Wealth Disparity – What are it’s true causes? Is there really not enough for everyone? And how can we address this.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Could we say that sometimes poverty consciousness at a deep rooted level is what’s not allowing some to have what they truly want? And by that we mean, to have decent material aspects taken cared of. It is on some level so, though it is not the individual solely to be blamed.

We live in a society that has embraced money as a form or medium of exchange. And this has been for a time now. In larger quantities, money becomes wealth.

We also live in a world where there’s about 1 billion people who don’t get enough to eat and are undernourished. Certainly there is a lack of adaptation, understanding and utilization of this mode of exchange and wealth.

When we look at the aspect of poverty consciousness, it stems from a deep rooted belief that ‘money is evil' or that money is the cause of all suffering. And that there’s always not enough. And these have their basis, as when it’s seen by all the splurging, and hoarding and mismanagement and manipulation. The 'have nots' as we may say, always despise those who actually have.

The big question is, can this be addressed, and is money the true long way through? There are many who talk about different modes of wealth and distribution, and many remain as concepts. What we know for sure is that money is here to stay for the interim. And it’s important to work on an effective utilization of it before another form of wealth or economics replaces it, if seen viable.

The nature of being human is that we are a part of nature itself. And by right, our needs and sustenance are all derived from the earth. The earth is the provider, so as we call it mother earth. Over the course of mankind’s development and advancement there’s been found new ways of structuring society and civilizations. And it’s been found, perhaps, that in order to exchange and distribute things effectively, there needs to be a mode of transaction.

This may be something new, that not in all of human history it’s been in place – the use of money. Yet it has been adopted. Coming from earlier ages, we may say, the agrarian age and before that, subsequently moving to the industrial and now information age, the way in which things are transacted and how people attain their basic requirements has changed. It’s no longer a ‘harvesting for self' type of way, it’s now a more robust, dynamic and sytemized kind of way. Where we can get things from stores and even the internet. A huge variety of them.

The case here in this current way of economics and wealth is that the disparity lies within the communities, people and regions that don’t yet have an understanding or grasp of really using money as a form of currency in transactions and also using it as a tool for wealth building and future sustenance. There’s either the way of living off the land or there are those who’ve had the wrong connotations to money, not by their fault.

There’s nothing wrong with living off the land, as long as you’re contented with it. For those though who live in modern environments, who need basic survival, and where money is a form of dependence, it is crucial and important to work out those poverty consciousness beliefs that lie deep within. It may be a case of growing up in a family that’s broken and poor that always had struggles with making payments, or it could be an environment of a well to do background of where a spouse or parents are a controlling type that have constricted you of money and freedom. Or it could be compulsive ways of spending and raking debts in a way of finding fulfilment in things. Even a down trodden belief by experiencing a time of tribulation or war, maybe through the stories of elders and ancestors, that survived it all through a minimal – that it seems humbling and heroic to shun money.

Whatever they cling on or hold on to as their association and attitude towards money, will continue to linger deep down within. It is with this will come an unknowing habit of repelling money or having it spent and leave their hands too quickly in a way of ‘getting rid of it’. Certainly it’s not their fault that this sort of attitude towards money has been ingrained in them. Some may have also been overtly put in a dire state of finance by policies and prevailing situations in their countries or regions.

Casualties of consequences, we may say. And in fact that’s the right way to put it. In any case, providence should be there by right for every man, woman and child. And a way of earning a living in a decent way and being able to lead balanced and healthy lives cannot be denied. The case of which we're dealing with here is that money is the medium in that all. Not just as a tool of exchange but also as a mode of wealth and prosperity.
As of where we stand right now, money is central in our economy. And it’s also a measurement of development and success. Understanding this it’s vital and important that a proper attitude and utilization of money be put in place. It’s for those who know the benefits and rightfulness of money to impart this to those who are foreign or careless with it. It is in knowing of how to truly channel money and use it with proper intention that it not only benefits those who receive it, but also the giver.

In all it’s essence, money is a form of energy. Yes it may appear as paper or in digital format, nevertheless by the prominence and acceptance we give it through our collective consciousness, it holds energy. Therefore it is important that this be understood, for the reason that if this instrument of energy exchange is wrongly correlated or used, it will result in unwanted consequences. Rightfully, if money can be construed in a way that it can bring happiness to others and development to our surroundings, then in all that sense, money is used by rightful thought.

On the contrary, if money is used in a way that it’s seen as something that’s viled and be used on wrong purposes and with wrong intentions – such as greed, hatred and destruction then it becomes an altogether different form of energy that’s being channelled. Many people do not know this. Especially those who are marginalized and sidelined; who money and wealth has been kept from them and has been used towards them the wrong way. They would inadvertently have a wrong impression of money. And in the way of using it. And this type of association towards money and wealth then becomes the root of other issues concerning material well-being.

Some are lucky that they’ve been brought up in environments that educate them the right way in using wealth, or they learn it eventually through trials and realizations and coming across the right people or mentors who guide them, or even some who know from within the way of sharing and giving. These are the gracious ones. And it is up to these 'Angels of Wealth' to guide the rest and show the way. If it’s possible to have even this small understanding of – “every dollar that I’m giving away helps someone else earn an income and make a living” or even “every dollar that I donate to a good cause will help someone or the environment in some way”, then the thought of losing a 'last dollar’ becomes redundant.

It is in giving that abundance spreads, so as that everyone is well off and taken cared of. That if we believe in the law of cause and effect and the cycle of things, that this very well will return in greater proportion. Having the thought of giving generously, as in the example of the dollar above is also akin to cooking a wholesome delicious meal for someone who might have visited your home, perhaps a friend or a relative, knowing that they deserve to be treated well and you putting on your best game as a host. Similarly, in the world of wealth and prosperity, it’s for you to play this role as a giver, knowing that it will come back to you sooner or later. Do so consciously.

Know that the universe takes this cue and always has your back. We know for a fact that prominent philanthropists always have more to give, more than can be used by several of their inheriting generations. We all have free will to decide how and what we can use as tools of growth for us and others. In the case of wealth it’s about it’s flow. Till there’s a better more inventive and efficient way of allocation and distribution and transaction, it’s only wise to utilize and build upon what efficiency we have achieved so far.

The key that's to be understood here is that it’s not about fringing or hoarding or wasting. It’s in wise, constructive and conscious use of wealth that it then manifests into betterment for all. It’s very much for those in top ranks of society and those angels of wealth to exude this and be true examples, as well as imparting this to those who have little or no grasp in the mechanics and use of instruments of wealth, such as money.

It is every human's right to have his/her basic needs covered and having come this far in development and advancement, there shouldn't be any reason that any nation, region or person be left out. With all that the earth has to give as well. Every person has to be accorded a decent life in a way to grow, expand, develop and to then be able to do more for others and society.

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P.S. - On a view of how new economics can be imparted and that’s already being trialed read my article -
Future Money - https://steemit.com/money/@spiritualseeker/future-money-how-universal-basic-income-should-be-structured-and-chartering-a-new-way-of-wealth