn from your mistakes and you will be successful.

To me Success is happiness (personal and finnancial freedom... To do what you like, with who you like)

Cheers good post, will have to note most of it Down... Intresting/ intelligent

Great! I love to inspire others! Money is important when you want financial freedom, to know you can travel around the world. But its not the only happiness you can achieve

Thats good, definitely true... more people need to realise that, some rich people are so obsessed that they do not care at all what happens to others kinda sick

If you want to be successful don't be scared about trying new things.

That`s great! Should have mention that too, thanks for sharing

You are welcome. Love reading your posts.

It's always fun to read your poste. Keep going

Thanks sara, appreciate it

Woow great work @solidier, thank you for sharing and for the infomration

Thank you, glad you like it

It's good to follow this up article. Bravo @ soldier continue

Thank you a lot! Appreciate it

I truly appreciate your inspiring that's on this platform. It is necessary to kind of construct a to do list not only for things that you want to get done that are materialistic. But you need to take time out and write a to do list and where you want to go in life.

Thats great! To do lists are very helpful because we often forget many things in life. Thanks for this advice !

No problem the feeling is mutual 😊