Happiness is an inside job

in #life7 years ago

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the humans freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

(Clearly running out of pictures haha jks)


I’ve recently been reading a lot on the power of positive thinking, and as to how it can change your world.
I’ve stumbled upon a sentence that truly resonated with me: “ You brain likes to use short-cuts, and it will short-cut to use the pathways that are used most frequently. The brain will come to see that as the “norm.”

That’s when I realised how much powerful positive self-talk really is.
No wonder why I have been feeling like shit for too long.
I trained my brain into thinking that.
I attached myself so deeply to each negative and self-destructive thought that came to my mind.
How can you possibly truly enjoy life if you put so much focus on things that lowers your frequency?

How can I possibly be happy if I keep on putting my happiness on outer things, instead of looking in the mirror and seeing the one person that I need to make happy, regardless of anything.

I don’t have a freaking choice anymore.
If I don’t take 100% responsibility for my life, no one will do it for me.
The sooner you wake up to that, the sooner your life will change in the best possible way.

I can either be my own worst enemy, or my own best friend.

I think that the day I will truly master these things, I will truly become powerful and successful.

Not everybody wins at life.
I’m switching team.
I’m tired of losing.
I will use each fucking failure as fuel to keep me going.
You only got One life.
That’s it.


Right on!
I used to have a mantra taped in front of my desk: "I listen to the words I use. If they are negative or limiting, I change them." However, I insist on being honest, and sometimes things do indeed suck. So it becomes a kind of exercise figuring out how to express my situation as an openended teaching moment sort of thingy. :) blessings to you

Wow thanks so much for this empowering comment:)
You’re so right about honesty though.
It’s important to be kind with ourselves, but staying true too.

Thanks, I'm glad you find it helpful. I learned so much by listening to this series. It has a free registration for hours of solid info. http://live.soundstrue.com/selfacceptance/ I believe one of the speakers is the one who says that mantras you don't believe in actually make things worse. Hehe, now I am loading up the lectures to listen to again today, myself...it has been awhile. Have a great day!

Love this keep up the great posts !!!

nice post
thank you

You've had some depression?

I have!
I hope you are doing well:)

Awe. Hope you're doing better now.
I'm pretty good. :)
Thank you for the upvote.

You’re so kind:)
The pleasure is mine🌟💙

You're so beautiful and nice. :)

Wow you made my day!!!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart! You’re a sweetheart!💗🌟

I try lol

And the first freedom is the freedom from "like" and "dislike" when you have an aim.

I purposely came to find you and had to search out your name, I thought you were not active or I would have heard from you.

Seems when a lot of people start doing well on here, they forget about the people that interacted with them earlier on.

Glad you are doing OK.

You have no absolute idea how much your comment made my night.
It feels great to see that people care sometimes. Bless your kind soul.❤️
I really wish I could be friends with the kind and supportive people like you on here.
This platform gives me hope in humans 💓
Ps: I never forget about you.
You are in fact my fave human on here:)

My lawyer stuff for my injury is going better than expected currently. So there is that.

This whole mess with being run over is also an Inside Job by the state

It is funny because when I do not hear from you, I do actually miss you and know you deal with stuff too.

I just busted my ass here the first 12 months, replying to EVERYONE and EVERY comment.... on every post. Literally doing my best and checking on people....

I do a couple things people disagree with, lose a ton of support and get left for dead when people start making money on their blogs or getting 10 comments a day....

I was doing on average 60 comments a day and sometimes more, as a stats guy, I know this and everyone noticed.

I just feel sad and left behind and see all this stuff going on - I was wondering if you would understand or not.

You’re so kind wow I have no words.
Thank you so much man.
You words mean more than you know💙
Keep on doing what you do.
Every time I read what you write I start laughing because you’re so enthusiastic. That’s gold.
How you make your money is more important than how much you make.
Writing is my therapy.
That’s why I love Steemit so much. You get to connect with like minded people who get it.
You’re authentic and genuine and I got your back!:) always.

When you’re sad, think of me and an emu 🤩
Man I can’t believe that’s how you noticed me.

And BTW, the brain/neuro paths you are discussing is part of the reason people are foggy and dumbed down, on fluoride in their water.

You can read about that stuff in my weekly update on the subject on my blog or twitter. Last E. went up 24 hours ago.

The paths you are referring to are " neuromuscular junctions" - used every day in everything from getting out of bed, things in the gym etc.

To an extent, you can rewire these paths if you look into things.

Wow epic man.
Thanks a lot:)
Will go do that now 🤩💜😘

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